Hyena Electric Bikes custom battery wiring harness


1 MW
Sep 16, 2007
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Quick review (and long overdue!):

I asked Jay @ Hyena Electric Bikes to make some paralleling battery wiring harnesses for me. I had some specific requirements on cable lengths and needed to be able to use the same cables to run a 15S4P lipo pack with the ability to reconfigure for 20S3P.

I provided the bullet connectors and Turnigy silicon wiring and Jay did the rest :)

The result is below and I'll be using Anderson Powerpoles to connect the paralleled groups of cells in series and then to the controller.

photo (1)s.jpg
photo (2)s.jpg

Thanks Jay for doing a great job!

His work is timely and reasonably priced so naturally I'd recommend him for anyone else needing custom work that doesn't have the experience or tools to do it themselves OR like me, is just too lazy :lol:

You can get ahold of him on E-S here: Hyena or at his website: http://www.hyenaelectricbikes.com
Awesome. I need a set like that made up as I only have one arm that works. Thanks Voicecoils.
Brian L.