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    • eMark
      eMark replied to the thread Wife bike 2.0.
      "The sitting position is optimized bit by bit: the back muscles are active, the shoulders fall forward in a relaxed manner, the back and...
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    • eMark
      eMark reacted to neptronix's post in the thread Wife bike 2.0 with Like Like.
      595mm version of that handlebar sounds appealing as an ergonomics upgrade, i think that deserves to be on the parts list. Wow they...
    • eMark
      If your charges range from 3amp to 5amp then 4-5 years. If charges are from 2amp to 3amp then a $95 charger should last beyond 5 years...
    • eMark
      As has been stated in previous threads it could take "days" (if even then) to balance even a 10s battery with p-groups having deviation...
    • eMark
      And sometimes it's a loosing battle, but still a valuable learning experience when time allows so you aren't rushed and frustrated My...
    • eMark
      Is this battery several years old with hundreds of cycles? It may be nearing its End-Of-Life with lowest p-group at 3.6v while 4 oher...
    • eMark
      Just because they were built the same(?) doesn't guarantee they are still the same. For example having to replace on of the parallel...
    • eMark
      Were each of the twenty parallel groups (72V = 20s) the same increase in voltage? Just because there was an increase proceeding along...
    • eMark
      eMark replied to the thread Battery cutting out at.
      Can see why it might seem easier measuring the 5p group voltages with the BMS connected and laying flat/secure to stabilize while taking...
    • eMark
      eMark replied to the thread Battery cutting out at.
      First objective was to determine the voltages of the thirteen 5p groups using the BMS connector (not the BMS). See 1st paragraph of...
    • eMark
      Did you previously remove the protective wrap from one or all of the three batteries for checking BMS, cells, etc after posting your...
    • eMark
      eMark replied to the thread Battery cutting out at.
      CAUTION: To prevent a short by probes accidentally touching each other while taking parallel group voltage readings. Keep the negative...
    • eMark
      eMark replied to the thread Battery cutting out at.
      Take voltage readings of each parallel group to see which groups are close to the same voltage and which ones are suspect. You can do...
    • eMark
      eMark replied to the thread Battery cutting out at.
      Samsung 25R (2500mAh) is the most popular (20amp rating) name brand reasonably priced 2500mAh cell (green wrap). Your pink wrap cells...
    • eMark
      eMark reacted to Diggs's post in the thread Battery cutting out at with Like Like.
      Best guess at this point is a bad cell (or parallel group of cells) that trips the BMS and shuts down. BTW - How often do you balance...
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