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Cross-Canada by Ebike

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I also mentioned justin's trip to a CBC video journalist and gave him justin's email.
After Treehugger picked up on it, it shouldn't be long until Justin's trip hits the blogosphere big time.
If it ever filters through to BSNYC . . . well.

There will be an item in Momentum magazine; a local publication with distribution in ~6? cities in the USofA and several Canadian cities.

It is a history making event though how many people outside aficionados picked up on the Solartaxi. . . regardless of mainstream attention?
Anything having to do with "radical" alternate energy is usually presented as filler and most often intended as humour.
Although he hasn't said it, it would appear that the Bruce Peninsula is not in the cards for Justin. In his last post (yesterday) on ebikes.ca, he put out a call for anyone interested in "meeting a friendly e-biker" on the route to Subury. If he takes that route, I doubt he'll head south. Part of the direct route down here involves the 400, and >NO< bikes are allowed on 400 series highways. He could get off the 69 at Lake Rosseau and head through the Muskokas, but it would be a bit of backtracking for him to make it anywhere but East of Toronto from there.

I guess we'll keep waiting to see... His body's gotta have taken on the form of something out of a Barrel o' Monkeys by now... Maybe he just wants to make his goal and go home...
Hi all. We had an excellent visit with Justin after he arrived in Thunder Bay, Ontario late last night. Insisted that he stay in our trailer over night. What a wonderful guy and so interesting to talk with! He and Brad talked for hours like they've known each other for years. Wish he could have stayed longer. He left about an hour ago, and Brad is riding with him for a bit on his own electric scooter toward Hwy 17 east. I think his next stop will be Nipigon. The forecast is good for the next few days.

Update: 5 pm ET - a thunderstorm, torrential rain, hail, intense lightning, and winds have suddenly arrived out of nowhere, and it's getting nasty. Uh, oh! Hence our city's name - Thunder Bay.

Maybe we'll get to BC next year, Justin! And, thanks for contacting the Atomic Zombie Krew. It was great having you stay with us.


Cheers from the Atomic Zombie Krew!
Atomic Zombie and KoolKat :D

Hey cool!would have been so great to meet up with Justin, I am a little too far away sadly! if you have got any more pictures that would be great and any new from the man, how did he get his wheel fixed? whats the ride plan? how is he finding things on the road? he is looking mighty collected IMHO?

Heres the picture posted up without the link, hope yall dont mind, any more pics greatly appreciated, I am off for a bit of KMX riding tomorrow and another video! not quite in Justins league but interesting and fun as usual!

Hope Justin can check in, would love to know his where abouts?



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Thanks, Knoxie! Power got knocked out a number of times so I couldn't get the picture uploaded in time. Not sure where he plans on staying tonight, or how far he's going to travel since he's likely soaking wet and pretty chilly from the torrential rain. Yesterday, he got a ride to our city and bought a new wheel, then caught another ride back to his bike and put the new wheel on.

It was after 9 pm when he arrived at our house last night. Quite an adventure and so many stories to tell. He's now more than half-way across Canada, traveling along the North Shore of Lake Superior through Northern Ontario. There are many small towns along the way, parks and rest stops but probably too late for him to get an Internet connection tonight, unless he stays at someone's house, a motel or finds an open wireless connection. I have some more pics and will try to upload them later.

You can track his travels and stats here: http://www.ebikes.ca/

When Justin arrives in Toronto I will get him to try my 12 foot long USS Delta Wolf Tandem. Hope to get the fiberglass nose cone installed b4 he arrives.
Hi Kool Kat

Thanks for the update, I was wondering how he got his wheel sorted, looking forward to any more pictures, be great to see some snaps of Joshua and Justin as well!

Hi Joshua. Thanks for telling Justin about us. I got an email from him late last night. He sought refuge at a hostel just outside the city limits yesterday and is now in Nipigon. Not sure how long he plans on staying there. The skies are sunny today, so hopefully his shoes will dry out! Here are some more pics. Will keep you posted. You're welcome, Knoxie!

Hey Justin, just remeber all the bad weather, broken spokes, rocky roads and everything in between are all part of the memories you will have and can share for years to come so try to think fondly of it. ( if you can lol )
so many people would love to try somthing like this but verry few have the balls to do it . good luck once again.
The "balls" or the "freedom"...

I don't have too many years left before I can retire from my "daytime" gig... Though he's probably half my age, Justin's enthusiasm and drive (and his energy to support it!) is a real inspiration to me. He's genuinely got me re-thinking what I might do with my time when I'm free of the crush of the Big Machine. And believe me, I maintain an ongoing interest in MANY personal pursuits.

So, to add to the sentiment expressed by Pheno in the previous post, it's not just about the memories that Justin will have to himself when this odyssey is behind him - it's also about the people he's affected along the way.

It's hard to qualify in the context of other continent-crossing expeditions gone-by. Justin hasn't been actively seeking media attention. He hasn't been looking for opportunities to grandstand his (obvious and considerable) talent. He hasn't tried to "scare-up" any kind of corporate sponsorship that he can later leverage as an endorsement for his business. There's a fire that burns in Justin's belly, and despite plenty of bragging rights, he remains humble about how he's actually accomplishing all of this. When he gets to Halifax, he'll have accumulated plenty of empirical data about his rig, and that will be very useful to him going forward with possible business endeavours.

When I consider the usually negative connotation associated with the last two words in the previous paragraph, particularly the word "business", I'm reminded of how impossibly small Justin's crossing of Canada will be in terms of its environmental impact. THAT is the Really Big Thing he's demonstrating, and yet it's easy - with the combination of Justin's charisma, the "Gear Head" interest in his rig, and the daunting logistical challenges he faces - to COMPLETELY lose sight of that.
Hi Koolkat

Thanks a bunch for the pictures, it really brings Justins journey alive when we can all see his interaction with folks and places along the way, I am sure that he is enjoying this journey so much! it really proves how effective e-bikes can be, I am so looking forward to more reports and pictures..Justin should write a book about this!!

Well said, philf! We had hours of meaningful discussions while he visited with us. Justin is certainly a breath of fresh air, and so grounded. Nice to connect with other like minded folks who are passionate, knowledgable and eager to learn. Definitely a kindred spirit with whom we have had the privilege to meet, and look forward to maintaining a friendship. Makes us even more determined to go forward with our goals to actively expand our efforts and awareness of our collective responsibility while on this planet.
knoxie said:
it really brings Justins journey alive when we can all see his interaction with folks and places along the way, I am sure that he is enjoying this journey so much! it really proves how effective e-bikes can be, I am so looking forward to more reports and pictures..Justin should write a book about this!!

Hi Knoxie and all, so I do have quite a few pictures and anecdotes from all across the country so far which I've been planning to share with everyone via a more formal webpage for this trip, but so far that webpage hasn't happened yet. So if you'll bear with me I'll start posting what have been the highlights so far on this forum. It's hardly in "E-Bikes Technical" category but hopefully the moderators will grant some leeway :wink:

To start off with, one of the more awesome aspects has been the continuous presence of trains. From Vancouver you are only vaguely aware of the railway on the outskirts of town and it always seems like a bit of a relic from another era when you see them. But then biking on a road that parallels the trans-continental rail lines really put in perspective the awesome amount of freight and goods that are still moved with such efficiency and speed on steel tracks. It seemed like an order of magnitude or so more than the truck traffic hauls. And give me the sounds and sights of loaded train cars snaking through the mountains over transport trucks skimming past me on the road any day.
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There is a lot of History with the trains through the Rocky Mountains. I just randomly pulled turn into a rest stop for a break one night and saw that this was the very location where the famous last spike was driven to complete the first set of tracks that joined all of Canada together.

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A bit further along I got to Rogers Pass where for about 2 decades the rail lines were constantly dealing with the brutal reality of avalanches tearing down slopes all winter long until finally in 1916 they completed a huge tunnel that simply bored right through the mountains and spared countless more casualties. There were some touristy 'walking paths' that were supposed to be along the original rail line, but it didn't feel quite right and then by bushwacking through the woods a bit I got to the real sight.
First Railroad.jpg

You can't quite see it from the photo, but the original pattern of the rail ties was still visible in the ground nearly 100 years after this first train track across canada was abandoned.
So I almost got myself filmed into Season 3 of Little Mosque on the Prairie while out for breakfast in a small town in Saskatchewan. Here I was looking for eggs and toast and then the traffic ladies come running out with their stop signs and all. It took a while to register that wait, that's a film crew, and that looks like a Mosque, no it couldn't be, indeed it is!

I almost always make a point of stopping and paying respect whenever I see a roadside memorial for yet another traffic victim. It's one of the most glossed over tragedies of the automobile era that even with all the safety regulations and order that they've tried to impose on the roads here, cars still kill some 45,000 people in North America each year, and the per-capita toll is much higher in many other countries.

There were two crosses on the shoulder-less roadside in Manitoba and I thought that it might be the location where two Cyclists raising funds for Diabetes research were killed earlier this year. However, the actual site was an even more grim story, where a young Tim Mclean was randomly killed last month on a Greyhound Bus.

RIP Tim2.jpg
Drunkskunk said:
Wow! Keep the pictures coming! This is the greatest event in E vehicles this century! I'm proud to get a virtual front row seat for it, by reading your psots here.

Will Do! My charger lights are green and my bicycle beckons me now, but I'll continue the postings this evening from the town of Wawa.

Is Guiness involved? any chance this is setting any world records?

I'll have more to say about records, media, and all that stuff later, but the long and short is that it just don't matter.
Hey Justin

Thanks so much for the pictures! they are great! what you are doing is awe inspiring and really shows such a pioneering spirit that it should and will take its place in the record books for the first crossing of Canada on an electric/human hybrid! I am pretty sure nobody else has done Canada, the US has already been done by a guy using a very early USPD on lead!

We are all watching this post with interest Justin and it is so great to be with you along the way, looking forward to the next bunch of pictures and ride reports.

Stay safe!


Don't worry about the admins. They give ya trouble and we'll all take a few electrical leads to em!

JUSTIN (SLAPS HEAD), you need to take advantage of fate man!!! You should have sidled up to the stop sign lady and said "Hi, I'm Justin and I'm going across Canada on ebike. I've come from BC to here so far. I'm looking for a good place to eat this morning can you recommend a place? Oh you might also want to notify your producers I'm here and what I'm doing they might want to have me ride through a scene in the background. They can verify I'm legit by going to ebikes.ca"

SLAPS head again!

Hi Justin

This Wawa place looks interesting! make sure you get a snap of the Wawa Goose!!

Looks nice..enjoy the food.. Somewhere to eat maybe..




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Me thinks once you get beyond Labor Day the road ahead will be less heavily travelled by tourists, joyriders and twits towing boats and trailers.

When in Sask did you make it to Craik?
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