I broke something...Me


100 kW
Apr 25, 2008
Chicago Western Sub.
I know this is not the correct place for me to post this but ebikes is where I normally post. And the info am going to share can effect bike riding as well.

I was out riding my motor scooter (250cc) yesterday morning (yeah, I know...I'm a trader) and got a boo-boo.

I wat s riding on a section of newly re-paved roadway when the trafic stopped and I didn't. Actually I did but not in the conventional manner. I skidded on the oily pavement snd laid the scooter on it's side at 60 mph. WOW, I can't tell you how hot fresh black roadway is on a sunny 90 degree day. Especally when it's peeling off your skin..LOL

Bottom line; watch out for new pavement it's much more slipery or you too could spend your day in the ER. I spraind my left wrist, broke my right wrist and broke my right leg. O'yeah, I also left a lot of skin on the roadway.

Sorry for any typos but it's hard to type with one finger on each hand sticking out of a cast.

So I guess I'll be off my bikr for a while. Actually I can't even walk using the sticks because of the wrists. So my wide is stuck pushing me around the house in a wheelchair. Nope can't even do that myself......... But boy the drugs are working great.

Happy riding.......Bob
Sorry to hear that Bob. I HOPE YOU GET WELL SOON. GODSPEED!
I drive a Honda Elite 150 all the time and am always on the look out for the next road rash. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Welcome (albeit temporarily) to the 'moves with wheels' club :lol:

Get well soon man, enjoy the druuuugs only good part about an accident like this....oh
that and the insurance, will you score a new scooter out of it?? LoL

Welcome to the broken bone club. Heal up soon man.
Hi Bob,
sorry to hear you got broke. It sure is a problem getting around, isn't it?
I know it was almost 3 months before I could ride. Well it was less but I didn't tell the doc that.

I would guess that we won't get a chance this year to get togeather for a ride.

Did you get the Knees fixed? If not now would be the time.

Hope you heal soon and properly.
dumbass said:
Bottom line; watch out for new pavement it's much more slipery or you too could spend your day in the ER. I spraind my left wrist, broke my right wrist and broke my right leg. O'yeah, I also left a lot of skin on the roadway.
Happy riding.......Bob

Definitely a good warning. I crashed in a similar scenario, there was black dirt in the road that spread from a recent repair to a small section of the road. http://www.endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=30200.

Hope you have speedy recovery Bob.
Sorry to hear that bob. I hope you heal ok.
Gravel rash would never be fun.

Were you wearing any protective gear? I ride a 750cc and NEVER leave with out my helmet (compulsory in Australia), protective jacket, kevlar jeans and gloves. Even if i am just going to pick up some milk a few km's away.

Sorry, I am not meaning to lecture you.
Enjoy the drugs.
I'm sorry to hear about your accident, Bob. Going down or over at speed is never a good thing. Heal fast and well!
Yikes! Sorry to hear you're broke, but hey! How's the scooter!! :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol:

Couldn't resist! :p

I've been in some motorcycle accidents, but never got hurt quite that bad! :oops:

I hope you get better soon, and remember, especially if the drugs are really good, don't forget to share them with the wife too! :mrgreen:
A pebble skidded my front wheel out on a Yamaha 200cc once, but I was only going about 5mph when the bike went down. Bob, get well quick!
Ouch! 60 mph and you suddenly had to stop. That's a challenge in a car or anything. Traffic jam on the freeway? Or just the unexpected left turning guy on a 55 mph road?

New pavement is tricky. I was downhilling some fresh paved road on rollerblades once. Left a very large patch of thigh skin on the hill due to the oily new road. Seemed like a good idea at the time, new pavement is real smooth. And real oily.

Broke everything but head. Ouch! Good thing the head is ok, but broken bones really suck. You're done riding for the summer for sure.
Hi everyone, Thanks for all the great thoughts...it helps.

Dand214, We may still make a ride this year. My knee was about 70% to 80% healed from last years little boo boo. I would love to have both knees replaced but my insurance won't cover it and my bone guy estimated close to 50 grand each. So life goes on. Maybe when I get Medicare (if I live that long..LOL).

Dogman, I was just traveling down the road doing 60 with trafic. SUV in front and pickup in back. I should have slowed down though because I knew it was a construction area (painting the lines). I think one of the workers stepped out on the roadway and someone locked up their brakes (chain reaction after that). I could have been OK but the pavement was just so slippery. I've never locked the brakes before...and I'll try not to again :lol:

LI-ghtcycle, No idea what the scoot looks like yet. I have an appointment with the bone guys this afternoon. So I will take a look at it when I get home. As I mentioned I really can't work and there are 2 steps to get in.out of house. To navigate them I slid from chair to chair (differnet sizes) to go our the door. So far I'vedone it once when I came home. Cool idea of my daughter and it worked well so far. We'll see how well it works going the other way now. They tell me the scooter isn't very damaged though. To bad wouldn't mind getting a new one but it's only got 600 miles on it.

shorza, Actually the nurse couldn't believe how clean the road rashes were. I told her it was brand new blacktop and the road had just been open. Like I said it was hot while I was lying on it. And yes I was wearing a helmet. The helmet didn't get a scratch but the face mask looks like someone ran a cheese greater over it. I'm guessing I wouldn't have a nose today if I haden't had it on. But I was only wearing jeans and T. Wore through the jeans then my knee. Very supprised my legs really didn't get messed up (except for the breaking :? )
Yeah, the basic problem being the traffic was going 60. Tailgate less, and somebody just swerves in front of you taking up that space beginning the whole process over again. Or makes dangerous passes on you. Tight traffic like that leaves very little choices when shit happens.

My last car accident, in a construction zone where the road swerves from lane to lane. Stupid enough to drive it at the posted 35 mph, I allowed a semi to pass me, then run me off the road with his rear end. I had to stop, or just blast through orange barrels into concrete barriers stockpiled off the road. So I got rear ended by 5 tailgating cars.

The point of the ramble, is sometimes traffic simply screws you. As just happened to you. Other than stay home, what can you do to ride safer? One skill I am glad I learned in the dirt. How to lock up the rear wheel, steer the skid to the spot of your choice, and lay er down. That half second more that gets you on top of the bike can be priceless, as can sliding in the direction that's away from under a semi trailers wheels. You only get to adjust your trajectory a few feet, but that bit can save your life. You might want to practice locking the rear up someday on a dirt bike.
dogman said:
You only get to adjust your trajectory a few feet, but that bit can save your life. You might want to practice locking the rear up someday on a dirt bike.

Oh dog, I think i already got enough pratice locking em up.... LOL.

BTW, just got back from the bone man and he said 8 weeks for the wrists and 1 for the leg. My damn mill and lathe are in my basement where I can't get at them now. So I can't even work on my new build. I'll get my wife to bring up some electrical gear and work on that. I've been putting off building my life charge long enough. Bob
Pics of carnage! Pics of carnage!

Blood! Blood!
A little ghoulish aren't we guys........LOL Not much to show. Hard cast on one wrist and soft brace on other and a soft brace on the leg for now because of the swelling. As I said the scooter only got a few areas of the paint scuffed off. But if i can get my wife to help me get outside I'll see if I can get a few pics. I did start it up this afternoon though. Hit the starter and it popped right off. Just like my ebike...... Bob
The first time I got kicked by a horse, my grandfather said: When you're hurt, don't cry to anyone and try your best not to show, continue to work as usual and the pain will fade much faster.

Never show them that you are bleeding
liveforphysics said:
Pics of carnage! Pics of carnage!

Blood! Blood!

OK, here's a few pics.. Sorry but not a lot of blood or carnage. My wife shot the pics for me and as much as I tell her to stop walking when she shoots a pic she still blurs everyone of them. So tried to pic the best. As you can see not a lot of damage to the bike at all. Basicly a paint job needed. I got a nice new cast on one hand that allows my fingers to be free now. And my leg is still is a foam strap on support because of swelling. They told me yesterday that might be thebest thing to stay with because my brakes are all vertical not horizontal. Most of m road rash is covered by cast and where my wife wouldn't take a pic....LOL Gotta be extra nice to my sweetie right now....She's m only way out of the house till they let me try using the sticks. Bob





You got yourself a great lady, willing to take pics of the scooter AND the carnage! :twisted:

Get well soon, I was in a rush to get to a bike shop before closing yesterday and had a wonderful trucker decide he needed my right of way, fortunately nothing happened, but of course it was "my fault" :roll: he was making a left from the opposing lane of traffic, I made a right and I quickly signaled and went to the far left of the lane to make a left to the bike path entrance.

He called after me "I guess you don't like your bike very much!!" I'm sure he thought that he would speed past me with me in the right side of the lane, and I was really tempted to say "I guess you don't like your license very much!!" but I just went on my way, but I guess it might have been better that he was behind me so I never saw how close it was.

Get well soon Bob, glad that you weren't hurt worse, and that you have something to do while you heal. :)

Hillhater said:
sorry to hear of your situation..get well soon.
.. I bet toilet time is interesting !! :mrgreen:

LOL, you know that actually has been the most "inteeresting" part of the whole darn thing. And it's been a little joke between my wife and I for years. When ever we are at Costo I always stop and look at the prices of Depends. You know adult dipers! Nether of us need or use such things so she always laughs and asks if I still planning for the future. So the first time I needed to go pottie and had to figure our just how I was going to accomplish this feat I was able to through out how clever I was to have been planning for the future. Bob
You need one of these!
