Search results

  1. BiGH

    Ebiking Dry eyes, Ears going deaf, What to do ?

    Hardware store tinted wraparound safety glasses, and (prepare flame war) headphones keep me happy
  2. BiGH

    DH + Cromotor + Kelly KHB14401C

    You're mad. Love it
  3. BiGH

    Cycle Analyst Android App

    looks good :)
  4. BiGH

    Cycle Analyst Android App

    Damn you're right - Bluetooth is MFi; Bluetooh LE isn't.... :\
  5. BiGH

    Cycle Analyst Android App

    I already have an Apple Developer account. AFAIK there isn't any licensing for using the bluetooth stack, but using the physical connectors there definitely is. On a side note, here's an example of a prototype energy meter dashboard. I've been...
  6. BiGH

    Cycle Analyst Android App

    Soooooo I'm doing iOS development. Happy to start looking at the feasibility of an iOS version if you want. Take Care, Haydon
  7. BiGH

    iCell...New Bluetooth / cellphone cell monitor

    oh nice :) ta!
  8. BiGH

    iCell...New Bluetooth / cellphone cell monitor

    Are there other Bluetooth data loggers? I've got a background in IOS development and always looking for new projects... Bit interface to the cycle analyst would be cool :)
  9. BiGH

    Project Interceptor, oil cooled Q100H@55V, in-frame battery

    Very nice indeed. Are the batteries easily removable from the frame or is it welded shut after insertion?
  10. BiGH

    Seat Tube Drive ebike

    crap - my lack of attention to detail fails again! sorry guys
  11. BiGH

    Seat Tube Drive ebike

    Hope this isn't a repost but thought this was pretty awesome for the ultimate in stealth ebikes.... Seat post drive!
  12. BiGH

    Windturbine: 6X More Efficient and Much Cheaper

    oh and if using a VAWT put solar panels on top of that :P Green energy stack!
  13. BiGH

    Windturbine: 6X More Efficient and Much Cheaper

    Couple of thoughts when looking at this. it seems like there should be a bit of a lip going into the turbine. - if air was moving fast enough wouldn't this direct more into the turbine itself vs going around the edges? Also mounting a Vertical axis wind turbine (or prop one) on top of the...
  14. BiGH

    Genesis addendum...

    Nice :)
  15. BiGH

    Genesis addendum...

    This is a pretty cool idea, which if it wasn't for the need to run wires down the tube, seems perfect for a large round cell like a headway battery.
  16. BiGH

    E-S Stealth Electric Bike Owners

    That's really cool. Gotta say i think more people should be aware of e-bikes... but the government has to change their views on the stupid power limits.
  17. BiGH

    RiBMo tires are amazing

    I run the specialized armadillo elite on my road bike. Amazing tyre. I've never had a flat.
  18. BiGH

    RiBMo tires are amazing

    which bead did you use? steel or Aramid? (I'm guessing the latter)
  19. BiGH

    RiBMo tires are amazing

    I run the All condition Armadillo Elite on my road bike - amazing tyre, no flats but freaking expensive. Ran the Nimbus Armadillo on my old mountain bike - similarly no flats. and did run these on the ebike, but found I got a lot of broken spokes so moved to hookworms, but started to get flats...
  20. BiGH

    a123 32157 8ah pack builds?

    That is very impressive indeed... does anyone know where I can purchase these? (reliable seller) with screw terminals?
  21. BiGH

    a123 32157 8ah pack builds?

    yes doing a bit of a pricing comparison i do agree. ~2x the cost of headway for a123s. The other thing i noticed that comparing headway to the AHR32113 dimensions and weight ;) hw: 122 x 38 330g 10ah a123:113 x 32 205g 4.4ah
  22. BiGH

    a123 32157 8ah pack builds?

    thanks for the tip re osn. I always look around for the right distributor, i'm just interested in screw together packs, and looking at options at the moment. so far im thinking of: 16s2p AHR32113 pack 16s1p AHR32157 pack 16s1p headway 8 or 10 ah pack. But there appears to be almost no...
  23. BiGH

    a123 32157 8ah pack builds?

    Hi all, just looking to see if anyone has built an a123 pack from the 32157 based cells that appear around the place ie: I'm looking at building a pack using these cells (or headway as the alternative) and screw connectors joining the cells. at the moment i'm thinking these cells would be...
  24. BiGH

    BiGH's Second Build Thread

    Now i'm starting to look at battery packs again, a123 32157 look quite interesting... wonder if there are many builds using these.