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[nearly original] An update on what I know from my end

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whatever said:
heres an idea:
power assist yahoo forum was well underway before esforum began, people swapped from power assist to esforum, I followed
( username has change so I'm a bit anonymous these days...lol)
lets go back to power assist forum .........lol..........and take out posts with us

Terrible idea, i'm still part of that power assist group and have to read the email version because the yahoo format is to bad...
fechter said:
We could all move over to VisforVoltage.org too


:shock: BINDER DUDAT, NOT :roll:
If it weren't for ES, we'd all be speaking Gman.
ok new idea:
make a new forum
put the old honest folks in charge so that its always for free open exchange of ideas
gensem said:
Ypedal said:
I'm pretty sure it's going to take more than a few donations if it comes to that, too early yet.. hold on to your cash for a while longer until some big decisions are made.. 8)

I understand... im a little anxious to hear from justin. But im still up for a wealth donation if thats needed.

I fully support helping Justin with the final acquisition cost, especially when his intention is to turn it over to "us". What is he, krazy? :mrgreen:

But lets allow him to secure the "package" from Trevor, then wrap it all up nice and tidy. Then we can organize a proper response. He will likely never ask, but I think we owe him, in a very large way.

Thats why I am choosing to put a link to his site in my signature. We owe him... Now if we Americans could get him to run for our president! :D
I'm waiting out the day to see if my 401K will take a big hit but I would like to help. I can eat beans and rice but I gotta have my E-bike or my knees turn into stone! Even my wife likes beans and rice, um, sometimes.....
Gents, let me make a hint. It is not good to talk of these things until Justin has finished and mopped things up.

Talk of helping him, yes; but let us leave the method of that assistance until the "package" is delivered, and the server and board admin passwords legally reside with Justin, and he shares what would help him or not.
bigmoose said:
Gents, let me make a hint. It is not good to talk of these things until Justin has finished and mopped things up.

Talk of helping him, yes; but let us leave the method of that assistance until the "package" is delivered, and the server and board admin passwords legally reside with Justin, and he shares what would help him or not.

Got here a bit late and missed most the action. My vote would have been to move and let the old forum die but if the deal goes through then that's the next best option. I hate that this freely given content has to be bought back though.

I packed my bags but would rather stay here. A huge Thank You to Justin and everyone else that has helped in this fight. Keep up the great work!

Got it Big Moose!
GrayKard said:
I hate that this freely given content has to be bought back though.

I have been thinking this through since last nights calls and have an opinion on it, that I will post after Justin has the keys to the server and board. It should be part of our discussions of how we go forward. But the time is not right to have that dialogue.

I know I am like a broken record on this, but we would be destroyed (like my posts) without Justin's wisdom and intervention, and all the support from the mods.

I wish we were all local, so we could chip in for some Kegs (AJ's choice) and some chips, and roast a few in celebration... when the time is right.
emmetbrown said:
TylerDurden said:
If it weren't for ES, we'd all be speaking Gman.
perhaps i´m too new to understand...
"Gman" was an overzealous moderator on the forum we left.

He had issues with "language".
Saying that we will buy stuff at Justin's store is.... er... really tacky and awkward. He would NEVER want that. Justin would rather die hungry with the forum in his arms than have 1 person buy something from his store for the wrong reason. If you want to support ebikes.ca please do so quietly :wink: You dont want to make the poor guy blush. :oops:

methods said:
Saying that we will buy stuff at Justin's store is.... er... really tacky and awkward. He would NEVER want that. Justin would rather die hungry with the forum in his arms than have 1 person buy something from his store for the wrong reason. If you want to support ebikes.ca please do so quietly :wink: You dont want to make the poor guy blush. :oops:


+1 :mrgreen:
I'm getting confused by the way people keep getting pissed about "having to buy back the freely given content that was never to be sold in the first place...".
I don't feel like that is the situation at all; our content would have remained our own and we would have bounced to a new server if Trevor wasn't interested in doing the right thing. He would have milked our intellectual contributions for as long as he could while methods and co. went to town on the site destroying what they could while we settled into a new home. For most of the hardcore membership that wouldn't even have been hard.
BUT. In that scenario we loose our home, our clubhouse. The links to e-s all over the internet would have suddenly become useless. It would have been harder for new people interested in e-vehicles to engage in the new site until it was the size of the old one. We would have perhaps ended up with a better home, but it would have been a major disruption for many of the people depending on this site on-goingly for information. A lot of hard work for many members building the new site. Even simple silly things like loosing post count so that it's harder to tell the experts.
So i fully agree with buying the URL; it was the only thing that was never ours to begin with. It doesn't suck that we have to buy it; if knightmb was a better person he would have approached the community and said "look, the hits the site is generating is worth cash, i could sell to this potential buyer but i want to give the es community a chance first." Imagine if this URL was property; you can't expect it's value to increase substantially and for that not to have an effect on the owner. It was his URL to sell, and although the appraised value of the site is based on members free contributions, the ACTUAL value is in the community, and it came out over the weekend that the community is not to be sold, the experts wont stand for that shit and that the true value still belongs to us. So now we will own the clubhouse too instead of renting it.
It doesn't suck that Trevor is willing to sell, perhaps eat some of his investment out of recognition of the faulty goods he was sold, or that Justin will now own the domain. It really just sucks that our original owner was perhaps always just waiting out for the cash he could make off us.
Wow, this is crazy. I can't believe it's really happening.

Justin has a really good position to bargain from though, while Trevor really doesn't.

As I've pointed out many times, it would be trivial for us to force the owner of this forum to delete our posts. Don't believe me? Logout, and then hit register to check the user agreement. It says nothing about giving up the rights to our posts. Which means, if we wanted to, the nuclear option of slamming the forum with thousand of cease and desist notices would be pretty damn effective.

I hope Justin understands this as he bargains for this site. I know he's a pretty straight guy, but honestly, he doesn't owe Trevor anything and Trevors business address on McKinney Ave. in the most expensive area of downtown Dallas doesn't make me think he'sstrapped for cash. Yeah it may seem mean spirited, but that's business. Sometimes you gotta be the bad guy.

Quick question - websites and ISPs are required to respond to DMCA takedown notices within 24 hours. Who is currently responsible for those?
My 2 Cents

If I was Trevor I would not sell the E-S Forum to anyone until I recouped the money paid to KnightMB and then once that is done maybe sell the Forum for a Dollar as a charitable act.

What bothers me here is everyone in this sandbox is pissed off in the extreme that anyone would dare to mention Revenue from Adverts. What is so bloody wrong with Adverts if those Ads are used to keep the lights on and the flag up the mast? Trevor or any owner will end up with having to shell out cash to keep this Forum humming along and that cash has to come in from somewhere doesn't it?

I'd wager of the 9 thousand Plus Members of this sandbox you might get 10% of the Membership willing to cough up $10.00 a year to be a Member here and the rest will go off looking for another Free Board to play in.

When Software was Free that was awesome but as soon as the company wanted user fees the users jumped ship no matter how great the software or service was because why pay one company if another company gives it away free. Endless-Sphere was Free for Members and someone appears wanting to change that and everyone is lining up to jump ship.

I would not object to paying an annual fee to be a Member and those who feel paying for what you use is somehow wrong can take their marbles and leave the sandbox.

As for Justin LE taking over from Trevor. I'm not too thrilled by that. I like Justin a lot but I can see nothing good coming from his owning this Forum, Vendors of what Members here consume should not own this Forum and I'd also suggest Moderators should not be Vendors. We once had a Vendor take over ownership of the Power-Assist Group on Yahoo and when Members were critical of his Lithium and Ni-MH batteries he refused to let their posts on the Forum, anyone who spoke out against his leadership was booted off the Forum. I would not expect Justin to go off the rails this way but Members will always have it in the back of their head that they need to self-moderate so as to not piss off the Forum owner. You will also see insane degrees of ass kissing where Members will be heaping praise on a Vendor/Owner which inturn will influence Members to Buy from that Vendor over the competition and well does Justin need his competitors gunning for him because they are losing market share based on Justin owning the Forum?

Justin knows I am a big fan of Not For Profit Cooperatives and it would not be all that complicated to make the Sphere a Member owned Cooperative. Everyone pays a set fee to pay off Trevor and to cover annual operating costs. If you could retain 9,000 Plus Members the annual fee would be like the cost of a bottle of Domestic Merlot.
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