EBAY auction STOLEN video from me and Methods

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You can complain that an ebay auction is fraudulent/misleading details. I used to end pirate software ads on ebay.

They are looking to rip people off, I have a vested interest as it's people like these that will make people very weary of these products. If you are going to do it, do it right and do NOT rip people off with total BS specs and stolen.....well....everything on your site.

Nice shop front by the way guys.
Here is what i recieved from their response.

now that we see each other, let us be friends
again, it is impossible to sell these kits
properly with that thread going... it has had 300
views... very difficult for a business selling 6kw
kits...especially at this low price.

I am not after money... as you can tell.. my cost
price is 300pounds. 40pounds covers the site and
my mod work. I want to spread the kits. that is my

I was pressed for time to upload 'something', so i
hoped i would be approached and i could then
remove the videos / everything else, and no harm
was caused.

I look up to your work and like your good
responsive attitude, so, let us part as friends..
if you can kindly as the mods to remove the
thread.. I have removed anything i can find and am
deleting appropriately everything that is related
to you guys.

Kind regards


Here is my response:

Hi John,

I see you seem to want collaborating and prefer keeping respect wich is good attitude. The E-S community is a real great community and joining us can only profit to you and your business.

I will see and suggest to remove that thread on the E-S but as for respecting guys on E-S too, i will ask first if they consider that a great trade off.

Glad to see your attitude seem good.

to be continued.

I'm asking you all guys:

Should i remove this thread in exchange if their collaboration and respect for everyone? and give them a chance to restart in the right way since their attitude seem good to me now?
:?: :?: :?:

I dot like war and always give second chance for recover so? :|

With proviso:

Further stolen IP or any fraudulent business practice will result in public reprisal and/or legal action.
I would say that they have to change all the ebay ads as well with realistic specifications that will not mislead possible customers. If that is done along with ALL pics and videos then I am cool with it. But I just do not want people buying into something that will almost certainly not be up to the task.....or something so stupidly overpowered that someone will kill themselves on it in UK and spoil it for everyone else.

I don't think there is any fear of that bike being anywhere near advertised power though lol. Up to you Doc though....
Dear com2wdcycleswww,

Why are you using so many stolen videos and pictures from other people to promote your products. They are public videos but they arent your creations nor do they have the same components. Why are you advertising false specs and claims? The people in my ebike community are very upset that you have stolen their content and misrepresenting and blemishing what ebikes are about.

- goutmouth

Dear goutmouth,

bah...tell them not to worry (copy this message
into that es thread) it was cold, we couldn't make
videos... not scammers..we're genuine. We spend a
lot of time on each motor kit before we sell them
assembling the controller, beefing them up etc...
we threw images at random as the main product is
we sell powered wheelchairs too if ur interested.
hope everyone can calm down about it, it was a
genuine mistake, we're trying to get some footage
up a.s.a.p. hard for a new business etc... help us
clear the misunderstanding up please

- com2wdcycleswww
Sure it's cold, but I managed to do a video and some promo shots for 2 of my bikes that I have built for customers. But they will not be going on website until January.

This thread is about stolen video and pictures. If people want to start something about false specs and numbers please start another thread.

I need to go at work now. When i'll comeback, i 'll see if i'll remove that thread and give them a second chance.

By that time, please give me your opinion.

The bottom line here is one of trust. Each of us has to make a decision when choosing who to spend money with and a large part of that process has to be based on trust, using as much information as we can get hold of.

I'm in two minds about this seller.

There is evidence, and an open admission by him, that he has no regard for intellectual property. In my view, that's no reason, on its own, to not do business with him. After all, we all buy from Chinese manufacturers who similarly have no regard for intellectual property. The performance claims, together with the responses to queries that have been posted here, do give me cause for concern. Threatening people, who are doing nothing more than pointing out something that is blatantly unlawful, is not a good tactic when it comes to winning confidence from potential customers.

However, the final arbiter when it comes to making a decision about purchasing from any professionally run business has to come down to a personal view of all aspects of that business, from their ethical view, through the morals and professionalism of the way they respond to potential customers, to the premises they operate from.

I'd advise anyone buying from any supplier to check them out carefully, using all the tools available to a savvy internet user, and make up their own mind as to whether or not they want to risk spending their money with them. I'd also want to check the warranty provided and make sure that the company was in a position to honour any future warranty claim, bearing in mind the legal requirements for certain minimum periods of warranty cover for parts and services, as required under UK law.

Doctorbass said:

This thread is about stolen video and pictures. If people want to start something about false specs and numbers please start another thread.

I need to go at work now. When i'll comeback, i 'll see if i'll remove that thread and give them a second chance.

By that time, please give me your opinion.



Re: com2wdcycleswww

Its up to you, but I would vote for leaving the thread in place.

2wdcycle's first responses to being challenged was not encouraging. They admitted the transgression but said they didn't care. They threatened you and Jeremy. It looks as if they only decided to play a bit nicer when they thought the thread was having an effect.

And this whole "we're just people who want to do good and get the e-bike message out to the people" is just so awful and cringeworthy. Right, so we'll get the message across by offering something that's obviously dangerous and illegal. Its worth leaving the thread up for that alone.

My 2 cents,

I sure hope they don't fool anyone over at all those OTHER popular electric-bicycle web-forums!...oh....wait a minute...(*rubs chin, while looking off to the side*...)
I agree that they shouldn't of used the videos without permission. Doc must feel the same way that Stealth bikes feels about us all trying to copy their bomber bike. :mrgreen:
Beavinator said:
I agree that they shouldn't of used the videos without permission. Doc must feel the same way that Stealth bikes feels about us all trying to copy their bomber bike. :mrgreen:
Not the same. No one has claimed they are selling the bomber, nor used the bomber to promote their own products.

Keep the thread in "general discussion" for today... then move it to the cesspool. If they mess with anybody's stuff without permission, move it back into public view.
No way doc. Absolutely do not remove the thread. I just reported the listing as well. If he takes down the video, and posts video of his own bikes. Everyone will be happy and we will respect them. Otherwise they appear completely fraudulent.
Even if they were I think that Hal has made enough changes to the bike that it wouldn't even be a copywrite issue anyways.
Someone seems to like Eteks.

Somone sure has changed their name alot.

Im just saying...

One name looks familiar...


  • Etek (Medium).jpg
    Etek (Medium).jpg
    52.2 KB · Views: 1,055
icecube57 said:
Someone seems to like Eteks.

Somone sure has changed their name alot.

Im just saying...

Dude, download chrome man, you won't regret it. I didn't even think people still used IE anymore:D
icecube57 said:
Someone seems to like Eteks.

Somone sure has changed their name alot.

Im just saying...

Dude, download chrome man, you won't regret it. I didn't even think people still used IE anymore:D
Doc. Leave this thread up. These guys are clearly wankers and deserve to be driven out of business. They have stolen and lied.

Thieves and liars... think about it. you really want people like this selling eBikes, It's tossers like this that will hold back eBikes due to their overpricing and unrealistic claims on performance.


yes off with their heads I'm totally for that and all, why waste time on people who don't know squat about ebikes I always say! :roll:
Stolen photographs good christ above... no over-reactions in this thread at all :lol:
no mention of this either:

Doctorbass gets his batteries 'STOLEN' from a battery service center by his uncle :shock: :shock: :shock:

don't forget to roll their heads down the hill while you're at it and jeer at them :lol:

Gow864 said:
Doc. Leave this thread up. These guys are clearly wankers and deserve to be driven out of business. They have stolen and lied.

Thieves and liars... think about it. you really want people like this selling eBikes, It's tossers like this that will hold back eBikes due to their overpricing and unrealistic claims on performance.


That ebay user ID history tells us a story, one that I don't particularly like, as it implicates an ES forum member as being the one who misused photos and videos from here to advertise their products. I believe that the member concerned has also sucked knowledge and expertise from this forum to supposedly create a "product" that they are intent on reselling for profit, something I find extremely distasteful. I will very happily chuck ideas into the collective knowledge pool here, but I do not accept that this gives forum members the right to take from that collective knowledge pool and try to profit from it, at least not without asking first. As others will know, if anyone asks if they can use something I've contributed in a product I will unfailing say "yes". Fail to ask and I will get exceedingly pissed off.

I'll lay money on the stuff they are re-selling as having come from respected suppliers on here too. In fact I'd bet that the seller's claims that, "we are building our own custom controllers" will turn out to be something along the lines of "we are really re-selling Ed Lyen's controllers but we aren't going to tell you that".

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