My build and experiences


1 mW
Feb 11, 2015
Victoria, BC
Hello all!

I thought I would start this post for a little fun and to get some input
as I proceed to build the bike (and for a question bank too!)

This is my first ebike, and a little nervous about the build but excited
about the ride and money savings (In the long run!) I'm building
this for a daily commuter back and forth to work and a few joyrides
on the weekends.Traffic can get really bad here. A 12km trip to or
from work can take 45-60 minutes!

So this is what I have gathered up so far. I've done a little bit of research
on the types of kits available, and decided to go with a DD brushless setup.

I already have the bike (ridden about 15-20km on it) and the ebike kit is still
in the mail. Should be arriving sometime this week. The kit is from Golden Motors.

I don't know all the bike parts and lingo, so please excuse me for my terminology
as I learn the bits and pieces.

Looking forward to the build and the rides :D
I'll update as things progress or questions arise!


Bike: Specialized Crosstrail Disc (2015)

From Golden Motors:
Magic Pie 4 (VECTOR) 700c Rear Conversion Kit
48V10AH LiFePO4 Aluminum Cased Battery
Freewheel Tool
Rear Torque Arm
Standard Battery Rack
USB Programming Cable for Magic Pie 4 VECTOR
8 Speed Sunrace 13 - 32 tooth Freewheel

From ebay:
CatEye Velo Cycling Cumputer VELO-9
SolarStorm 5000lm 2x CREE XML U2 LED

Congrats on deciding to build yourself an e-bike. You are going to love riding to work on that thing.

I have the older GM magic pie but it still has a pretty good amount of torque for a 1000W motor (I think yours may be a bit more with that vector controller).
A friend of mine is using that same battery and it has been very reliable for him. Be sure to re-torque all your nuts/bolts after the first few rides. You may also want to get yourself a cheap spoke wrench to keep the spokes tight. Let us know what your top speed is, especially since you are running a 700c.


I'm very excited to hear of your experiences with this kit! I am in Seattle, not too far from Victoria (but pretty expensive to get there)!

I found your post because I too am interested in a Magic Pie. I have a 20 year old 19" 700c Nishiki Sport hybrid, which I hope is strong enough to accomodate a kit.

How much, may I ask, did you pay for all of your stuff? (Excluding the bike, of course.)

Sorry, longer post then I expected!

Okay, I have the bike together!
I've been learning LOTS about bikes!!

I've been out on a ride, and have already had a couple of hang-ups...
As you can see from the pictures, this frame wasn't designed for any power attachments!
The MP4 axis kinda sits OUT from the socket!! But overly excited about getting the kit
together, I proceeded to install the torsion bar and tighten down the nuts.

My maiden voyage was VERY successful! I'm VERY impressed with the new kit and bike!
I made an 11km ride around town up and down a couple of local hills. I didn't even
peddle up a couple of the hills! WOW! never expected that!
Happy with everything, I put the bike away until the morning ride into work.

Day #1
Crazy fast speed! My hand held GPS told me I was doing 45km/h! No peddling!
Well, 3/4 of the way into work, the motor nuts worked loose. The axil never
spun out, but the bike was not ridable at that point. So I walked the rest of
the way in. Durning lunch, I lined everything back up, tightened everything
back up and rode home. But the same thing happened. the nuts worked loose.

That night I took the hub motor off inspected things, but nothing out of the ordinary.
So I put everything back together, with lock tight, a tightened things down really good.

Day #2
Same thing happened, the nuts worked loose again! But this time, the axis did pop out.
Luckily I wasn't powering too hard, and no damage done. Tightened everything back together,
and made a supper easy ride home (but still making better time than ever!)

Tonight, I made up a couple for locking retainers that completely lock in the axil.
I forgot to take a picture before I put them on, but there is a picture of (both) in place.

I'm hoping these will do the trick. I'll be making some heavier duty ones this coming weekend.
I just need these to hold out for now.

I'll get more pictures soon.

Here is my price list:
If I had to do it again, I would not get the torque arm, as it doesn't seem to work well.
The battery rack I would not get, as it won't span over the 700c tire/fender properly.
Should have bought the freewheel with the kit, but not knowing any better LOL - couldn't find an 8 speed local.
Although I'm making back and forth to work, kinda wish I had a bigger battery. but the cost! :?

Golden Motor eBike Kit
48V10AH LiFePO4 Aluminum Cased Battery $499.00
Freewheel Tool $20.00
Magic Pie 4 (VECTOR) 700c Rear Conversion Kit $449.00
Rear Torque Arm $38.00
Standard Battery Rack $49.00
USB Programming Cable for Magic Pie 4 VECTOR $39.00
Shipping $71.10
Sum $1,165.10
tax $58.26
Total $1,223.36

Golden Motor
8 Speed Sunrace 13 - 32 tooth Freewheel $24.00
Shipping $24.77
Sum $48.77
Tax $2.44
Total $51.21

SolarStorm 5000lm 2x CREE XML U2 LED Bicycle Light $28.18
CatEye Velo Wired Cycling Cumputer VELO-9 $31.78
Wheel Tire Valve Stem Cap Neon LED Lights for Bike $5.08
total $65.04
Al-right! so here is the (almost) complete bike.
I've been riding it with the battery on the back end, and the stability is horrible!

The battery does fit inside the frame but I can not plug in the charger when in the frame.
So I need a means of quick removal. So I built a small rack that the battery sits in, then Velcro
in place. This is still temporary, as I get more time to work on the bike, I'll straighten out the
edges and give it a paint job.

I haven't had a chance to ride it with the battery in the frame yet as its raining pretty good out.
I hope it will improve the ride quite a bit.


A small a-b-a-b speed test averages to 46km/h (28.5mph) on a small flat stretch (No peddling)
The bike weighs 74 lbs (33.5kg) and I'm 195 lbs (88kg)
Oh, and it is DEAD silent! I really can not hear it running! Amazing!

I know the battery pack is good for 30amps, but would that get any more speed? or just acceleration?
Will it do any harm to the battery pack maxing it out?
What tweaks could be done for longevity of the motor/battery?
I don't have a PAS sensor.

Listed below is the stock settings the bike shipped with.
I also included the MP4 user guide.

View attachment 1
View attachment MP4 kit SMP4 kit User's Guide.pdf
Your TA is not installed in the correct position, this is why the axle is slipping or wanting to slip out all the time. Go to the website under TA and read about tire rotation and axle rotation and where to position the arms.
Mogal said:
I know the battery pack is good for 30amps, but would that get any more speed? or just acceleration?
Will it do any harm to the battery pack maxing it out?

glad to see you are enjoying the bike!

To answer some questions:

Generally speaking, more voltage will get you more speed
More amps will get you more power (torque, hill climbing ability).

Yeah, the harder you run your batteries, the shorter their life span will be. Ideally you would never fully charge them and never fully drain them (stay between 80% full and 20% empty), and use less than half of the current the battery is capable of. That will give you the most battery life.
exe said:
Your TA is not installed in the correct position, this is why the axle is slipping or wanting to slip out all the time. Go to the website under TA and read about tire rotation and axle rotation and where to position the arms.

Thanks, I understand its not optimum, but it wouldn't fit the other way.
With the home made brackets, its been 100%
chas58 said:
Ideally you would never fully charge them and never fully drain them (stay between 80% full and 20% empty), and use less than half of the current the battery is capable of. That will give you the most battery life.

I only have the stock charger that came with the kit. there is no way to monitor the actual activity of the battery.
Is there a (Cheap) alternative to monitor the battery?

The very first charge was about 48 hours.
Since then, I've been leaving it plugged in after work, and unplug it in the morning before I leave.
Is this a bad thing? or should I unplug it right when the charge finishes (about 2 hours)

The link to the charger:
Hi mogal or should i say howdy neighbour! if ya need any help with your swingarm problems let me know,i can make you a bolt on torque arm,in a bit.... im moving to bay and cook april 1st and im kinda busy,but not busy enough to get out on my ebike to have a look but the axle looks very sketchy in those dropouts!
Ow ya the battery,they sit around and the first charge will level hopefully the cells, 48 hrs seems extreme but time will tell.2 hr charge sounds good.dont need to leave it overnight if it shows green,would be nice to see your max voltage after charge.and your battery needs a bracket to the top bar for stability dont ask me how i know that :oops: .
Hi Beast, LOL Welcome home?!
Thanks for the offer.

Ever since I made the little brackets, I haven't had an issue and
everything is staying nice and tight.

The charger just shut off about 1/2 hour ago. I took the voltage reading.
I got 54.4v straight off the battery. A little high for a 48 volt battery?
Its been working great so far. I still haven't done a distance run with
it yet, but it will get me back and forth to work twice (about 40-45km total)

I just put on a cheap set of panniers, and a suspension seat post.
It'll be nice to not have to use a back pack, and when them bumps
hit at speed, they wont kill my back! :lol:

Im in the west side right now over bay st bridge,but movin back near fernwood. 54.4 sounds ok,54.5 is the standard gm charger limit iirc? but it will lower after it settles,see what the voltage will be in a few hrs after charge,i wouldnt worry just ride and enjoy it. welcome to the sphere!
Got my first flat... kind of...

Today was a weird day, I walked out from work at the end of the day to see a co-worker walking
his electric bike home with a rear flat tire... I said "that sucks" he had a ride lined up to get home.

I didn't notice anything with my bike until I got about 10 feet into the ride and discovered I had a
soft tire too! I managed to get home, albeit a little slower, but I made it... It was weird that both
of us had a flat in the same day...

So as I'm fixing the flat, I notice the tread wear on the tire was actually pretty bad.
I don't even have 2,000km on the bike yet! This is my first major bike experience, but I would have
thought that the tires would last a LITTLE longer than this?!

Went to MEC, and picked up two Kendra k-180s $21 for the pair!!!

Got them installed now, and hope they last a little bit longer...


Wow thats alot of wear for such low kms :shock: ,i had 3 flats in one week last month,and none for 4 years, my luck has changed! were doing our run for the sidney harbor in june date to be announced soon,galloping goose all the way.mark.