What motor should i purchase ?


10 W
May 3, 2012
Hello everyone I've been hooked on my ebike for a while now but the motor has given up (after i spent a fair while rewiring the hall sensors and phase wires) but i guess i will have to get over it lol
so my setup at the moment is a lyen controller 12fet 3077' and batteries are 48v lead acid battery's which eventually will be changed to lifepoe
(i think that's how you write it lol)
so if you have any ideas what would suit me best please let me no as i want to get on the road again
yes i would definatly want to be able to use my lyen controller as its only 2 weeks old .
i would also want to keep my batteries for the time being
ok think about this what you think guys

I'm certain that you can run that motor on your controller. Whether it's a good choice for what you intend to do with it we could only guess.

We're still even guessing about the controller. It has 12 fets. Give us a clue what amps it's set for at least.
Well, that's a whole kit. I thought you just needed a new motor?
I'm not trying to blow you off, I just need info what kind of riding you plan on before I say this or that motor will be good for you. With that controller, if you have it set to 40 amps, and run 72v or more, melting the motor in 30-40 min is quite possible. It's nearly inevitable, if you were to take it on rides on steep singletrack trails.
i have emailed the ebay buyer and asked if they do just the hub and wheel they replied usd 202 which i thought was ok free shipping to
as for my settings on the controller i believe its set at 40a at 48v but i'm in the process of buying a usb adapter from lyen so i can input my own settings
maybe i could input the exact controller setting from the auction ?
48v at 30 amps should be safe enough. Above that, watch the motor for temp, they over heat fast on 72v 40 amps. Fun while it lasts though.
thanks lads i really appreciate all your help as i don't now much but i'm learning slowly
I also forgot to mention about the battery packs ?
eventually i would like to get the lifepoe batterys and didnt realise the technology is somewhat different.
whilst having a look i seen that they come in differnt voltage cells so what would be best 36v
i mention this because the wheel i mentioned on ebay will be always set to 48v wont it ?
please help guys as i'm a novice here