chevy volt battery winterisation

Jul 31, 2012
winter is comming and am wondering how it will affect my vehicule ; Montreal winter can be rough, mostly between 0c and -15c with drops to -30. I never tried my tricycle under -10c (I will not ride under that), I wonder how the result will be (2x 12s in parallel -> 90Ah44.4v.nom battery on a 500w48v.nom ride).

this thread if about winterising your ride... fortunately the packs have a water cooling option on the car, might turn out as a water-heating device with arduino and ds18b20 sensors

first questions :
do I need to store the batteries inside as soon as it freezes outside? do I need to charge them at lower voltage?

thanks for the input

[edited title for the specific case : was lithium batteries and cold temperatures]
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do I need to store the batteries inside as soon as it freezes outside? do I need to charge them at lower voltage?

Generally no, and no, though cells generally have a recommended limit as to what temperatures you should discharge, store and charge at.

If you are interested in learning more, a good place to look relates to the datasheet for the particular chemistry the cells in your pack are made of. To illustrate, do a search 'ncr18650b datasheet' in your favorite search engine and on it you should find discharge temperature characteristics that show the capacity you'd get with that cell under specific conditions. Looks like -10c comes up with 2500mah. You can also find the charge and discharge limits on datasheets like these.

Extreme cold and hot negatively effect performance and longevity of a cell.