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Court rules: Girl to be forced into Chemotherapy


1 mW
Aug 22, 2013
California, USA
Court rules Amish girl to be forcefully poisoned with chemotherapy; Akron Children's Hospital now practicing predatory medicine.



Evidently, it's now possible for hospitals/ medical professionals to force you to take medical treatments that you don't want or do not wish for your own child.

The parents of a 10-year-old Amish girl refused chemotherapy, but this girl will be forced receive chemotherapy against the wishes of her parents because of a court ruling made by the Ohio Court. Although they had refused chemotherapy treatment, they had opted for other alternative treatments.

There are safer and more effective cancer treatments out there, but one needs to know where to look for it. They're usually overshadowed by treatments like chemotherapy or most medical professionals aren't informed enough to suggest anything other than what they were taught.

"This is, essentially, chemotherapy at gunpoint or what I call "predatory medicine." If the parents refuse the court order, they will be arrested at gunpoint and charged with various crimes. The Akron Children's Hospital, which stands to profit from this decision, is the new medical mafia, poisoning children with mandatory "life sentences" handed down by a corrupt, medically ignorant justice system."

Let me get this straight, I'm not religious or Amish. I believe in science. Fact is, western is not the only type of medical practice in this world and there are plenty of alternatives in existence, but keep in mind that most forms of alternative medicine can't be patented so corporations will not be able to make millions of dollars off of it.

Safer cancer treatments do exist, but cancer medical mafias would often go out of their way to prevent such operations from being legalized. Below is a link to one of them.

Aloe Vera: FDA Shut Down a Surprisingly Effective Natural Cancer Cure

"They had used his aloe extract on 100 cancer victims assigned to hospice. Ninety-four of them survived with no side effects from the treatments. Overall, the clinics' recovery rate was 80 percent. The FDA had responded to complaints from local oncologists who were losing business! Not one patient had complained."
thank god that at least some part of our society will protect kids from the radical religious fundamentalists. there were 4 kids here in oregon over the last year who died after their parents refused medical treatment because of their parent's religious cult.

now if we could just get them out of congress so they cannot block the guvment from operating and paying our debts.
Lol. I don't have anything against cancer treatment or other people's religious beliefs, but the fact is that there are safer, cheaper, and more effective cancer treatments out there besides chemotherapy, but the FDA and cancer medical mafia go out of there way to destroy such treatments before they are ever legalized. Why do they go out of their way to do this? Because the treatment is safer, cheaper, more effective, and cannot be patented. Mainly, Big Pharma and other corporations would lose money if such treatments became legalized.

For instance, the FDA prevented an effective and natural cancer treatment made from aloe vera extract from being legalized (http://www.naturalnews.com/028239_aloe_vera_FDA.html). If such natural and safer treatments were legalized, people wouldn't use chemotherapy. Maybe even the Amish would willingly accept such natural alternatives over conventional medicine.
maybe they will have have forced sterilizations next to prevent global warming from human overpopulation.. :shock:
you don't really need those nuts & bolts anyways right??? :roll: :lol:
touchy subject. on one hand, i believe in the rights of individuals to choose. the parents are the guardians of their children, and choose their path. its a tightrope walk to decide where the line of state vs individual control rests.

anyone want to take bets on how long till this gets locked or moved to OTD? lol
courts have already established that parents do not have the right to abuse or injure their children or refuse medical treatment required for them to survive.

this guy thinks there is some religious cure for cancer so any meaningful discussion is gonna be wasted anyway when you are that far gone into religion.
dnmun said:
courts have already established that parents do not have the right to abuse or injure their children or refuse medical treatment required for them to survive.

this guy thinks there is some religious cure for cancer so any meaningful discussion is gonna be wasted anyway when you are that far gone into religion.

:shock: ....Lol. I sincerely apologize, but I must inform you that I'm not religious and I'm Asian so I can't be Amish and I don't plan on converting. :lol:

I apologize for writing an incorrect article summary, the parents opted out of chemotherapy for alternative treatments.

It's arrogant for professionals of conventional medicine to think and act like the only effective treatment for cancer is chemotherapy, especially when chemotherapy also has a decent size failure rate and patients can die just from partaking in the treatment.

Also, please don't look down on the effectiveness of alternative medicine because it is possible to control diseases like cancer and aids through treatments other than "western medicine." Alternative medicine includes a broad spectrum of fields and there are medical studies proving their effectiveness. It just happens to be that most medical professionals in the US are only taught "western medicine", so they can't or may not direct you to other alternative treatments.
Courts can be a legitimate governmental organization. The FDA, by definition, is not.
gogo said:
Courts can be a legitimate governmental organization. The FDA, by definition, is not.

Although the title of one of the article states "FDA Shut Down a Surprisingly Effective Natural Cancer Cure ", the FDA partnered with the police and the sheriff to raid an experimental cancer clinic probably with a warrant from the court and they did this with tax payer money. "The FDA had responded to complaints from local oncologists who were losing business! Not one patient had complained."

It might sound strange that the FDA would partake in a raid but it does happen.

There is one instance where the numerous departments of the government came to together and spent 2 million USD to investigate and then raid a raw food membership club and cow share. The didn't spend 2 millions USD to do a raid on illegal drugs but on a health food club. Each member owned a share of this raw food club, so it was a private club that was not open to the public.

Raw Milk "Rawesome" FDA Raid on Health Freedom 8/3/11:

Despite what myths is being spread by the FDA & CDC about raw milk, raw milk from healthy cows is not dangerous. Raw milk is legal in all countries except Canada and the USA, and there is a scientific research supporting the safety of raw milk The raw milk of commercial cows raised in feedlot is dangerous which is one of the main reasons it must be pastuerized.

I don't think its any of the government or the hospital's business if I want to eat healthy food or partake in an alternative cancer treatments.
for a medical treatment to be successful, They only need like 10% of patients to respond, its never the 100% of people that will respond,
Everyone is different and everybody reacts to treatment different,