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Mr. Quentin is only doing 2 more movies. I hope they will be great movies. He used to be on the sauce, he acts weird when he is, was on Jay Leno a few times that way.
Yah, reminds me of the 'UMBRELLA' corporation, the "T VIRUS" and the popular RESIDENT EVIL franchise.
But the only thing we have to fear is . . . . fear itself. Everything ends bud- fear not, for ____________

Movies have been a little slow so far this year imo, but speaking of tarrantino and the like I've been entertained.

from sundance/ifc had an entertaining story, and also there was something about Ashley Bell :D
Mind you these are nothing that will blow you away, or maybe they will. . .


Little more 'sane' action and mystery. Simply watched this one to see what would happen lol.

Tusk movie is very very strange. Its oddly strange. I forced myself to watch it after the craziness started to happen in the crazy old guys house when the victim is transformed.
Lol, I think I remember beastie mentioning that one. 'Disturbing' is the way I'd put it, at least slightly. . . With a twist of 'bizzare' lol. For some reason I then think about "THE LOBSTER", maybe because I found it more enjoyable while still a bit 'out there'. Lol.

Anyone seen the new Xmen or Startrek? They may be my favs of 2016 cuz I'm invested in both series'.
High rewatch-abliity imo. Xmen is starting to get confusing the way they are jumping around in timeline, but that adds some fun and depth when following it imo. Watching chronologically someday will be interesting.

. . and recommendations for 'THE NICE GUYS'

Reminiscent of 'kiss kiss, bang bang' in story and comedy flavour - and written and directed also by shane black :D
The new Star Trek is rated alright on Rotten Tomatoes, but the trailers dont look that great.

I watched all of Bite the Bullet (1975) western, it was pretty good. I am getting into the old westerns. I watched one last night as well, cant remember the name of it though. Kevin Costner was in it. Silverado was the name of it.

I was gonna watch Superman tonight but its 4 hrs long, and 2am.
Dauntless said:

My thought is there's a movie in this. I asked what scares you; legalized drugs scare me. Synthetic drugs scare me. People who can't figure out they're dogmeat when they take drugs scare me. But then how many low budget horror movies have already started this way? Don't care, they still scare me.

If you go to see the next such film, the career you save could be my own.

Oooops. I (for one) actually LIKE "drugs". With fantasy so much more fun than reality... (Is there anything that doesn't have a "down side"?)

Lessee... One definition for "drug" = a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.

... and "physiological effect"? = "Of or relating to physiology. Being in accord with or characteristic of the normal functioning of a living organism. Relating to the action of a drug when given to a healthy person, as distinguished from its therapeutic action.

(Tried "normal", but didn't like it much. Hehe)

Watt might be amusing? How some stuff can be "normal" with other stuff "not normal"... which can vary over time and space, between different cultures, etc.

For example, tried nicotine? I currently am going "trans dermal". Ground up tobacco leaves as nasal "snuff". (Caution! Watch out for the dangers of secondhand snot.) Turns out ya can still buy this stuff from England:

Decades ago stumbled across the hemp plant. ... and who doesn't like mushrooms? (See "psilocybin". hehe)

Quote another old sailor “I drink to make other people more interesting.” (re alcohol)

nEVer used a needle to inject anything (`cept in a hospital where I was unconscious and staff didn't ask for permission).

Currently "addicted" to acetylsalicylic acid (see "aspirin"). And have tried that other "acid" (see lysergic acid diethylamide).

EDIT: Forgot to mention one other "drug"... from the coffee bean. :wink:

And now back to regular ES programming.
Well, I don't like those kinds of mushrooms. Meanwhile there's been additional outbreaks of bad reactions to synthetic pot. Nobody mutating intro creatures YET. . . .

If it's amusing you want, how about a stoner field trip movie to marijuana legal Colorado. Lots of great car wrecks, since traffic accidents have increase 5 times over since legalization. Body shops are their biggest growth industry.
Dauntless said:
If it's amusing you want, how about a stoner field trip movie to marijuana legal Colorado. Lots of great car wrecks, since traffic accidents have increase 5 times over since legalization. Body shops are their biggest growth industry.

OK. That IS "amusing". Had to look that up. One article:

In part:
The team found that prior to legalization, about 8.3 percent of drivers involved in fatal crashes had THC in their blood, but after legalization, 17 percent of drivers had THC in their blood. Of that 17 percent, about two-thirds also had some other drugs or alcohol in their system. The total number of fatal crashes also went up slightly, the study found.

Meanwhile, the population of Colorado (number of cars/drivers?) grew from about 4.3 million in 2000 to about 5.5 million currently. No idea of the mix, urban versus rural. `Round here the mix is shifting to more urban (more concentrated).

At least the dangers of consuming alcohol and driving are well known (I gave up driving).
Interesting side topic there guys.

Mr Dauntless, I'm acquiring a 'comedy' right now I'm pretty hopeful about. The subject matter could go either way, but since it costars Aubrey Plaza AND Anna Hedrick I figured it should be entertaining.

Also, I'd like to recommend the new Avengers movie. Didn't even know there was gonna be one for this year, and maybe that lack of anticipation helped for a favorable opinion. All the stars/acting/action was good, and story wasn't bad. Very entertaining.
Dauntless said:
Trying to dig up a scene from this I found the whole 'Joe vs. the Volcano.'

Apparently some "jobs" are less "lousy" than others... Surprise!

If you're thinking I'm working on a clipereel show right now, unfortunately no. Work is so slow that I'm taking 10 units in college right now. The 'Joe vs. the Volcano' scene was the doctor telling him he's a hypochondriac. For you know who.

This year has felt slow for movies?

Anyway, I caught a cutish one called 'SCOTTISH MUSSEL'.
I identified with it enough and enjoyed the acting/story. Knew nothing going in.

What made me like it even more was at the end.
I consciously watched the credits for the actress's name. When 'Talulah' rolled, I'm like 'wow that's gotta be her with that pretty scottish name' . . . but that was for the writer. And director.

Well it turns out, that WAS her!! Yow!
Now, I was a little dissapointed she's actually english born, and ex wife of that Elon feller. . . but still- gotta give that chick props for the writing directing and acting.
I found 'Chaos and Reductionism' far more interesting.


Got home and started watching 'Sky Runners.' I might not make it to the halfway point as I did with 'Chaos Theory.'
Not everybody can stomach a Tarantino movie.. But if you liked Kill Bill,, you might find this movie interesting.

On Turner Channel Movies on line, the TCM website. You can get that if you have cable with TCM, or have somebodies code. Currently on offer, Lady Snowblood. See the movie that is totally the inspiration for much of Kill Bill. Avenging bitch with a list. You'll recognize the theme song for sure.
Fight. Die. Repeat. Theme sound familiar?

This is 'ARQ.' An overunity device trying to save the world, one groundhogs day at a time. A direct to Netflix thriller. If you're having a little trouble understanding, people are all over online trying to explain it. But nobody mentions the company name is TORUS. A one sided object where if you walk away you'll end up where you started. http://taylorholmes.com/2016/09/19/arq-movie-reviewed-explained-discussed-live/

Maybe what we are seeing is a modern day interpretation of the Philosopher’s Cave (or Plato’s Cave) being played out before us. Plato gave this analogy, or allegory explaining the role of the Philosopher several thousand years ago. He said, being a philosopher is similar to being chained up in a cave. And these people are being forced to watch shadows on the wall of the cave, and it is these shadows that we see as reality. But actually, the philosopher’s role is to break free from the chains of the cave, to go outside, and return to tell everyone trapped there about the things he has found. Right?

So there's this great little Japanese film another thread just made me remember. 'Shall We Dance?' If you ever saw 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' it's in that class, not so funny but somehow endearing. This is the same sort of journey into getting a life. You could probably identify with the guy easily, nothing wrong with his life except it's somehow all wrong.

I never saw the American remake with Richard Gere and J-Lo, I'm told it's awful.

I wish the whole thing was on YouTube, but there's clips. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKe9T5cbhKs&index=1&list=PL45B836EE55C9DD0D

That's one of my favorite movies. Very much captures the suppressed yearnings of the salary man. The other guy is just too funny.
I just watched Kill Switch on Netflix, awesome movie. Learned more about Snowden but wonder why Aaron Swartz ended his own life because the prosecutor was a bully. A smart guy like that could easily run and hide, and work for the common good out of the public eye.
Alot of people unexpectedly suicide or die in 'interesting' circumstances. It get's more interesting when you apply statistics to large numbers of questionable passings. Anyway, I don't like to mix non fiction with silver screen.

Here's a few recent decent ones imo.

Fantastic Beasts

Honorable mention:
Doctor Strange
Batman Superman
Nocturnal Animals

So-So/ 1 watch:
Girl with all the gifts
The Accountant

I wonder how others would arrange these?
Doctor Strange with Benjamin Cummingbatch, how was it?

I was planning to go see it a few days ago because its ranked somewhat high in Flixster which uses Rotten Tomatoes ratings, and the trailer looked ok. Nothing screamed at me like I have to watch it now.