The fingers
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    • The fingers
      The fingers replied to the thread Forest Fires 🔥.
      Zoom in on Oregon on the above satellite view to see the smoke...
    • The fingers
      The fingers replied to the thread Forest Fires 🔥.
      40 miles west of here, could get some smoke.
    • The fingers
      The fingers replied to the thread Forest Fires 🔥. Some spectacular news footage from the air on YouTube.
    • The fingers
      The fingers replied to the thread Forest Fires 🔥. About 50 miles south of here ignited by lightning they say
    • The fingers
      Our state being dotted with wildfires, I thought the subject was overdue for its own thread. Started out small and blew up overnight...
    • The fingers
      The fingers replied to the thread Retirement Time.
      Forecast calling for 103 degrees, was 108 just now and very humid with mountain thunderstorms. :mad:
    • The fingers
      Garden variety quake
    • The fingers
      The fingers replied to the thread Retirement Time.
      Was 103 degrees when I started mowing the lawn and only 97 when I finally got finished. Glad to be able to post it here instead of in...
    • The fingers
      The fingers replied to the thread Was bound to happen?.
    • The fingers
      The fingers replied to the thread Legends dropping like flies.
    • The fingers
      The fingers replied to the thread Retirement Time.
      Three fixed wing aircraft and one helicopter swooping on a fire in a roadless area of the Beauty Mountain Wilderness Area east of...
    • The fingers
      The fingers replied to the thread Legends dropping like flies. :cry:
    • The fingers
      The fingers replied to the thread Legends dropping like flies. :cry:
    • The fingers
      The fingers replied to the thread Retirement Time.
      Dodged another bullet. Now they’re working east of Temecula wine country and expensive homes.
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    • The fingers
      The fingers replied to the thread Retirement Time.
      This am a fire near Banning Bench. Four Grumman S2 trackers ferrying water from Ryan Field assisted by a water dropping helicopter with...
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