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Was bound to happen?


Rain and snow in May in S Cali?......?.....?....?...?..?.? Whaaaat! My poor tortoise Chomper can't swim and it's pouring outside! :roll:
:idea: Wait? Oh yeah! He's going to outlive all of us! :lol: He mght have to morph some gills or ride it out on a partially deflated football. :lol:


This is a 100 year storm event folks, never supposed to have happened in my entire lifetime. In May we're supposed to be having what Iowa is having right now: ie. earthquake weather. I don't know about you all, but I'm FREEZING! :roll:

Of course this will have 0 effect on the drought. :twisted: :twisted:
CHATTANOOGA, TN (WRCB) -Chattanooga police have a new device to help drivers and cyclists share the road. 
The device measures the distance between a car and bicycle. The department used National Bike to Work Day to show off the one-of-a-kind technology. 
Chattanoogans are trading their four wheels for a set of two. 
City leaders are trying to keep up with the rapidly growing cycling community by adding bike lanes and boosting safety enforcement. 
But cyclists like Pearl Pangkey say there's still a long way to go. 
“I don't think there's enough bike lanes and I think we just have to educate the public,” she said. 
Pangkey, who started biking to work earlier this year, says she recently had a dangerous encounter with a driver following too close. 
“I was going really slow because there was traffic and I was peddling and I hear this really loud engine sound and I turn and there's this big black SUV right beside me. I could have reached out and touched his hood,” she added. 
Chattanooga police have worked nearly 200 crashes involving cyclists in the last five years. Eighty-five percent of those crashes involved injuries. Two of those crashes were fatal. 
“Where this is a collision between a cyclist and a motorist, the cyclist is almost always going to lose in that collision. They're going to get hurt,” Chattanooga Police Officer Rob Simmons said. 
Simmons, a 13 year veteran, is one of 12 members of CPD's Bike Patrol. He says departments across the country have trouble enforcing the 3-foot law, which mandates drivers keep a safe distance from cyclists. 
“It's an opinion of an officer that sometimes will hold up in court and sometimes won't because judging distance from a distance is very difficult,” Simmons added. 
Simmons teamed up with an engineer in Texas to create a device that measures the distance between a vehicle and cyclist using radar. 
“[The signal will] bounce off the vehicle and then come back and I'm given a distance in inches of how far away the motorist was when they passed,” he added. 
The goal: to enforce the law and educate both drivers and riders. 
“As cyclists, we need to be predictable to the motorists and the only way to be predictable is to follow the laws that are set up. We are to act like vehicles and we have all the rights and responsibilities as vehicles,” Simmons said. 
The radar unit was paid for by the Friends of Outdoor Chattanooga, a cycling advocacy group. 
If you are cited for violating the 3-foot law in Chattanooga, it's considered a misdemeanor, meaning you would be required to pay a fee.
I would guess the "Off-Duty" Police officer, aka regular citizen, would have more lee-way for excessive force and assault, then your regular Joe.
i drive through that intersection every time i go that direction. this was negligent homicide in my opinion but you can see how the bike haters are all over that comments page. the level of risk drivers want to put bicyclist in has increased among certain elements of the self obsessed imo. that tow truck driver was either on the phone texting or dialing and never looked up when she turned into him. i doubt if she is arrested even. she was not detained at the scene.
http://www.newser.com/story/205609/inmate-carves-666-into-his-forehead-is-foiled-by-mirror.html :twisted:
(NEWSER) – A man who murdered four people in Nebraska in 2013 tried to carve 666 into his forehead but neglected to factor in the all-important detail that he was looking in a mirror at the time. As a result, Nikko Jenkins ended up with a trio of backward sixes, reports the Omaha World Herald. Jenkins told a judge by telephone of his botched attempt, the latest development in his convoluted legal journey. Jenkins faces a death-penalty hearing in July after pleading no contest to the killings, and while he insists he has a mental illness and obeys a serpent god, prosecutors insist he's faking it. He was declared competent to stand trial. More details on the case here.
http://metro.co.uk/2015/06/12/fello...cue-after-hes-dragged-off-boris-bike-5243507/ :x
Footage attached to a bicycle shows a man in a suit riding one of the hire bikes coming to a stop at a set of traffic lights.
The lights go green but a number of people are in the way of the Boris Bike.
An angry exchange of words take place before he’s pulled off and dragged to the ground.
The incident is defused by fellow cyclists who rush to his side and get the people to leave.
Yeah they are always the tough guy huh, always.
Then they run off like scared little pussy cats.
I'm lucky Im a big tall dude, no one ever messes with me....except the drunken ones.
I like the "Dont touch me" attitude, and the stare down. However me punching you involves touching you :lol: The stare down like thats intimidation.
Got to be careful nowadays, especially in the USA. Guns, Knives, people like to fight unfair now.

I had the oddball driver wanna go at it, luckily there was a parking maid nearby, a quick call on the radio but punk never did.
We, or shall I say I held up traffic for a bit, I like to stand in the middle of the road when stuff like this happens. Kickstand bike too.
Friends of a cyclist are preparing to tackle an epic cycle challenge he was training for at the time of his death.
Les Turnbull died aged 45 when his bike was hit by a bus in Barmston Way, Washington, on January 15 this year.
A keen cyclist Les was preparing to complete the Coast to Coast bike ride from Whitehaven in Cumbria to Sunderland but now his challenge will be completed by 16 of his friends in tribute.
Les, of Sulgrave, Washington, also raised funds for the Children’s Heart Unit Fund (CHUF) at the Freeman Hospital where his nephew Sam Turnbull underwent a series of operations.
Anthony Kelly who grew up with Mr Turnbull, said: “Les was going to do the ride.
“I had known him all my life.
“He was probably the best bloke you could meet, he was game for a laugh, he loved his family.
“He would help anybody.”
His generosity and love of his family led him to begin raising money for CHUF, so following his death the group pledged to carry on the ride in their friend’s memory.
Mr Kelly added: “We just want to raise as much as we can basically.
“We’ve been doing a lot of training, it’s been almost every day.
“Carrying on is what he would have wanted.
“Les did it four years ago and over the past year he’d lost loads of weight.
“He’d taken up biking again but then he got hit by the bus.”
The group are set to take on the 140-mile trail on July 3 and Mr Kelly is convinced the challenge will confirm Mr Turnbull’s popularity.
“He was a great lad, he was popular,” he said.
“I’ve never seen so many people at his funeral.”
Rather than set up a fundraising page Anthony has urged anyone wanting to support the group to visit http://www.chuf.org.uk/ and make a donation directly to the charity as the group is more concerned about supporting the hospital.
http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/golf-...st-golf-courses-i-ve-ever-seen-195035261.html :lol:
Truly horrible to watch, so much so that the water looks more inviting than the fairway. The grass is definitely greener on the other side of the bay. What were they thinking? How embarrassing for the USGA. :oops:
Even the color of the sand in the bunkers is nauseating. It looks like volcanic ash left over from Mount Saint Helens. :p The solitary sign which serves to delineate the putting greens is the presence of sprinkler heads on the putting surface. :twisted:
Wow! A couple of trains just went by! More exciting than the poor results of what should have been great golf shots. From the blimp camera views the course looks like a dead clear-cut area in the forest. :(
Amazing that the pros are afraid to complain loudly about this errant selection of a purported golf links. Gary Player is right about it being practically un-playable. Look at all those fans though, they really just want to see the pros mess up. :lol:
The only thing good about this year's Open IMO is that Tiger missed the cut. He can blame it on slipping on the hummocks and landing on his buttocks, and on the annoying buzzing of an overflying airplane towing a banner during his round which read "Cheater!". :roll:
http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2015/...round-then-really-unloads-on-usga-for-course/ :p
You can see the leading player's frustration on their faces because of the conditions, especially Jason Day. :x
They must have built this venue on top of a volcanic waste ash pile using a drunk running a bulldozer and someone on acid manning the design studio. The course could really use some green lawn paint to hide the poa annua weed gone to seed on the putting surfaces. It's much cheaper and safer than lead arsenate or calcium arsenate by the way. :evil:
Like putting across a field of Mexican Jumping Beans, the rolling golf balls keep doing the bunny hop. :pancake: Every time the ball hops, it skids a little; causing it to lose velocity and break to the side or not (it's unpredictable, really) which gives players the yips. Mowing the greens twice a day could help somewhat, but I'd like to see them try that during a major professional tournament. :lol:
Maybe the USGA will overseed the greens at Oakmont with genuine hybrid Crabgrass for next year's Open. :p In the future, we'll probably see a US Open held on a course consisting of Kikuyu grass greens and tees, morning glories covering the fairways, and Kudzu for rough; having tar pits for bunkers, with the golf fans swinging through the trees on vines like Tarzan and Jane. :roll:
Congratulations to young Jordan Spieth on his monumental win! :D