Adaptto controller went wild


100 mW
Mar 20, 2017
Hey guys!

Mxus v3
22s7p samsung 25r

Was out with the bike in 40 - 50 km/h, went full throttle and the bike started to regen braking or something untin 0 km/h. (doesent even have a regen brake button).
At the same time the c63 braker from battery fired off. The motor was still in some regen mode untill i unplugged the 3 phase wires and the wheel could spinn free again.
Conected only tha battery to controller and the c63 still fire off.
The controller doesent smell burnt or anything.

Everything looks great with the cables. Have anyone experienced the same?

These events can be mechanically induced though FET drain tabs or wires chaffing through the insulator pads from vibration even if the FETs never were hot or damaged.

*edit- Generally they are from FETs blowing as was suggested, just mentioning even at low power levels it can occur.
Ohbse said:
Yep - it's blown a phase. Repair by Adaptto or throw it in the bin unfortunately!

What power settings did you have configured at the time?

Ib A - 110
Ip A - 240

that suprised me to blow it that fast
liveforphysics said:
These events can be mechanically induced though FET drain tabs or wires chaffing through the insulator pads from vibration even if the FETs never were hot or damaged.

*edit- Generally they are from FETs blowing as was suggested, just mentioning even at low power levels it can occur.

Okey, sounds a bit strange cause I used the controller two days and I didnt find any damage or anything on my cables and connectors.
Going to send it in as fast as I get my other max-e back!
My last Max-E exploded a phase worth of fets while sitting stationary, not charging. It was behaving strangely before this, so I parked it in corner of the room - 30 seconds later WHOOMF, shorted phase. Lots of loose bits internally. No moisture, latest firmware, was perhaps 2 months old, conservative settings.

Quite frankly, having had several Adapttos explode for generally no reason, they just aren't very good at reliability. After being one of their earliest adopters and vocal proponents - I would now avoid.