Dodged a Bullet?

Remember the old Who song

"won't get fooled again!"
"meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss".................

now we got two bosses to pay the way
neptronix said:
LI-ghtcycle said:
We all are pretty much the same, and just want to live comfortably, keep our families safe and not have our freedoms taken away by governments OR out of control corporations, and I believe some calling for the end of one are just going to replace it with the other if we let them.

You know Dayn... I wish everyone thought that way. Because we could have our freedoms and not feel threatened by the left or right. If corporations don't lord over us and government isn't involved with business then we can actually have democracy.

These principles of coexistance of people with differing mentalities are long gone and it is going to take tearing our country apart and rebuilding it to get back there.... or a massive national tragedy or war to bring us together.

I understand and agree with you to the point of tearing the country apart, I think we have ways to affect change in elections, but I agree these last two administrations have mucked things up, (and plenty of ones in the past too) but there have been plenty of people in government and elsewhere screwing things up with out proper over-site, we need to get that reined in, I don't think we are at the point that we need to throw out our entire way of life to change that. :wink:

I think we can have protests and get message out with out this kind of nonsense going on:


(be sure to watch the second video talking about the events in the first from the perspective of a reporter and cameraman caught up in the sea of people pushing forward)

Not saying this is absolutely GOING to happen here in Portland too, but the elements getting involved that want this sort of thing to happen are going to try their best to make it happen.

I think we need more dialog and the guilty having their feet held to the fire over criminal offenses, not just things one person or other thinks is wrong, and if we don't have laws to cover something wrong then we have a process to fix that.

I sincerely hope you are wrong that we are going to need another revolution, but I guarantee if it comes to a true revolution in this country, it's going to make the civil war look minor by comparison! :(

We don’t need Sarah Palin.

The panacea that Government will provide for our welfare is silly; Government is inefficient at best and corrupts at worst. However, we still need Government to administer and represent us singularly and as a whole.

We need revolution and revision of the Electoral College; the prop that overwrites direct voter participation and representation.

We need to bring jobs home; we need to create incentives for doing so and inhibit outsourcing. Painful as it sounds, our cost of labor is too high and disproportionate, as is the cost of property and goods: There has to be a reevaluation of labor, product, and property.

The transfer of wealth out of country must be reversed; the creation of jobs and profit through war is wasteful and reckless, yet that is how the USA has survived since WWII as a former debtor nation coming out of painful economic depression. Investment in War, purchases of our war goods by foreign powers is how we found our wealth. The price of human blood greased the wheels of progress as we chased after one oil field and to another (Vietnam, Iraq, Libya) when not chasing after mineral wealth (Afghanistan).

The agenda of Social Democrats is to equalize and promote fairness, whereas the Conservative Republicans is to hoard and concentrate; extreme givers and takers arguing over the Horn of Plenty. We don’t need either one.

Personally, I don’t give a damn about fringe elements; I am interested in driving down the middle and taking the best level-headed path forward any way that I can. I am for Defense of my nation, I stand firm of protecting the rights of my fellow citizens and the bright folks that were invited… the rest however can get the F#@$ out and go back to where they came from cos we have enough problems here without having compromise with illegals, and that goes for their children too.

I strongly support self-sufficiency: Timber, Power, Food, Clean Water, and Clean Air. I strongly support building reliable mass-transit that enables commerce and liberty. We must promote industries that serve these ideals, and number-one on that list is Education.

I do not support the Monsanto’s of the world that have manipulated the supply side and are presently destroying the natural selection environment.

We can do better! We, the People, individually and collectively.

So say I, KF – Patriot.
^--- that's chest bump worthy.

As a moderate liberal i agree with all points.
Two tribes of political thought pitted against each other is not effective or productive.

For me this is about corporations being the invisible hand in our government. Our government is not by the people/for the people anymore. Things are getting progressively worse.. and i myself am ready to shed some blood for the cause of returning democracy if it comes down to that.
neptronix said:
^--- that's chest bump worthy.

As a moderate liberal i agree with all points.
Two tribes of political thought pitted against each other is not effective or productive.

For me this is about corporations being the invisible hand in our government. Our government is not by the people/for the people anymore. Things are getting progressively worse.. and i myself am ready to shed some blood for the cause of returning democracy if it comes down to that.

I hope you're not serious about shedding blood, first off, who's are you going to shed? Violence breeds violence, one feeds on another, why would we want that here?

This isn't a country cursed with that kind of mob rule, we have laws to prevent that from happening, we need peace and cool heads, because those who want nothing more than the destruction of this nation will take advantage of that kind of situation and remake this country into a military state.

Just look at what has happened to Egypt now that one thug was ousted, now there are new thugs in charge, oppression happens in different ways, because there is no real freedom like we have here.

Don't give the extremists an excuse to declare martial law and THEN you will have lost your rights.

We HAVE a voice in this country, yet, we have foolishly listed to the dog and pony show far too many times and allowed elected officials to convince us as a whole on both sides of the Isle to follow virtually the same path.

When we have tanks mowing down unarmed protesters, then I might agree that we have lost our voice.

I also agree with most of what you had to say there KF, and I applaud your candor, I might differ in a few points of how we get where we need to go, and you're right, the govenment & media for the most part do their best to convince us to not trust "that person" because we are told they don't care about us or are our enemy.

I think now more than ever, we need to vote with our $$$'s and at the voting booth not based on small sound bytes or what some other person tells us we SHOULD think about another person, but what their track record shows.

I consider myself a conservative, but I have a totally different definition than what the media will try to put to that label, I am also an Independent, I don't call any party home, because I can't trust to vote for one party or the other, there are good and bad in both, and I have to look at each individual and try and learn as much as I can about them, but I am glad that the country as a whole is starting to wake up and take notice!

More politicians are being forced to face the music, kicked out of office, in places they felt safest because when times are good, not many people look that close, now that times aren't so good, the bad apples are getting walking papers.

I will agree we need some fundamental changes to occur in our country, and both business, economic and political reform, but if anyone starts to seriously revolt, and take law into their own hands, that will just play into the hands of those who want to take our freedom from us further once enough chaos effects the average person's life, and then they will offer the "solution" and then you really won't recognize this country.

Just my $ 0.02