If you had the chance to start endless sphere all over again, what would you change?


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Utah, USA
With the move to a significantly upgraded forum platform on the near-term horizon, we have an opportunity to make major changes to ES and improve on the formula from 2006 that made this site the #1 ebike DIY forum on the net.

I wanted to ask... what would you change if you were supreme leader of ES and were tasked with reinventing the sphere?
Let me hear your dreams!
To me XenForo looks very similar to this phpBB forum. What do you think is better with XenForo?

My feelings on software. Paid is not always better then free. Example is Microsoft Word vs LibreOffice. Also the best computer programs are the ones that you know how to work. Neptronix, think you got this phpBB software pretty well figured out. If you want to make it better and you know how to write code. Join the team here Get Involved Development Team.

My feelings on changing stuff. If it's not broke. Don't fix it.

My feelings on colors. Like black text on a light blue background.
Enforce a rule limiting flame wars to certain OT topics. Encourage posters to proofread their work before pressing "submit." Add a dedicated forum (assuming there isn't one) for pre-built bikes like mine.
Lets take a look at some other forums.

If you like to build stuff? I do. Go here:
Think they using vBulletin

If you have a strange obsession with flashlights? I do. Go here:
Think they also using vBulletin

If you like to melt metal in your backyard? I want to. Go here:
Sad to see that the forum is no more? Wonder where all the metal casting guys are typing?

If you want to learn about a Suzuki Aerio? Sad to see that forum has died :( Most of them cars have most likely been melted and formed into new stuff.
marty said:
If you have a strange obsession with flashlights? I do. Go here:
Think they also using vBulletin

Oh, thanks for that forum. My brother did have such an obsession, people used to buy his creations online and he didn't have a real job anymore. I guess I have to register to read up on his complete line from his profile, but I found what must have been him. These reminders are always harder around the holidays, eh?
When I see a shotgun spam attack, instead of deleting them, my immediate main effort is to ban the names as quickly as possible, since some of the posts are very rapid and they can post more faster than I can delete. (edit, I now know how to use the ban-hammer)

I don't know if a 5-minute freeze of the site is possible, but that might be one item on my wish list.

One thing I would like is that the process to ban a user and then find their posts to delete them is fine on my laptop, but...when on my smart-phone the buttons are small and close together

spinningmagnets [banning]

The banning options link is too small, and too close to the name

[reset] [submit]

I have to scroll down to reach this option and they are too small and too close together. Even a small improvement would help on my tiny phone screen, with my hideously large fingers.

Are you sure you wish to carry out this operation? [yes] [no]

Also, the "yes/no" is too small and too close together
Talon said:
Allow images bigger than 512kb :bigthumb:

Oh jesus yes.
The forum software has always had a way to control file upload sizes, yet it had a 512kb limit hard coded.
I actually just found where this hardcoded limit is and updated it to 8mb.
Give it a try.
marty said:
Comparison of Internet forum software

Marty, please stop posting about our forum format. This discussion is not about the forum format. It's about what you'd like to see in the future.
LeftieBiker said:
Enforce a rule limiting flame wars to certain OT topics. Encourage posters to proofread their work before pressing "submit." Add a dedicated forum (assuming there isn't one) for pre-built bikes like mine.

I think having a sub-forum for prebuilt bikes is a slam dunk idea and i am putting that one on the list to consider.
I agree that some moderation changes to offtopic are very desirable ( that's a whole nother discussion we need to have at some point - let's put a pin in that for now ).
I think most people would ignore the warning to spell check, but i'd like that idea too if there is a feasible way to implement it. Will consider.
spinningmagnets said:
I don't know if a 5-minute freeze of the site is possible, but that might be one item on my wish list.

We absolutely need something like that. I have an idea for an analytics engine that calculates user reputation into a number ( much like how email spam filters make decisions ) and then impose limits on the user based on their activity - especially their first posts.

In our next format, i promise to make your job easier. :thumb:

I wasn't aware you were using a cell phone. Things like what you said are important to know about though. Phpbb's mobile phone support was an afterthought and my theme has improved on it significantly but it still needs work. Our next format will be A LOT more cell phone friendly.
neptronix said:
Talon said:
Allow images bigger than 512kb :bigthumb:

Oh jesus yes.
The forum software has always had a way to control file upload sizes, yet it had a 512kb limit hard coded.
I actually just found where this hardcoded limit is and updated it to 8mb.
Give it a try.

Doesn't this mean that the data E-S will have to store will multiply many times if everyone starts uploading such large photo's? If possible, then an automatic resizing feature to maybe max 1Mb would be better? People will then still be able to upload large size photo's but the stored and shown photo size will be limited on E-S.
I'm a moderator at the Nissan Leaf forum (the one who spends the most time "on duty"), and after much pressure from us, the site finally went to moderation for the first few posts of a new member - they have to be approved. That solved the longstanding spam problem. You do need mods who are there at all hours for it to work, though.
SlowCo said:
Doesn't this mean that the data E-S will have to store will multiply many times if everyone starts uploading such large photo's? If possible, then an automatic resizing feature to maybe max 1Mb would be better? People will then still be able to upload large size photo's but the stored and shown photo size will be limited on E-S.

Yes, but i have written a script that rescales these images to a maximum of 4k resolution and also uses giflossy, mozjpeg, and pngcrush to optimize the compression rates. This is the bare minimum of what facebook, reddit, and other big sites do.

I have also recently cut our hosting costs to 1/3rd of what they were before, so we have tons of headroom in our budget for the extra bandwidth, storage space, and backup costs :thumb:
LeftieBiker said:
I'm a moderator at the Nissan Leaf forum (the one who spends the most time "on duty"), and after much pressure from us, the site finally went to moderation for the first few posts of a new member - they have to be approved. That solved the longstanding spam problem. You do need mods who are there at all hours for it to work, though.

That was already on my own personal dream feature list, and i have a better way in mind to implement that. :thumb:
I would suggest some way of indicating that you agree with a post, without having to post an actual reply. "Like" seems to be the defacto way on other forums, but it just doesn't feel right to me in this context.

An example of where this would have been useful is the post in this thread asking for bigger file upload sizes. If it was super popular, the thread would quickly get swamped in "me too" type posts.

I don't know about ranking things by popularity - that doesn't seem to be in the ethos here. Being accurate and/or informative would be something to prize, so I think I'm suggesting an "I approve of this post" type option. However, as with all these things, the more one discusses it the more complicated it gets.

Also, absolutely agree with the moderating suggestion, although, as pointed out, it requires people to be effective (in three time zones ideally).
Anything that helps uploading and resizing pics will be welcome.

Also anything that will take a load off of the mods will I'm sure, be appreciated.

Are you thinking of a member rating system? Sounds kind of tough to implement, but I don't know what tools are available to do this.

Might I suggest to make small changes at a time so as to not freak out the members. :shock:
I would suggest some way of indicating that you agree with a post, without having to post an actual reply. "Like" seems to be the defacto way on other forums, but it just doesn't feel right to me in this context.

A slightly more sophisticated "+1" (maybe a thumbs up icon like some use now) with a button to automate it, would be a decent alternative to the Dreaded "Like" button. OTOH it may be a distinction without a difference.
I moderate about 20% on the phone, and 80% laptop.

Checking in on the phone helps to catch some issues so I can lock flame-threads as soon as possible, and split hairs when I get home....
pickworthi said:
I would suggest some way of indicating that you agree with a post, without having to post an actual reply. "Like" seems to be the defacto way on other forums, but it just doesn't feel right to me in this context.

Our new system will have this :thumb: and i also agree with the importance of that.

nicobie said:
Anything that helps uploading and resizing pics will be welcome.

You'll be blown away at how good image uploading/positioning/etc is on the new system. :thumb:

Also anything that will take a load off of the mods will I'm sure, be appreciated.

New system has this but i also want to develop some black magic to make it even better than that. And the main reason is that i want moderation to be MUCH easier on the new system ( and in making it easier, it means there's less work and better moderation as a result! )

Are you thinking of a member rating system? Sounds kind of tough to implement, but I don't know what tools are available to do this.

I have something like that in mind later down the road. Stack overflow and discourse are inspiring to me.

Might I suggest to make small changes at a time so as to not freak out the members. :shock:

Heh, well the change to a new forum format will be a shock but i am going to theme it and modify it so that it has a similar color scheme and feel. However, many aspects of the new software operate similarly to sites a lot of people are familiar with, so it may be different, but it won't be unfamiliar.. does that make sense?
Shazzy said:
A classified section based on location

..i actually have an add on system in mind that adds what is basically a facebook marketplace clone. We can tack this onto our forum system.

I am not sure how stable/secure said software is though.
If you want to read more about this system, check this out:

2020-11-25 16_51_05-Window.jpg

How big of a deal would that be to you guys?
LeftieBiker said:
A slightly more sophisticated "+1" (maybe a thumbs up icon like some use now) with a button to automate it, would be a decent alternative to the Dreaded "Like" button. OTOH it may be a distinction without a difference.

The new format includes a fully customizable set of reactions which work just like they do on facebook.

2020-11-25 16_54_29-Window.jpg

2020-11-25 16_56_16-Window.jpg

I have some ideas on how they can be used to mark posts so that we can generate lists of the most useful/appreciated content and also prevent vote rigging/downrank squad type action.

This is a very juicy feature i'm looking forward to :p

I feel like oprah telling you guys about this..
'you get a feature.. you get a feature!'
