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Benedict Cumberbatch. It was watchable. He was just fine, not really a challenging role for him and not so much story. Quite a disappointment from what I'd been expecting since he was first announced. But I'm not saying to not see it, just don't have high hopes so you won't be brought down.
Steer clear of previews trailers and reviews? I am almost invariably dissapointed a bit when I dont.
So it's usually just actors, genre, rating, 1 line of plot, maybe director. Often less than whats even on the sleeve.
But yeah, I thought that one was pretty badass. The blonde bitch too. Didn't even recognize him from a recent Abrams' Trek prequel. And the good news is, I think "he'll" be back, with another marvel.
The movie "The Dictator" has to be one of the funniest movies I seen in my whole life.
Its been decades since I remember laughing so hard that my sides were sore but this movie did it!
Check out just one of many funny scenes, its just constantly like this, and this scene is in no way the funniest scene..



I just watched the offical trailer and they don't sell this movie very well at all with this trailer, normally in a lot of trailers these days you see all the funniest scenes in the trailer and once you go to see the actual movie theres nothing else to see.. This movie is the complete opposite of that. Its just pure awesome.

Dictator Movie - I would have totally guessed it was a lame ass movie.
I may watch it now since you got such a good laugh out of it.
movie "The Dictator" has to be one of the funniest movies

Sacha's deadpan style is gold! I trust you watched his earlier one? Something about visiting america as a kazastanian or something- very funny and original!
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I think that's what I like about 'Michael' from 'the office', and bridesmaids and hangover also come to mind. And also most early will ferrell stuff lol.

As more of a niche, (and possibly a re-mention), I recommend the parody 'hungover games' for some silly/funny sex (and violence) lol.
I am eager to watch the new Blade Runner.

I been watching this TV show called "Outcast" its created by the same writer as The Walking Dead.
It might be a considered a bit "Slower" than the walking dead but I really been enjoying it so I thought I would give it a bit of a plug, its definately one for the whole family..

Basically, the way I see it is people across America are being infected with this mysterious black oil like liquid that basically turns them extremely pro-renewables and secretly evil, quietly joining a collective mind/force where they all quietly work together for the "merge"
But the first few days of being embodied with the dark liquid is quite rough on its victims where they lash out and go zombie like, before completely re-normalizing.
If your not secretly part of the team your in danger.
I uploaded this bit because I thought it kind of catches the general theme of the show well.
*EDIT* think I fixed the copyright issues restriction under promotion fair use rights.



Any case, watch some trailer..

So I suffered through 'Star Trek: Into Darkness' today. Well, better than the other two of the "Reboot." It just seems like they don't know why people would want to watch. But then I don't know why the three films made money. I find it far more exciting to watch 'The Wrath of Khan' all over again.

So I also tried to watch the rest of a fanboy film, 'Star Trek: Horizon' on YouTube. If you've ever seen 'The Princess Bride,' I kept waiting for the Captain to say "Inconceivable." Halfway through there's been a lot of shooting and explosions, but not much involving story. I always wonder how they get all these people to spend so much time unpaid to make these movies. I could come up with something more interesting. . . .


I saw the movie "Unlocked" which available for online streaming etc now. I thought it was pretty good, its got some big name actors in it, its a tad Jason Bourne-ish but against terrorism and fair acceptably unpredictable plot. I saw John Wick 2 the other day and man was that an uncreative and predictable movie but it was a tiny bit better than John Wick 1.

Also with the TV Outcast, I uploaded this bit of this TV show 6 months ago, but the TV show owners had instant blocking/restriction settings on youtube preventing even playing mere seconds of any of the shows content on youtube. As posted back here https://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=70545&start=275#p1295703

To my surprise its now looks like its viewable on YT, I think it's too late though for this show as rumour has it there might not be a 3rd season. If they hadn't been so disallowing of people to even view tiny bits of the show on the net/forums etc it might have gained more of an audience. Check out the white-haired guy, its Brent Spiner the crazy scientist from the movie Independence Day. He does a great job being an incredibly evil creep in Outcast.

^^oh snap!^^
and that reminds me to watch the last one again. . . . or all three :!: good actors/acting and I like the casting of young spock for the 'evil' dude from heroes- a bangin series. And good story. Abrams has been the new cris carter, kinda.
Latest one I've seen that will get a rewatch is 'Wonderwoman' - reminiscent imo of the first recent captain america flik. Cept she's an Amazon babe :) Of course, since watching that and that android Scarlett Johansson (kinda letdown), there's maybe two dozen to catch up on. Mostly likely B's though.
Yeah. Zachary quinto did the perfect role of the young spock. Fits like a glove. I felt the same with Hugh jackman as wolverine.
They really did it.
i captured the moment when i was about to start the episode, cold drinks and pop corn ready. Maybe you don't undestand the feeling i am talking about...
Um definitely you don't understand I was saying just that. I have this dead end parttime career where I work in television, so I don't get all that excited over the shows. But I'm thinking I could have great fun defying the threat of the evil empire (Paramount) and making a fan film about 'Star Trek.'

You should go to the TV show thread where that show has been brought up and say if you had a, er, letdown.
So this 'Bushwick.' I'm trying to figure out what the point is. Not finished with it yet. They left out the part where they passed through into the alternate dimension, etc.


So I posted Ernie Kovacs silent character Eugene last night, how about we get the biggie from the Great One. Not sure what all Jackie Gleason did with his character, I've seen old episodes of 'The Honeymooners' where he gets a walk on. But his big moment came with the film 'Gigot.' (I think it's pronounced "Ghee G O.")
I think I'll watch that new 'Wonderwoman' movie again sometime. Dam thing made me cry the second time I watched it lol. I might need something in my life to cry at a silly

Also, the new 'League of gentleman' was really good imo. ' West Virginia; Country road, take me home, to the place . .. .' of course the premise was somewhat cheesy again (an improvement tho) by mosts' standards (imo?), but still a good one. Them biatches be crazy