UK petition to legalise personal electric vehicles


1 mW
Dec 4, 2020
I believe that everyone in the UK who is interested in the promotion of personal electric transport should sign this petition.

This does not imply any political expression but only a freedom to pursue our endevours.
Hillhater said:
.....many of which are illegal on public roads in the UK.

All of which are illegal on public roads and pavements in the UK. Anything that isn't a pedal assist bicycle has to get specific type approval, and there is no type for e-scooters and the like. Some limited trials are being run in a few cities, but for very specific scooters provided by named companies.

The petition is really badly worded. It uses e-bikes as an example, but e-bikes are regulated as follows:

In general, petitions in the UK make the petitioners feel good about doing "something". Most that can happen is a debate in parliament - if 100,000 people sign it. Unfortunately, also attracts unforeseen side effects. In this case, if a lot of people sign it, the press is likely to get going about how every form of transport that isn't a car is dangerous and should have helmets made compulsory.
Speeding is also illegal, but everyone does it. Its the leading cause of injury and death on the roadways and they are multi thousand pound weapons. They should really limit horse power in ALL vehicles. Is there a petition for that :lol:
markz said:
..... They should really limit horse power in ALL vehicles. Is there a petition for that :lol:
Why limit the power, if SPEED is the issue ?
Power does not determine speed, especially as many of the speeding offences and related death occurr in “low” speed zones..IE pedestrian injuries in urban areas.