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Fav ES "dinosaur"


1 PW
Jul 9, 2013
Ummm.. Started out in Victoria BC Canada, then sta
OK... In another thread on ES I recently said "perhaps the EN (Ebiker Nation) might pick a fav terrestrial vertebrate" (meaning some species of "dinosaur").

And I mentioned three maybe "candidates"... "Tyrannosaurus Rex", and "Stegosaurus", and "Pterosaur".

I might add a forth candidate, "Quetzalcoatl" (for any Mexican friends here).

Watts maybe cool about THAT last feathered serpent deity? Per Wicked Pee (-dia):
Quetzalcoatl was related to gods of the wind, of Venus, of the dawn, of merchants and of arts, crafts and knowledge. He was also the patron god of the Aztec priesthood, of learning and knowledge.

Hehe... Arts, crafts and KNOWLEDGE... Remind you of anybuddy you might know? Like maybe EVery denison aboard the Alt. Reality Planet of "ES" maybe???

So my choice (drum roll here) might be Quetzalcoatl (Yes, OK, kinda wordy for Engrish speakers... Just "Big Q" in mixed company maybe. (BTW, Big Q? One of the largest known flying creatures of all time.)

So, any other fav mems of the clade Dinosauria anybuddy?
My favorite ES dinosaur,,,,, LockH
HA HA! (You dog, you.)
Quetzalcoatl =

Quetzalcoatlus =
Personally, I prefer Achillobator

A Kill o bater > A Kilo Watter?
How about a dinosaur horse? With 3 toes instead of hooves. (Hyracotherium)


Maybe you'd prefer a North American single toed horse, such as the Pliohippus.

Hehe... For a horseless carriage crowd? :)

Anything "Achilles" I'm kinda partial to...

Betcha though, that Big Q gets lower Wh/mile maybe (in flight). 8)

Edit: Ohhh. "Velo" is cool too (comes with ride. No idea watt his/her wh/m might be)!
Ha... Hehehe... You folks... How `bout a pic of some car, wattEVer... "The Model Z" (last in the series of dinosaurs.)