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Any clubbing scientists out there?

Link said:
The original thuglife.

:lol: Hell yeah, meng. ..

Back in da day, they were slanging Electric Coolaid....

... Da Boyz were pimpin' the hos' "Peanuts" ...

. . . It wuz a Empire, bloooood...

Snoop Dawg was a ruthless pitt bull frontin' as a Beagle... that can bite yo head off. .

Who let the dawgs out ? ? Charles B, meng! Da Kingpin . . .


Ypedal said:
That jazzy one was pretty good.. keep'em commin DJ !

You mean that piano/sax/drums groove? My wife loved that one and requested me to play more of that kind of stuff. I like tooling around and tinkering while listening to music like that. Glad you like my choice of jazzy cuts!

I have several more jazzy mixes you might like, but the next two mixes I'll post will be more on the techie electronica sounds, so I'll get to jazzy ones soon.

Alright gents,

here's my new mix. Apologies for the delay, I was working on my own electronica track that I had intended to work into this mix but given the abundance of choices in softsynths and their endless possibilities, this track of mine is in perpetual evolution.

On the other hand, I am proud to present a track called "Incoming", handcrafted and contributed by our very own Richard J. Fechter! If I'm not mistaken, there's a bit of trivia on his track which I will take a guess at later. I won't tell you when his track comes on as I encourage listeners to just let the mix ride from beginning to end.

This mix BTW is part one of two 48 minute mix sessions. Due to a 50 megabyte webspace limit, I may stick with two parts format because I found that two short mixes converted to MP3 in better bitrate/quality is more satisfying than one long (80 min) mix crappy quality. I will fade out at the end of part one and fade into the beginning of part two. If you're inclined you can join these two parts in audio editing freeware such as Audacity.

Enough of my my blah blah blah.




Thanks for the track, Fechter!
I like that tune! Everyday Normal Guy!

Something to listen to while I re-build hub motors.

Toa-f-n-Chie. 8)
LOL, I've heard that one before, but I had forgotten about it. I'm going to have it stuck in my head tomorrow, I know it. >_<

Discovered this neat group called Ratatat. My two favorites out of what I've heard from them so far are Falcon Jab and Loud Pipes.
Ypedal said:
Hey DJ !!! we need some friday tunage !!! ( in the mood for somethin Heavy !! )
Jazzy vibes streaming your way, Ypedal! Cheers for the Normal Guy! I'm all about being "down", tee he he. . .

Apologies for the delay, I've been working on that damned video and it looks like mpg and mov files had been banned by my ISP for some reason. Avi files work but low on compression so the file turns out too big for my webspace. Time for some Youtube.

I don't have too many heavy music. I do have what I consider deep, and even then I can't stay with one emotion for too long and tend to swing extreme opposite and go shallow or whatever. Attention span problem on my part. :wink:

I'm happy to know you're diggin' my work, cheers and Happy Friday!




PS Part 2 of the electronica mix will up sometime next week
Why am I posting this rant here and not at a Mac forum? For the simple fact that I'd have to register to yet another forum that requires yet another password that I'll end up losing over and over anyway... I'm sure some Mac owning ES members can benefit from it, as well as nonmembers googling around, this would be a good way to promote the use of Ebikes and other LEV :wink:

I haven't been able to put up the new mix as I've been busy lately with many little things. Some of which were re-installing OS X and iPhoto on my lappy. Not only that but any free time I had was devoted to weeding out duplicate photos out of a little over 10,000 photos (27GB). Yes, you read that right. 27 big ones...Phew . . . I had to trim off 1.26GB of duplicate photos and videos. That was a PITA, and I don't mean pita bread. I tried a freeware called iPhoto Diet to do such a monotonous chore, but like most freeware for OSX that I've *EVER* tried, it was worthless on my computer. iPhoto Diet actually wasted 3 days of my time and it took me another few days to manually delete duplicates.

To make matters worse, iPhoto ran slow as hell. I combed the net and found so many others with the same problem but everyone of them had different solutions. Unfortunately, none of their solutions worked for me, GGGGRRRR . . . I found the *ONLY* solution that worked for me.

Well, the culprit turned out to be a simple Energy Saver setting where you can select one of three settings on Processor Performance :


If you think you can get your Mac to work faster on iPhoto's extremely bloated photo library by setting it to Highest, you are wrong. It's actually what slowed everything down! Your Mac will have you staring forever at the swirling gey rainbow "fugoff i'm busy" beach ball (equivalent to a Windows Blue Screen) . . .I believe that when set on Highest the computer will focus all of its efforts and resources on the wrong tasks and I will not be able to handle the bloated photo library information. By selecting Automatic, my computer was better able to multi-task, juggling anything I threw at it. Works for me.

View attachment Energy Saver.png

BTW, that little pad lock icon never worked.

Things that cause duplicates:

-With my camera, if I crop or edit any photos within the camera, I will get an edited version and still have the original version both under the same title.

-It's not a good idea to reload your photos to a fresh iPhoto install by doing a search for ALL jpgs files in the old library and then dragging and dropping. This works great with avi files as you can't edit video in iPhoto, but you'll end up importing thumbnails, originals, and other misc crap. I found this out earlier at the time when I acquired only a few thousand pics, luckily.

-iPhoto will *sometimes* let you know you are importing duplicate photos and vids, but sometimes it won't!

But you know what really ticks me off is that pompous Mac nerds never admit to any Mac problems because their pet computer is perfect in every way. Mac nerds would say things like, "oh, I must've done something that (insert pet name) didn't like. *caressing keyboard* She must not be feeling well.! Then they'll slip on their Birkenstock pseudo-neo-hippy sandals and taker her to the "Genius Bar" so they can hear a Genius say the word "drastic" and say catch phrases like "insanely great" . Whoop-tee-doo . . . those phools at the Genius Bar know jack. One guy caused me to lose important data when I came by to consult about backing up important data! Plus they have security cams everywhere so they can zoom in and spy on you and see you type your password.

Nuff said.

How are your mothers? Good? Then on with the show!

The main reason I wasn't posting the new mix was due to the fact that I wiped out my digital recorder and couldn't find the master CD, nor did I have time to look for it! Well I found it, finally. Around 23:00 I played an MP3 track that had a Windows mouse sound effect accidentally recorded with it. Hate it when that happens... Most of the time, they are done on purpose just to muck things up for MP3 DJs. I have other download tracks that changes tempo at the intro and outro making it impossible to match beats with another track.

I'm not 100% satisfied with this second half of the mix. It's a mood thing... I feel a need to do new jazz and soul mix bursting with emotions. Anyway, I hope someone out there like it.

Somethings I've been itching to ask fechter regarding his electronica track "Incoming" as well as his musical background ...

-This is the bit of trivia I was referring to: Was that a sample of Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger saying "incoming" from the movie Terminator 3?

-When did you become interested in electronic music?

-How long have you been programming music?

-Do you attend and/or perform electronica events such as raves, clubs, or more underground synthesists / laptop performances?

-Do you play instruments other than laptop/desktop synthesizers?

-Do you use any outboard gear or straight up computer, keyboard and mouse?

-Do you use other music software?

-What other music do you like?

I have a few other tracks made by fechter and will work them in with other mix projects.

It was a real pleasure to know what bumps and rattles inside genius engineer minds like Richard J Fechter's. Thanks for sharing such personal work with us. Cheers!


Another jazzy mix is up, one of my fave mixes from way back.

I need to do mixes like this more often




Welcome back to my shew....

We're officially in DONE with summer over here and been having cool weather along with Rain,Thunder, Lighting, Fire & Brimstone, Cats & Dogs living together. Total pandemonium! Limbo, I tell ya! One moment it's hot and sticky, breaking out sweat. Next moment, I'm breaking out the fleece... Plus, I've been having the worst BO from a volatile combo of garlic and liquor, just fuming out of my pores as of late, but you don't want to hear about that. Instead, I'll tell you about TODAY.

Today was ~ nice ~ . Cool breeze, bright sun, patches of rain clouds threatening... but we called nature's bluff and fluff! I had a wonderful picnic with my wife and son by the river bike path. On a lark. 0.jpg

We ordered awe-thentic Indian take-out from a brand new restaurant just a skip from our place: Tandoori Chicken, Saffron Rice, and Samosas, washed down with some ice cold Coke-a-Cola. 1.jpg

*nom nom nom*

We're not normally into sodas but today was a good day to be bad. And dig this, we were able to secure THEE one-and-only picnic table with benches inside a tiny playground with trees overlooking the river (no trees there). A quiet secret I intend to keep. It was a joy watching various cyclists zoom by, doing what they do best...

*smoking do - be - do - be - doo*


ride - Ride - RIDE!

After the picnic, my wife and son went home to have a siesta (as good Mexicans do) and I had the uncontrollable urge to cruise on the DCR with some Starbucks' Iced Caffe Americano. And saw some weird-ass-sh!t Such is Japan...2.jpg3.jpg8.jpg10.jpg It was a great day. The only thing that went wrong was I dropped one of my packs below LVC at around 2.50 2.70 each cell, sh!te. Nothing to celebrate about but I do need a shoulder to cry on, dammit!

8:56 pm, at home now, and said dropped-pack is now recovering on the charger. And it's just now starting to pour out! LLLLLLUCKY! Tra-la-la...

To celebrate our successful outing, I leave with you a DJ Mix full of joy, laughter and groove.

Happy Friday & ENJOY!


PS: "American Gansgter"! A great film.
View attachment Picture 1.png
Got a chance to watch the Iron Man film, finally! It premiered in Japan over the weekend!

It was real treat as I haven't been to a theater in such a long time, we've just been ordering pizza and renting movies, watching them on our super duper home theater (a 20 year old 19" TV, DVD made in China (causes glitches), and a pair of computer speakers).

So when you watch a film like Iron Man in a wide screen theater and true hi-fi sound and acoustically treated room, man that movie was "in-your-face"!

Robert Downey was fun to watch. Nice to see him in a huge film. Lots of laughs. The funniest scene had to be in the end where Tony Stark (Downey) had a press conference!

Oh, but the only thing that made me cringe was the use of a Segway. That was hardly funny but I just had to LAUGH MY ASS OFF!1 or less I'd shrivel up and just die... well you know the rest.

Downey, who enjoyed success in 80's films, reminded me of a mix I did with 80's music and classic rock. The energy winds up but then some how winds down in the end. Hope you like it. Happy Friday!


Iron Man FTW!

Wonder what they're going to do for the second one? Been readin' some of the comics...
Finally got to see Tricky live the other day. Nice intimate venue. Talked w/some ppl that night that had driven 1.5hrs just to hear the guy:

v.cool if you are old school (Massive Attack et al)
Lock said:
Finally got to see Tricky live the other day. Nice intimate venue. Talked w/some ppl that night that had driven 1.5hrs just to hear the guy:

v.cool if you are old school (Massive Attack et al)

I've heard of Tricky and I saw him in the movie The Fifth Element, but never got a chance to really listen to his work because at the time when he was rising to stardom I was deep into the house genre. And with the electronic music boom combined with the internet boom both during the 90's, there were so many new artists with new genres being discovered that its hard to listen to one and not miss so many others.

Someone else at the job recommended Tricky to me about 3 years ago but I wasn't really taken by any tracks she played. Can you give me a list of tracks that you like, new and old, I'll definitely have a closer listen.

The Sex Pistols played in Japan over the summer, AND I MISSED THEM! :x

One thing I can say is I caught KRAFTWERK's show here. They didn't have any new material but it was a privilege to watch the men that sonically transported us from the 80's and into the future, as well inspired so many others that continue to push the boundaries of electronica, but with a laptop! :twisted:

Link said:
Iron Man FTW!

Wonder what they're going to do for the second one? Been readin' some of the comics...

I believe Terrence Howard's character will don a different Iron Man suit in the next movie.

Hey, I just thought of something. That scene with the Segway was an inside-joke on the character Obadia Stane, being the cheesy "suit" of a villain that he's supposed to be, riding a cheesy EV. And this also shows in his version of the Iron Man suit.

Segway? It had to be a joke.

Spinning hourglass is the equivalent of the beach ball.

View attachment hourglass.JPG

Kernel panic is equivalent to blue screen.


That is all, kthx.


New video is up and running, and it'z da hotz!


Please have a look before I get shutdown again :wink:

Enjoy & Happy Friday!


Dee Jay said:

Love the videos you do, but love the music too... you really need to add a little thing at the end about what song is playing. :p

Thanks for sharing!
Series Of Tubes (Net Neutrality Dance Mix)
pwbset said:
Dee Jay said:

Love the videos you do, but love the music too... you really need to add a little thing at the end about what song is playing. :p

Thanks for sharing!

Hi pwbset,

Glad you dig my production! The track is by Atjazz. I'm terrible at remembering track titles of records, and worse at remembering mp3 titles because I burn the tracks on CD but the titles don't get burned with them, then the mp3 file gets buried under terabytes of other mp3's on back up DVD.

Yeah, I'll put music credit at the end as well as comments throughout the video. Good idea, thanks!


I wish I can throw down some headbangin' speed metal for you... sadly, I'm not as musically diverse as I thought I was...

Cheers for dropping by this corner of the sphere!

I find it somewhat sad that my profile says I've watched nearly 11,000 videos on YouTube. :? On the other hand, I can find the most incredibly random stuff off the top of my head. For example:
