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My search for an eMotor system for my Catrike Trail


10 µW
Jul 3, 2018
I’ve owned a Catrike Trail for 4 years here in Arizona and love it. I used it almost every day pedaling 8-12 miles for exercise/weight management. Due to a “minor” knee operation gone badly, I wound up walking with a cane. After four months I was able to get back on the Catrike but could only trike on level roads close to home. BORING!
I decided to electrify my trike and did the Google thing for researching various vendors. I could have put a system together myself (I’m an Electronics Design Engineer) but I wanted something NOW.

I selected one major eMotor vendor and after watching several videos, checking out their WEB site, and talking with the President of the company I placed an order. I was told that the system should arrive in 3 weeks. Enough of the components arrived in 2 weeks to allow me to set up the system. Some of the optional equipment was backordered and would arrive in another week. So far so good.

The system was easy to set up, unfortunately when I turned ON the battery, nothing worked, NADA. It was DOA. The system was returned to the vendor and they verified that the system was programmed incorrectly by the factory. The president apologized and offered to send me a new system with a 20% discount. I declined since I didn’t like the quality of some of the components and the fact that they shipped a system that clearly was not tested. I will not mention the name of the vendor since they did reverse the credit card charges in a timely manner and took care of all shipping.

Back to square one.

After more research, I was about to buy a top of the line system from Grin Technologies. I was very impressed with the owner Justin after watching some of their videos. In fact I purchased one of their Satiator battery chargers for the eBike system I finally ended up with.

I decided not to go with Grin because of their less than stellar technical support. It was like pulling teeth to get a timely answer. (I’ve read similar complaints on other forums). I gave up on them when I couldn’t get an answer to a question about tire sizes and after a week they told me that they had to ship all the 20” rims back because of quality problems. If I wanted to use a 20” tire they would ship me a motor with spokes and I could buy a rim and build the wheel myself!

Back to square one.
I read some favorable comments on a couple forums about “ElectricBikeSolutionsLLC”, I checked out their WEB site and called the owner Doug. After a telephone call, and several emails with questions that were answered promptly, I ordered a system that day!

The system arrived a few days later and was a breeze to put together. With the Catrike on a lift, I turned on the power and it worked purrfectly. I then took it for a test ride and I was in heaven. I had explained to Doug that I wasn’t looking to break any speed records (or laws) and was more interested in taming the hills. Between my 20” rear tire and the geared motor all the hills have disappeared! I am now triking 1.5Hrs/day, averaging 12 miles/hr., (I can push it to 20 MPH, but I’m not in a hurry), 50mile distance capability and losing weight at a good clip (I lost 40 lbs. last year and want to lose another 40 to get to my ideal weight). A side benefit is that since I’ve been riding with Doug’s system my leg muscles have gotten stronger and I no longer need the cane.

I sent Doug some photos of my setup along with a write up and he put it up as the conversion of the month for July! It can be seen here. https://gocarlite.com/electric-catrike-trail-prescott-az/

Very happy dealing with Doug!

CatrikeMan said:
I gave up on them when I couldn’t get an answer to a question about tire sizes and after a week they told me that they had to ship all the 20” rims back because of quality problems. If I wanted to use a 20” tire they would ship me a motor with spokes and I could buy a rim and build the wheel myself!
FWIW, while I don't think they gave the "right" answer either (they probably could've gone out and gotten a 20" rim from a local bike shop to build your wheel with for you), at least they didn't just do what most places would and ignore the problems with their rims, and send it to you anyway. ;)
I decided not to go with Grin because of their less than stellar technical support.

What kind of technical support did you require?

ElectricBikeSolutionsLLC never heard of them before. A search of the ES forums, only shows two results for that company.
More results came from using the term gocarlite, no address on the website, just the town of Cordelia Village and a zip code, google maps phone numbers and an email.
markz said:
I decided not to go with Grin because of their less than stellar technical support.

What kind of technical support did you require?

On 7/1/18, I sent an email to tech support concerning the tire size that came with the kit. The rear derailleur on the Catrike Trail when in the smallest cog hangs pretty low and is about 1/4" away from the tire. The tire on the kit was much .25 inches larger. I just wanted to know if my tire would fit on that rim. Never did get answers i.e. Will my present tire fit on the rim? What is the width of the rim that comes with the kit? After emails sent/received on 7/3, 7/5, and 7/6, the bottom line was their shipment of 20" rims were bad and they could send me the motor and spokes and I should build my own wheel. Not acceptable to me.

PAS or Torque Sensor - Was trying to determine what Torque or PAS Sensor to use with my FSA CK6028 Crank Set. His answer was that I would have to replace the drive train on my trike for their system to work. Not acceptable to me.

Part of the problem with the Tech support at Grin is the limited days and hours that they provide support. Forget about talking with someone on the phone. I called Sales to see if there was someone I could talk to about my questions and they told me not to call this number again since they only take sales orders.

markz said:
ElectricBikeSolutionsLLC never heard of them before. A search of the ES forums, only shows two results for that company.
More results came from using the term gocarlite, no address on the website, just the town of Cordelia Village and a zip code, google maps phone numbers and an email.

On 7/6, I called ElectricBikeSolutionsLLC https://gocarlite.com (707-439-3179) and talked to the owner Doug. I explained my needs for a system and gave me his recommendation. I studied it on his WEB site, emailed him a couple times with questions that were promptly answered and placed an order with him the same day. Yes he's not as big of a supplier as some of the others out there but he will answer your questions on the phone or via email in real time and provides a quality system at half the price as some of the bigger vendors. I like that! I've put on 325 miles in the 19 days I"ve owned the system and have lost 5.8 lbs! That'll work for me.

I'm glad you did at least find a solution that works!

CatrikeMan said:
I called Sales to see if there was someone I could talk to about my questions and they told me not to call this number again since they only take sales orders.
That's unexpected, and pretty bad. :( Especially since your questions *are* sales questions. :/

I wonder if forwarding that info to Justin_LE here on ES would get that changed?
amberwolf said:
I'm glad you did at least find a solution that works!

CatrikeMan said:
I called Sales to see if there was someone I could talk to about my questions and they told me not to call this number again since they only take sales orders.
That's unexpected, and pretty bad. :( Especially since your questions *are* sales questions. :/

I wonder if forwarding that info to Justin_LE here on ES would get that changed?

When I was doing research on Grin I watched several videos of Justin and was very impressed. He is a technical genius! (I say that coming from an electronics circuit design background (ICs) with 48 patents including several on 3 phase sensorless motor controllers). I know that Justin had a lot to do with this WEB site, and was hoping I wouldn't be banished from it :roll: for my comments. In a way I was hoping he would read this and realize that in my case he lost a $2500 order since I couldn't get any good answers from support. BTW if the support guy did a little more research I could have used their system without changing my drive train. I was able to install my tire easily on the Doug's rim (Doug assured me of that) with no problems and he also went over board and sent me two PAS sensors at no additional charge to make sure that one of them worked with my crank set.

Justin, you have some great products (I love the Satiator!), but you need IMHO to tweak the support department.

Amberwolf, next time I'm in Phoenix, maybe we can get together for a glass of lemonade!

CatrikeMan said:
I know that Justin had a lot to do with this WEB site, and was hoping I wouldn't be banished from it :roll: for my comments. In a way I was hoping he would read this and realize that in my case he lost a $2500 order since I couldn't get any good answers from support.
I doubt he'll run across it unless you point it out to him--he's a busy guy (and getting married soon if it hasn't happened already; see his solar trike trip thread)).

Can't think of anyone that's been banished for speaking out about Grin Tech (have seen some flame-war stuff with or about other companies that ended up that way though). Not everyone is gonna be happy about everything all the time, even if Grin did have perfect support (which no one does). ;) If people don't speak up when problems do occur, they don't get fixed. Doesnt' mean that others listen when people do speak up, but hey, gotta try first. :)

(I've done a lot of beta testing for various places in the last couple decades or so, most of it a decade or more ago, and about half the time whatever I report would be ignored, but the other half things got fixed or changed. But I did learn that without feedback, nobody would fix or change anything at all.)

Amberwolf, next time I'm in Phoenix, maybe we can get together for a glass of lemonade!

Sure. I'm in the area south of Metrocenter; easy to get to from i17. (also happen to be off work this week, though unlikely you'd happen to be coming down during that time :lol: ).