Wisconsin Laws


100 W
Sep 2, 2008
I've always poked around for exactly how the laws read for ebikes etc.most are somewhat vague,especially here in wi.I answered an ad in cl for a 750watt electric scooter made by Freedom that was $125."Few mo.s old,never used,cost 500 etc".then said no DL no plates,registration,street legal.the woman,like most cl sellers was vague on everything else.model#etc.She told me to use the link she had in the ad(nonexistant) and finally em'd me this statute that was to verify claims.The statute clearly defined the scooter,even had a picture of what she was selling as an example,and said point blank you couldn't register them, use on street/sidewalk bike paths,just private property.I was suprised by the detail extremes this went into,citing various state comparisons,fed law well you get the drift.I never ran across this one before.I always EM anyone selling e anything and ask if they have ever been stopped etc.Mostly gas bike kits or scooter type.never seen an ebike kit conversion for sale.I store the info because this is bound to be the biggest boon for lawyers since asbestos.One local town passed an ordinance allowing golf cart type vehicles on city streets "posted"less than 25mph.Their biggest industry is the maker of these carts.They lobby for their carts only.The law isn't really legal by state statute but no one there is gonna get busted.segueay(sic) lobbies all states for their units use only.I think some of you have problems with laws and enforcement and I think a thread on experiences,statutes and any related info would be good idea,as this isn't going away.The more the cops and courts see of us the more they will feel the need to act.Insurance,helmets well, If you grew up w mc's you get the point.For now dealers say whatever sounds like a sale because its new enough that the cops overlook a lot.The statute that clearly defined and outlawed Escooters was given to the woman for assurance that her scooter was legal and no DL needed.real reputable sales technique.She had the paper just didn't read it.
gilnet said:
I've always poked around for exactly how the laws read for ebikes etc.most are somewhat vague,especially here in wi.I answered an ad in cl for a 750watt electric scooter made by Freedom that was $125."Few mo.s old,never used,cost 500 etc".then said no DL no plates,registration,street legal.the woman,like most cl sellers was vague on everything else.model#etc.She told me to use the link she had in the ad(nonexistant) and finally em'd me this statute that was to verify claims.The statute clearly defined the scooter,even had a picture of what she was selling as an example,and said point blank you couldn't register them, use on street/sidewalk bike paths,just private property.I was suprised by the detail extremes this went into,citing various state comparisons,fed law well you get the drift.I never ran across this one before.I always EM anyone selling e anything and ask if they have ever been stopped etc.Mostly gas bike kits or scooter type.never seen an ebike kit conversion for sale.I store the info because this is bound to be the biggest boon for lawyers since asbestos.One local town passed an ordinance allowing golf cart type vehicles on city streets "posted"less than 25mph.Their biggest industry is the maker of these carts.They lobby for their carts only.The law isn't really legal by state statute but no one there is gonna get busted.segueay(sic) lobbies all states for their units use only.I think some of you have problems with laws and enforcement and I think a thread on experiences,statutes and any related info would be good idea,as this isn't going away.The more the cops and courts see of us the more they will feel the need to act.Insurance,helmets well, If you grew up w mc's you get the point.For now dealers say whatever sounds like a sale because its new enough that the cops overlook a lot.The statute that clearly defined and outlawed Escooters was given to the woman for assurance that her scooter was legal and no DL needed.real reputable sales technique.She had the paper just didn't read it.

I think it's a valid point. In MN there are 2 things on the books (as far as I can tell): motorized bicycles - which are basically watered down motorcycles- and electric-assist bicycles. Still trying to get to the bottom of the latter, whether it needs to be registered, some deal about brakes cutting off the power (?) and wattage/speed limits (<750W, <20mph). It's all very vague, but I'm sure if someone wants to hand out tickets (read: income), then they will. One word: stealth.

And yes, buyer beware on CL. There are a lot of bait and switches going on. Whenever I sell something out there, someone invariably wants to buy it for $20-bucks more than I'm asking if I hold it and take it off the list, if I can give them a bank account and have an assistant pick it up, etc. Right!
gilnet said:
I think a thread on experiences,statutes and any related info would be good idea,as this isn't going away.The more the cops and courts see of us the more they will feel the need to act.

Well, you DID use the L Word eh? Lobby? Unfortunately most laws come from a political process driven by fear, ignorance and vested interest... The other sad fact also is that it's always easier to get things right at the outset rather than to be trying to change bad laws after the fact.

So if you are interested in EVs ya sorta need to get involved with the political process. Monitor city/state etc web sites for upcoming meeting schedules and agendas. Find out which committees might be responsible for promoting by-laws etc that affect EVs. Send in written submissions. Go and speak if/when you can. There's a lot of educating that needs to be done...

It may serve too to give your local medias a heads up also when things are in motion. A lot of committee-types will be more circumspect if they think they are in the public eye.
