LI-ion NiCoMn Battery from BMSBattery

toniovelo said:
Very interesting the NiCoMn BMSBattery. I think i buy a 48v 10ah battery (for a bafang BPM it's ok or not???) but what is the really continous discharge current in your tests? 15A/20A/30A? It's not clear! Thanks.

I've a problem with dimensions about this battery on BMS-battery:

Mr Bin Li say me this: 80x115x275mm

Miss Rita Chen say me this: 66mm X 168mm X 158mm

What is the good, because they don't know exactly i suppose...

Can you help me please???
i heard BMS battery have some new High C rate, 3C NMC batteries coming soon, has anyone got any more info on them ?
jk1 said:
i heard BMS battery have some new High C rate, 3C NMC batteries coming soon, has anyone got any more info on them ?

this battery???
neptronix said:
cwah: We'll see how it goes over the long term. Stuff from BMSBattery ( and many vendors like them ) is hit / miss. No quality control before they ship it out.. you are the QC :p

What qc would you recommend prior to first use?