Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

Way i see it is theres no C02 fsiry gods only ourselfs we fight the extremism on both sides but it downst change the fact that thick fog brings the air quality in my area down drastically not just CO2.

Theres steel industry whats left of it and csr pollution home coal fires that still burn all cooled and falls back into the valley its visable to watch and taste see ypu yoir curtians its there and for me i dont want to be breathing that crap if i can help it as i see no benifit to using my lungs to filter the atmoshpere.

Think about it all living things with lungs are going round trapping it all in us then dying and we burn us then lol its a messed up game i admit but i dont see the point of getting hyped over it lobbyists will lobby goverments will meddle and in the end what ends up installed is not for the people never is more poor the nation less of a democracy more crap they have to pit up with thats why hyperloop made a killing in poor nations corrupt goverments skimming taxes, Haha las Vegas whats happens in Vegas stays in vegas piss myself laughing at them thunderfoots video with a kiddies choo choo train made me piss myself because it woupd have been better , head slap moment musk aint half a chatter its his army that backs him up another air bairing moment.
Ianhill said:
They gave up 0 thw home was more luxury than my own they were the privaliaged lol.
I dont know how you live, but if you think living in a log cabin is the ideal solution, and you wont have to give up anything,....
....tells me you have never lived in a log cabin, let alone off grid !
How many trees or forests would be needed to substitute for current Frame and panel construction ?
How would you propose building those multi story apartment buildings that so many of the population live in ?
Hillhater said:
Ianhill said:
They gave up 0 thw home was more luxury than my own they were the privaliaged lol.
I dont know how you live, but if you think living in a log cabin is the ideal solution, and you wont have to give up anything,....
....tells me you have never lived in a log cabin, let alone off grid !
How many trees or forests would be needed to substitute for current Frame and panel construction ?
How would you propose building those multi story apartment buildings that so many of the population live in ?
Exactly the same building regs as today, we grow a forest we chop it up use it as cladding and internal structure and re'plant, that way it dont get burned and stores its CO2 as cellulose.

We can either say nothing will work business as usual or make small changes its whats called approaching the problem strategically.

I dont want log cabins or wood sky scrappers lmao
Its impossoble to tell a country that depends on mining to switch up its economy but its what needs doing stop pissing about with coal and use offset techniques is more of a start than waiting for a solutikn to a problem thats got at lewst 50 years head start on us from when the problem became a serious issue that not kept in line it keeps growing out of control.

You may not like a log cabin but some dont even get that the wests greed says fuk them lets keep burning i dont want inconvenience well sorry but when the shit hits the fan we will all fall down.
500 cycle life 18650 high capacity type not high discharge.

First 20% of its life it stores the equivelent in energy ot took to make it thats just manufacturing.
So typical 18650 only store 5× the creation energy till its 80% depleted.

Green they say well why we banging out gigafactory bollocks when byd got tesla tapped clean out.

Million mile battery? Its obvious who will get there first if you put your ear to the ground and listen because the airwaves are full of media hype train bollocks jumping all over billion pound start up thats not sold a penny its a repeating trend.

Hyperloop will disrupt, what ever the design cost are so high its out priced itself against the competition before its even started but the idea keep swallawing up billons in funds thats needed for real projects that csn actually work and serve a nation as a whole not some stupid idea with ticket prices throught the roof and death staring you in the face.

Logical movements in society don't happen because its corrupt to the core but we pretend the rotten apple is all we got becuase theres zero fight left rules and regulation tie our hands more and more daily but keep at it old chap for the better of good as i watch everything around me fall apart and turn bad.

Funny how the rich are getting richer and more and more brands aim for luxury items mive along the market to big ticket items while the poor wait decades for a half hearted change.
neptronix said:
Hey, what does this have to do with the topic at hand and why are you injecting an unrelated political topic in it?
I should have chosen better videos but they were supposed to portray the sentiment of some parts of the USA decaying into madness with the defund the police movement etc.
Maybe this short article/video below better characterizes what I mean.
The idea meaning that if I lived in the USA seeing such madness then I would personally be very interested in my own solar/battery setup and going off-grid so I don't have to rely on other people in such crazy times, even if you don't see it that way and don't agree with my views of why.
You can't rely on energy companies to provide you with energy in the era of "extreme cancel culture"
Another example is this Mexican migrant who worked at an energy company in the USA was fired because they believed who was doing a racist hand gesture symbol when all it was is his habit of cracking his knuckles.

You can't rely on others for electricity in the cancel culture era now where such companies fire people for merely cracking their knuckles, its all madness.

On another subject, Nikola Motor Company continues to put out videos showing off their hydrogen semi-truck. I think Hydrogen trucks will beat Tesla to the roads (say first 30 active trucks wins?), and I think for semi-trucks hydrogen really does make more sense, as sooner or late a Tesla semi-truck or hydrogen truck is going to have a nasty accident-crash and I really believe the fireball from the Tesla semi-truck loaded with batteries is going to be FAR bigger than the hydrogen gas escaping its pressurization in 2 seconds into the atmosphere, we will see :flame: .
You sure got that right, not only is the snowflake mentality invading people, it has already invaded corporate policies.

TheBeastie said:
You can't rely on others for electricity in the cancel culture era now where such companies fire people for merely cracking their knuckles, its all madness.

Yeah that tech needs a lot more work, but easier to implement then dealing with batteries, fast charging, hot-swap batteries.
How do you think they will implement hydrogen? Either an independent production facility at the gas stations or big tanks at gas stations to be filled by hydrogen delivery trucks at first then over time a pipeline along major interstates.

hydrogen gas
TheBeastie said:
I should have chosen better videos but they were supposed to portray the sentiment of some parts of the USA decaying into madness with the defund the police movement etc.

Again what does that have to do with the pros/cons of various energy generation sources?

I feel you have to got the memo yet that inspiring a debate on unrelated political issues and generally using this forum as a platform for political activism is not acceptable.
You have a long history of injecting your unrelated political pet peeves into discussions across this forum.

I'm now asking you to:
1) Stay on the topic of discussion
2) Do not use a technology forum as your platform for political activism. There's plenty of much better outlets for that.
neptronix said:
TheBeastie said:
I should have chosen better videos but they were supposed to portray the sentiment of some parts of the USA decaying into madness with the defund the police movement etc.

Again what does that have to do with the pros/cons of various energy generation sources?

I feel you have to got the memo yet that inspiring a debate on unrelated political issues and generally using this forum as a platform for political activism is not acceptable.
You have a long history of injecting your unrelated political pet peeves into discussions across this forum.

I'm now asking you to:
1) Stay on the topic of discussion
2) Do not use a technology forum as your platform for political activism. There's plenty of much better outlets for that.
I just have to lol.
I think you are being VERY wrong and being VERY narrow-minded on this, I have good experience on sticking to subjects/rules on insanely fussy forums that have 24/7 team active moderation.

The topic of discussion is ENERGY SOURCES and what is BEST for the current times in our lives and going on in the future.
My post on the subject (that you don't seem to understand) is that Solar+battery is the BEST solution in the era of politics-based "cancel culture".
Maybe you aren't keeping up with the news but there are tons of people losing all banking services and other major utility services.
Lauren Southerland just lost all access to Air-BNB services globally,

Even in the most insane strict forums you can post something connected to politics if it is quite relevant to the topic, pointing out that a pure off-grid solar+battery is perfect in the madness of ever-escalating cancel culture.

It was HillHater who claimed "pure off-grid solar+battery" was the most pointless retarded thing for someone to chose to have if they are technically able to connect to the grid, I went out of my way (and I actually didn't want to) to explain how much cancel-culture-politics is taking over and IMO is a VERY valid reason why someone would want to seek pure off-grid solar+battery, and not for the reason of a crazy doomsday-prepper reason, which seems to be the only reason HillHater could conceive why someone would want to go for such a setup.

If you want to ban me for commending solar+battery off-grid setups for the current way the world exists with cancel-culture then fine, I guess I can't do anything about it.

If you want to make a special new rule that cancel-culture/doomsday-preppers/self-reliance in preferring/choosing some energy technologies over others is not allowed on this forum-subject then fine I can work with that too, but so far it seems way too arbitrary.
Hillhater said:
peterr991 said:
nuclear power plants are by far the most efficient, but they are also the most risky
What “risk” exactly ?
And how “risky” is a generation system that is totally dependant on weather conditions ?

I hear there's some cheap real estate near Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima. I wonder why?
Beastie they will park a cloud over your house you will not escape the system, even when you don't want to you play by thier rules they own the game and in uk that means under 48v soon to be 12v i believe.

That used to be an issue the 48v gsme for a whole house but these days not so much so its only time until its revised.

I bet there's already a high cost to living off grid not just install but ways of applying the screw specially in conservation areas i had a letter for removing a chimney pot tske me to court there'sany of us in the street and ill stand and fight for the right to modernise within reason never heard back, if you approach with reason sometimes they see one person can be many and they leave the fight be but its not always like that unless they are flat out in the wrong.
Hillhater said:
Ianhill said:
..... and in uk that means under 48v soon to be 12v i believe.

That used to be an issue the 48v gsme for a whole house but these days not so much so its only time until its revised.
??...can you explain, or link to details,..of that comment ?.

Signing off property work for landlord insurance purposes the form is getting wonky, anything under 48v doesn't have to comply with 18th edition standards as long its not connected to the national grid and falls below that 48vdc threshold.

So at the moment a 48vdc solar install on my shed not connected to grid doesnt need to be installed to specific standards or does it have to be signed off. But i can not rent that out.

For insurance purposes they wont pay out on a house fire unless the install is too the standards required at the time of install or there's prior notice of the special conditions and the premiem will reflect the case

Save in one way spend in another.
Hillhater said:
Voltron said:
I hear there's some cheap real estate near Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima. I wonder why?
Probably because the Authorities wont allow the development or sale of land in those areas...
.... That can really affect land values . :wink:

Sure, it's the mysterious authorities that ruined the land value... Not the radiation. 🙄
Voltron said:
Hillhater said:
Voltron said:
I hear there's some cheap real estate near Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima. I wonder why?
Probably because the Authorities wont allow the development or sale of land in those areas...
.... That can really affect land values . :wink:

Sure, it's the mysterious authorities that ruined the land value... Not the radiation. 🙄

Coal scared my mountian till the grass didnt grow for 20 year but its still fine to burn that as the problem is not localised ?

Modern nuclear is not the sealed kettle it once was theres ways of controlling the reaction and fizzle out not melt down but it takes a change for that to happen and humans resist change we are creatures of habit.

Failing hard is the habit these days.
No, nuclear being risky doesn't make it fine burning coal instead.

And yes, currently, there are newer reactor designs, but none have been approved for full scale use, and every commercial plant currently in use, even if safe in operation, still have no good plan for what to do with the incredibly dangerous spent fuel created.

Anyway, my point was when someone seems confused why nuclear is risky, there are plenty of real world examples that demonstrate the clear risks of it in it's current state.

There's actually new concerns at Chernobyl, they've been having spikes of neutron radiation indicating that the fuel that escaped the containment vessels is having pockets of uncontrolled fission, and could go critical on its own again.
If its just that mess of nuclear products left over been the issue then id take that for the foreseeable future to make sure that there is a future for humans thats feasible to live in.

It starts with the level of control the goverments try to inflict on the public im not going political but im pointing out that as an inventive person forever problem solving i find my tasks harder and harder as the motors controllers and batterys are all imported to uk very little is made hear and the charges on everything is ridiculous to the point we are holding back anyone in our community thats not got money backing or from poor background.

Go karting for example used to be the entry point for youth racers, now it cost upto £100g for a season 🤯
So an F1 mechanic didnt like what he saw and made a championship that youth can be sponsored for just £5g giving back to the poor.

If we dont want joyriding criminality developing then we have to provide for the youth a decent education thats involving but this country is just washing its hands of basic education system, the nhs and small claims court for the poor, while the rich take eafhothee to court over red stripes in a gouse in notting hill and spend £12g of tax payers money or keepong a prisoner in his cell over £30g a head but we knock sick people of disability and give the youth thats never been in a cell nothing.

There should be a good behaviour encentive for everyone if you dont get in trouble end of year you get £3g tax free to spend within the community or £1g of that can be imported goods if you earn over £40g a year you get a tax deduction or what ever but theres nothing to help people like myself fall through the cracks even though we have better morals than those in that cell and cost the system far less its washed its hands of me as im not a threat to society the worlds mad no fixing it.

Ive been ranting for pages now and it all goes to show what a joke mess of a world the rich got us taping out in well i want to put boris in a traingle choke but wipl i get the chance pfft.

If i did ever get that lucky i would tare my muscle of the bone id tense up so hard show what its like to feel a prolonged increasing squeeze till you can't csrry on becuase someone else took all the wind out your sails thats the poor everyday walking round in a zombie like state surviving not loving life at all pharmaceutical comoanys move in the the gp surgery and offer ni real help just boxes of tablets, my missus lost 2 babys and the treatment has been unreal my dog gets better down the vets its just money grabbing rounds of tablets and nothing to fix the real problems but you go private £600 and see the exact same doctor all of a sudden they know whats wromg lol and can arrange a treatments makes me want to squeeze his little neck till it pops for neglecting the public but then ill be on the 30g a year prison payrole, no ta.
Crazy brexit, I never paid much attention to it until I started listening to LBC on youtube a month or two ago
Absolutely crazy! How the voters were lied to.

The masses will believe anything shoved at them and not think independently.

Brexit's surely got to do with energy as well. Surely the UK imports some energy and it would be interesting to see how Brexit has affected that in terms of cost, and price to consumers.

Ianhill said:
Ive been ranting for pages now and it all goes to show what a joke mess of a world the rich got us taping out in well i want to put boris in a traingle choke but wipl i get the chance pfft.
Voltron said:
currently, there are newer reactor designs, but none have been approved for full scale use, and every commercial plant currently in use, even if safe in operation, still have no good plan for what to do with the incredibly dangerous spent fuel created.

Anyway, my point was when someone seems confused why nuclear is risky, there are plenty of real world examples that demonstrate the clear risks of it in it's current state.

I agree with this, even though i grew up 10 miles away from a nuclear plant BUILT ON A FAULTLINE and had a lot of time to think about what that meant.

If governance and safety changed in the nuclear power sphere, then i think those new reactor designs are worth trying. Could be something to them.