Recent content by philf

  1. philf

    Louis Rossman and GRIN Technologies

    I always feel like that's cheating somehow if people have already seen the blunder. I own my mistakes :-).
  2. philf

    Louis Rossman and GRIN Technologies

    And I apologize for a misspelling in starting this thread. I'm picky about getting people's names right (I get in trouble with my own)... "What your surname?" "It's French" "Just as may be, but what is it?" Anyways, Louis' surname is actually Rossmann with a double "n". I *know* that, but...
  3. philf

    Louis Rossman and GRIN Technologies

    I can't say I'm an avid follower of Louis Rossman and some of his (sometimes pedantic) rants, but he's big on "Right To Repair" and open systems. He just posted a piece about the imminent bankruptcy of VanMoof (the Dutch e-bike maker), and what that might mean, as the full functionality of the...
  4. philf

    XLD Brainpower motor controller XunLiDa

    Absolutely! I went to the trouble of removing a lot of the extra wiring that I don't use, but the ones you highlight are the only ones you need to make it work. You can pretty much connect the phase and hall wires up in any order (except for making sure +5V and ground are correct on the hall...
  5. philf

    XLD Brainpower motor controller XunLiDa

    The only wires you need (correctly) connected for the controller to actually turn the motor are the power, "ignition", hall sensors, phase wires, and throttle. The "ignition" wire needs to be connected to to the battery, the same as the main power line (many people just tie them together)...
  6. philf

    Crystalyte SAW 400 Series

    I hadn't posted anything more on this, as I had pretty much given up on this thing. Apart from being dimensionally wrong (discouraging me from even wanting to lace it into a wheel), a hall sensor had failed before I even had a chance to put it through its paces. Then my basement flooded...
  7. philf

    Replaced my controller. Now only getting 19km/h

    These "Brainpower" controllers keep popping up - I just picked one up on the cheap, and have waded into another deeper discussion on them elsewhere on the forum. I'll wager that your speed is being crippled by a jumper setting. Scan through my post here...
  8. philf

    XLD Brainpower motor controller XunLiDa

    OK - and one final one... Using a variable power supply to figure out where the "real" LVC kicks in, it looks like the "auto-detecting" feature that this controller is alleged to have (auto-sensing 36 vs 48 volt operation) doesn't have any smarts behind it at all. No matter whether you feed...
  9. philf

    XLD Brainpower motor controller XunLiDa

    OK, so the first of the XLD controllers arrived (the smaller one, from Amazon: Gotta say, for $40 (Canadian), it seems put together better than expected, though the bar was low. Upon seeing this thing in...
  10. philf

    XLD Brainpower motor controller XunLiDa

    I keep tripping over these XLD "Brainpower" controllers - and was intrigued enough to order two flavours of them (neither with LCD, but with two different power ratings). One is coming from China, and the other from Amazon. When they arrive, I'll jump in to reverse engineering fun of it all...
  11. philf

    Crystalyte SAW 400 Series

    Therein lies the rub. The drawing on the Crystalyte site would be perfect (could easily accommodate a 7 speed freewheel, and even an 8 - with only a few mm spread). The dishing wouldn't be too severe, either (no worse than my existing wheel). But the sample motor I received has the motor body...
  12. philf

    Crystalyte SAW 400 Series

    I haven't posted anything new on this, as life has a way of getting in the way. Although most of my bike is wired with JST connectors (configured to match the standard that is using), the connector at the rear drop-out/motor is still the original Crystalyte standard combination of...
  13. philf

    Crystalyte SAW 400 Series

    Bear with me if this gets wordy - and I apologize if there really *is* a discussion surrounding these motors elsewhere on The Sphere, but much Googling and looking about hasn't turned up much useful information. I'm referring to the Crystalyte "SAW" 400 series...
  14. philf

    My Sun Trip Bike, Back to Back Tandem Trike with Rowing Generator, Pedals, +Solar

    Speaking of "Perfect Days"... When exactly is yours, Justin? This coming weekend? (Apologies if it appears elsewhere - you guys have been all over the various media, but everything I've read merely alludes to the month). I don't think I have the power to will every day in August to be...
  15. philf

    My Sun Trip Bike, Back to Back Tandem Trike with Rowing Generator, Pedals, +Solar

    Well, Justin, I hope you guys aren't feeling any disappointment for not having made your (geographical) goal. Time is everybody's enemy - but considering that even the design of your vehicle was just an idea in your mind just a few months ago, and all that has gone into getting to this point, I...