Two E-Bikes Walk Into a Bar...


10 mW
Dec 15, 2012
New York
I’m sure practically all of us have spent time on the internet searching out info on various e-bike topics, and in doing so, have unexpectedly come across stuff that made us laugh. So how about we have a little fun with a thread in which we all share some of the e-bike related links and photos we’ve encountered that we think others here will find amusing? After all, taking a short humor break away from the usual discussions of innovating and engineering might just prove a pleasantly effective way for us to recharge our own mental batteries. So I’ll start off this thread with three things that have made me chuckle:

1) Want to be taken seriously by your fellow e-bikers and immediately gain their everlasting respect? Well then, I suggest you do not show up at a group ride decked out in this cycling attire:

I simply must add as an aside that I think Pee Wee’s bike as seen in “Pee Wee’s Big Adventure” is totally and wonderfully phenomenal. Is there anyone here who wouldn’t just LOVE to convert it to an e-bike? Umm... now, don’t all raise your hands at once!

2) OK, moving right along, we have what has to be the most over-the-top astonishing intro page put up on the internet by any e-bike manufacturer. Really, each time I’ve watched it, I experienced an almost nagging feeling that I’m supposed to stand up and applaud at its conclusion. But before I ever do that, I would first need to know what ideas the song lyrics are putting forth. Do we have any Mandarin fluent members who can post an English translation? If so, that would be greatly appreciated. But until then, I shall continue to limit my reaction to slowly shaking my head in amused wonderment.
Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I give you the amazing Licheng E-Bike intro page:

3) Now, here is something that typifies a class of funny stuff that is often encountered when one is searching Asian bicycle websites: the “How in the world did they come up with that name for it?!” phenomenon. Behold the FranceBed e-trike. And, by all means, do be sure to watch the video at the link!

Actually, despite its rather baffling name, I think the FranceBed is a very nicely designed e-trike with some good practical features. In fact, an e-trike very similar to the FranceBed was on my short list of turn-key e-bikes I’d like to get if I wound up coming to the conclusion that putting together something of my own wasn’t going to be the best idea after all.

Alright, now that we've got things rolling, anyone one else with something funny (or even just plain weird) to add, please feel free to go right ahead and do so.
Two impressions from the Licheng E-Bike intro page:
1) I can't help but think "happy fun time" as the animation loops
2) With the icon of the world, with all the arrows leading out of China - followed by the train zooming away and airplane leaving the city - it makes me think the all want to get the frock out of there ASAP. Made me chuckle.
MattyCiii said:
Two impressions from the Licheng E-Bike intro page:
1) I can't help but think "happy fun time" as the animation loops
2) With the icon of the world, with all the arrows leading out of China - followed by the train zooming away and airplane leaving the city - it makes me think they all want to get the frock out of there ASAP. Made me chuckle.
Hmm... I think you might really be onto something here, Matty. Can it be there's actually a subversive message of discontent contained within the intro page? It's quite an interesting theory.
Sancho's Horse said:
Licheng intro is standard patriotic stuff. "I want to tell you how proud I am." China building a new century, yadda yadda.
OK, that makes sense. The song has that Cultural Revolution vibe to it, which fits right in with sentiments of that type.
Sancho's Horse said:
The peewee spandex is perfect for a friend of mine. This made his day.
Wow, that's great! If your friend buys a set, do you think you can take a picture of him all decked out in it, and post it here if it's OK with him?
I bet there are plenty of us here who really enjoy looking at flashy new gadgets and seeing them in action. I know I sure do. This next video shows one of the latest cycling innovations to come out of Taiwan: The Magpie Multi-Functional Wireless Turn Signal and Light Set. Its makers certainly don’t hold back on their praise of it in this presentation clip. “Believe What You’re Seeing!” they instruct us. OK, so does this mean it will enable one to take corners just like the rider is shown doing at 1:10 into the clip? If so, then I’d say they’ve really got something there. They also declare that their nifty little product “Thoroughly Fulfills Your Needs.” Now, that claim does seem kind of a stretch... unless, of course, it’s directed at all the cyclists with a secret burning desire to have their bikes look as if a mini-UFO just landed on the handlebars. However, I'll bet there aren’t many of you who’ll deny that the Magpie folks sure came up with a real catchy upbeat tune as the background music. Really, just see if you don’t catch yourself bopping your head along with it before the clip is halfway done. Now, go ahead, have a look for yourself and, as they phrase it, “Enjoy the Amazement!”
The peewee spandex made my day!
Enjoyable! And I did watch that FranceBed vid; the part where she becomes “illuminated” had me in tears! :lol:

I did learn one thing though from when she plugs in to recharge the battery: It looks like Japan uses 110V 60Hz AC, yes? For some reason I figured they'd use a British Standard since they drive on the other side of the road.

Thanks for making my Sunday, KF :)
Kingfish said:
Enjoyable! And I did watch that FranceBed vid; the part where she becomes “illuminated” had me in tears! :lol:

I did learn one thing though from when she plugs in to recharge the battery: It looks like Japan uses 110V 60Hz AC, yes? For some reason I figured they'd use a British Standard since they drive on the other side of the road.

Thanks for making my Sunday, KF :)
You're very welcome! :)

Since I lack the necessary technical know-how I'd need to offer tips and suggestions for members' projects, I figured the best way to reciprocate for all the good advice I've gotten would be to make a thread like this that others might enjoy.
A while ago, a good friend of mine sent me the link to this next video. Here's "Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist Gets an E-Bike":
Kingfish said:
It looks like Japan uses 110V 60Hz AC, yes?
My daughter dated a Japanese exchange student awhile. He told me Japan had 2 different standards for electricity. Seems per this one site ( the difference is in the AC frequency - 60Hz and 50Hz.
We now have another promo video, this time for a Japanese e-trike named "Fresh Bicycle" for some reason. I have to admit, this clip is not exactly funny except for maybe two things in the first half: 1) At the start, there's a dude struggling up a hill on his bike... only to end up being made to eat e-trike dust. 2) From about 1:32 - 1:37, there's a guy who appears to be fleeing in disgust the set of "Iron Chef."

But even without loads of laughs, I think many will still find the second half quite interesting. It consists of a detailed look at what is apparently an e-trike prototype equipped with a fairly elaborate suspension system. Enjoy!
Nancy said:
Alright, now that we've got things rolling, anyone one else with something funny (or even just plain weird) to add, please feel free to go right ahead and do so.

I have posted this several times on the forum, but its worth posting here again i think hehe :mrgreen:


Defiantly made me laugh when i first saw it...

AussieJester said:
I have posted this several times on the forum, but its worth posting here again i think hehe :mrgreen:


Defiantly made me laugh when i first saw it...

HA! :lol: Now, those are my kind of superheroes!
R meets R: Oh man, that was too funny! Now I am inspired to create one for myself… the wheels are in motion… perking up one now…

<snicker> KF :twisted: