What should a VESC feel like?


1 W
Sep 14, 2013
I've just had my 1st test of my VESC on my 10s brushless longboard (was 6S on a 150A EZrun car esc). Just up and down the drive (a long drive) and didnt go anywhere near top speed.

1) Smooth start - LOVE IT!
2) Smooth acceleration - really like it.
3) Smooth braking - LOVE IT.

Now the one quesiton I have, is that the acceleration , compared to my EZRun 150A esc setup, is far more gentle with the VESC. To the point that I can hold the throttle wide open after start up and the speed will gradually build up. On my board with 6S and the car esc, doing that would throw you off the board!

Is this how it's meant to be? I like the smooth acceleration, but I would like a little more punch to it in case I want to get moving faster.

Also - is there a faily compact source of info on tweaking the VESC - I'm struggling to find a central repository of information. For example, what is FOC, and how to I enable it> and why would I? I'm sure it's burried in a 100 page post somewhere but I can't find it.

And the thread here.. https://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=63540
Which thread here?

I know vedder's site - I'm looking for more specific feedback from users. I'm on his forum too, but want to cast my net wider in case I'm missing a small detail that someone might recognise.
I'm running 10S now, not 6s, (6s is what I've come from).

I've upped the amps to 75 but it makes zero difference. The acceleration is very weak. Top speed is not affected.

I put an amp meter on it and didnt' manage to pull more than 50amps riding down the road at full throttle, which seems odd given that I've got it set at 75A max, with the batt max a bit higher again.

(btw - just ordered another Vesc offf you a couple of days ago :) )
Hmmm- starting to think it migbht be partly temperature related. I noticed a run down the road was brisk, with unlimited top speed, and ok-ish accel. Turned round and the run back was walking pace until it stopped. Waited and it started again, but slow. Opened the battery box where the esc is, aired it a bit, then back to full speed. Repeatable.

I've seen so many pocs of VESCs in plastic boxes I assumed it needs no cooling but it looks like that's not true.

I'll test with a laptop connected tomorrow...
Interesting, like to hear the results of your test.
About to build a dual build with 8S and was planning on a closed enclosure, albeit with small heat sinks on the FETs.
May have to reconsider.
Are you sure your battery can cope ? What are you using ?
Good idea with the laptop, that should shed some light on the problem, looking forward to your results.
2 x 4000Mah 10s 25c packs in parallel - 8Ah 25c - 200Amps!. Brand new. Can easily cope (should!) . My old 20c 6s packs coped with no issues.

Going out to test now - just working out thge best way to strap the laptop down :)
Use a long cable and put the laptop in a backpack ?
I know that's what I'd be doing.
I held it!

Amps maxed at around 65A (10s) which was expected under full acceleration as the limit is set at 75. What surprises me is how weak the acceleration is compared to using my prev. 6s pack with a 150A car esc. That means either the VESC isn't doing something right, or my old car ESC on 6S was pushing loads more amps into the motor (which is rated at 70Amp max) than the motor is officially rated at.

I can hold the throttle wide open , right from teh start, and the board gradually builds up speed (a lot of it eventually!). I get the feeling it wouldn't cope with a hill well.

I might fire up my other 6S board and put my amp meter on it in a minute as a comparison.

Temperature climbed into the 60-70's as I accelerated. The esc performed much better havign air flowing over it, but I still managed to get it to go into protecion mode by forcing it up steepish hills.
So you were looking at your laptop screen while riding or how did you do this ?
Yep - holding the laptop in my left hand whist riding :)

I just took out my 6s setup with an EZRun 150A car esc. Drew 100amps . So that's 24 volts x 100amps = 2400Watts.

On my 10s setup with VESC I draw 60 amps, at 40 volts = ........ 2400 watts. My motor is rated at 2700 watts.

So both 6s and 10s setups are drawing 2400 watts, yet one feels feeble, one is agressive (the 6s setup will throw you off the board, or slip teeth on the belt)
Ok, so if your motors are also identical it must be a setting in the VESC.
Perhaps you could post your problem on Vedder's VESC forum ?
Yep - I have a post going there, though I plan to update ti once I've exhausted answers here so I don't duplicate info.

Cheers :)