Melb winter wonderland night-time ride anyone?

Good to see some good will still come of it! :)

I am thinking of starting a facebook group to organise events as its a good way to do it without sequential posts. Are most folks on facebook?
Samd said:
I am thinking of starting a facebook group to organise events as its a good way to do it without sequential posts. Are most folks on facebook?

Just started one. Let's see if it works.
Facebook Group - Melbourne Ebike Riders

I have never started a group like this before on facebook, so any tips are welcome. But I think if people "like" your hooked in from there on. And will see posts, events etc.

Sam. I'll join you as an admin of the page. Once I work out how. : )

- Adrian
Ah bugger. I had wanted it to be about Victoria, not jut Melbourne. And maybe throw around some ideas.You sure move fast...
Sorry. Thought I would see what you needed to do to create the page and ended up just doing it.

We can still change the name. Happy to call it whatever people think is best.
- Melbourne Ebike Riders
- Victorian Ebike Riders
- Vic Oz Ebikers
- ...

What do ya think?

Sam. PM me the email address you use for your facebook account, and I'll add you as an admin. Then you'll have free reign. :twisted:

- Adrian
Hey no stress. Actually Victorian sounds like we get about on penny farthings with hipster moustaches.

Hmmm a penny farthing with a cromotor....
Hey. Who told you I was growing a mustache....

Okay. You should now be setup as admin for the page. So have fun hacking.

I expect to see a profile pic like this some time soon.

Actually looking at that picture, the back wheel is just crying for a hub motor. High CoG might limit the torque you can lay down, but would make for an amusing video.

Actually, I think you made the right choice. I made mentions at a few meets that I started planning these get togethers with the eventual goal of incorporating the group and even apply for some funding, for projects that would benefit us all. I reckon keeping separate groups for different cities has it's advantages, but will shift this discussion onto good old 'farkobeserko'.

How did the get together end up folks?
haha what full-throttle said :)

FTs bike, 48v with a geared hub motor was an eye opener for me, partic compared with the 48v std hub I was running (N yeah guys I KNOW the back brake on the test machine is more for "aesthetic purposes" than any stopping power :lol: ), with low-end torque being noticeably well stronger on full-throttle's beast. Plus a really clean understated build, Nice in triangle location for batteries and controller, and a smaller geared hub to really de clutter the rear end. With Full throttles obvious cycling background, I reckon I'd have to look twice if he passed me on the street, before realising his mount was electric.

T3esla brought a foldable 20" which was remarkably OK ... I mean the little wheels freaked me out, and I didn't adjust it for "ride" and don't feel to comfortable in a "squat position" on a bike (Curse of a long limbed 6' human frame) so that prolly didn't help perceptions :) but as a compact transport solution it was purty cool. At this stage, not my cup of tea tho.

Listening to T3sla's e-bike mechanicing experience and his general perception of the commercial/industry side as a man in the frontline was awesome... Definately some wise words there for me to chew on

In fact a Lotta good words from both re the pheasibility or not of an e-bike business...

Personally it was super cool to met some other peeeps who actually owned operated and worked on e-bikes.

Can't wait to meet some more or meet the same ones again :)

Bugger.. Just found this post tonight. next time. Would love to meet some of you guys. Yarra Trail is my E-stomping ground
Just got Elmo back together a few weeks ago and working on a second build ATM
Hey MakeTheNoise,

If yer up for chats, drop 'round any time... Plus I do have a pretty comprehensive workshop now... May be able to help you out with tools n bits n bobs.

I think my number is somwhere in this thread, or PM me, i generally check e-s once a day minimum...

Updated the facebook group with a few old photos and videos- hope people don't mind me pinching them.
Another ride late Oct sometime?
Can't wait for the warmer weather!
@SamD. Great idea to put photos/videos up on the facebook page.

Let's make the next ride on the weekend, preferably during the daylight hours. Week nights are tricky for me with a young family.

I recently resurrected my full suspension hub motor bike with a bit of a LiPo injection, so wouldn't mind making the next ride off-road. What would people prefer?
- Melbourne or out of town
- on-road / off-road
- Late October, or earlier.

Sam. Dmitrii. Got some suggestions for rides out of town, or off road? Would be good to do something a bit different.

- Adrian
Totally open to wherever, whenever everyone else wants.. I got lucky last time :)

No idea what I'll be riding on the day, too many choices now, hopefully less by then :)

With the good weather hopefully on it's way, I am keen to start trying to make this a monthly gathering. Something like the last Sunday of every month we pick a different location, and route. Both in and around Melbourne, and further afield if people are keen.

But lets try and arrange the first one first. Since I now have my off-road machine down on weight, and up on power I say Yarra trails for an off-road jaunt, with a good weather clause.

Only dates that work for me in the next couple of month are:
Sun 19-Aug
Sun 26-Aug
or not until
Sat 22-Sep
Sun 23-Sep

Who is in, for when?
Just discovered this thread!. Would love to ride with someone else, although i get great satisfaction from all the weird looks from non-ebikers. I'm out and about every second day, mainly docklands, studley park area, Maribyrnong river etc. Would happily drive to catch up.

Cheers Jordan
Hi All,

I just found this thread, I'm interested in catching up on the weekend. during the day is probably better for me also. I'm in Ashburton but am happy to drive to meet up.

I've been badly trying to stay off Facebook, but I suppose I could make an exception for a worthwhile cause... Have people been putting much info on the Facebook link?
not sure, might have seen you aaaagessssss ago on epsom road passing this away heading away from the city.

might have been year ago or more :shock: