Getting ready for lipo ! With Pics !

a tip on wheelies, hold your power and adjust with the rear brake, it will bring it down or level it without getting a big thump if you release throttle, practice makes perfect
dingotookmybaby said:
a tip on wheelies, hold your power and adjust with the rear brake, it will bring it down or level it without getting a big thump if you release throttle, practice makes perfect

Good tip but not sure how I would do the throttle and the rear brake on the same side. I was used to 2-strokes where the power comes on a little more gradual. This was instant. :shock: Plus I guess I am not 20 anymore and out of practice. :oops:

I did make up my y-harness and it works :mrgreen: I just hook up the resistor first and leave it hooked up and then connect the main power, no spark. I wired in a temp dash- d.m.m. and I never got more than 1 volt sag. These batteries rock. I rode all over town and it only dropped maybe 1 volt the whole time. Also pretty cool seeing the voltage go up 3 or 4 tenths during regen.