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[nearly original] An update on what I know from my end

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Thanks Justin! Stirling of you and the many here that worked on this.
justin_le said:
...There were lots of people who made the salvaging of ES possible before it went to the dumps. Methods, BigMoose, Luke, Fetcher etc. all deserve huge thanks and I'd especially like to thank GreenMachine who worked furiously on backup plans should the primarly deal fall through. It's been suggested several times that I contact Mike Keefer about arrangements going forward and trust that I haven't been ignoring that, just rather swamped right now.


Thank you,
Justin, Methods, BigMoose, Luke, Fechter, GreenMachine, MWKeefer, et al.
Hyena said:
Justin has been drinking Charlie Sheen's tiger blood.


Justin you have a PM

Just wow!

Justin, You sir are a class act. Words fail me in regards to my gratitude for what you've done.

So the best I can offer is a BIG Thank You.
Knowing Justin, he is going to try to refuse money and never give out his PayPal address.

However, many of us have it, and if you think about 100 people who care a lot about this place all chipping in $100, it makes $10,000. I don't think that even covers half, but I think we have enough passionate folks here that we could at least shoulder some of the burden for him.
Thank you Justin. Best outcome possible for the community.

Can everyone else delete their angry mob signature messages?

Let's get back to the core of what makes E-S great: getting more people on ebikes, keeping them running and innovating.
Subject: An update on what I know from my end

justin_le said:
To keep people in the loop, the agreement has been signed and most of the transfers completed, we have the endless-sphere.com domain now. However, the transfer of the actual database and hosting account won't be able to finish until tomorrow. After that is completed then the deal can be officially declared 'done' and we will make a formal announcement letter.

There were lots of people who made the salvaging of ES possible before it went to the dumps. Methods, BigMoose, Luke, Fetcher etc. all deserve huge thanks and I'd especially like to thank GreenMachine who worked furiously on backup plans should the primarly deal fall through. It's been suggested several times that I contact Mike Keefer about arrangements going forward and trust that I haven't been ignoring that, just rather swamped right now.


PS, Ishikawa, nice to see you here and your 20 year old titanium electric trike rocks in all its hacked together glory, even with the discolored weld joints! It's a museum piece keeper for sure.
This is more than great news!!! :D Fantastic!

I recovered more faith in the good of humanity, when we are united & someone with the power, Justin, can step in an negotiate a deal with someone that really didn't understand or have a good communication style with the ES membership & was not able to form a consensus to move forward as a united group. You have done just the opposite Justin. I feel we are in safe hands to transition ES to make it even better, and we certainly won't lose anymore data. :mrgreen:

I really feel united with our group & you Justin. JG gave a wonderful account of your beginnings, though he is controversial he is also way more than just passionate about eBikes & has done a lot to help more than a decade ago too, it is still good to know this eBike thing has been in your blood right from the beginning of your young life. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :!: :D

Thank you for helping us all remain safe in our domain to try & change the world more green on a fun thing by eBike... 8) 8) 8)

Now for some more fun 'here'...
amberwolf said:
bigmoose said:
Perhaps we can have a bake sale to fund the effort! :D
What are we baking, LiPo or Hub motors? :p
GGoodrum said:
Miles said:
Luke is the Master Baker :)
Yes, definitely for LiPos, but methods gets my vote for hub motors. :roll: :mrgreen:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Justin is the man and the Godfather of ES!

Way to go!

Wow... I just caught up to what has been happening the last 24hrs or so... what an epic read. Everything from geniuses, gurus, & beneficiaries, to noobs and newcomers, to trolls assholes and retards posting on this issue. I don't think I have seen a thread with such a diverse crowd converging to give their "2 cents" on a topic.

First I thank Justin for taking on this purchase even though our content would have survived if he decided not to. I really hope he can make the domain name work for him. It seems a lot of people think this is just about the forum and are forgetting that the endless-sphere.com domain name supports other services that get a significant amount of traffic as well. Perhaps the new owner* (*pending one more little set of transactions) could generate some revenue from the traffic that isn't forum related?

Second I wanted to comment on the "one person owning ES" issue that people keep bringing up... The forum was owned by an apparent eel of a human being and managed to grow to its current greatness. What do you think is going to happen under someone who really gives a damn what happens to these forums? I think we can only go up from here thanks to him.

Third, I think this is an opportunity for much needed improvements that will expand on what ES is and what it can do for people who come here. I am with the folks who want to put together an idea document that sorts out the more popular and beneficial ideas! I have a small list of my own that I'd like to contribute here at some point.

Lastly, all the best to you Justin. I have observed that you are what I'll call a "sustainable" kind of guy and that purchasing this forum "preserves the pasture from development" or whatever it was that you said... but I really do hope that you have something in mind to pull in revenue as well. I REALLY liked the craigslist-ish idea you put forth in the original open-letter thread and think that should be implemented in the market section. I am sure there are other things that could be done to help the site work for you and itself too. Underwriting perhaps?

I can't wait to see what is in store for this site!
justin_le said:
To keep people in the loop, the agreement has been signed and most of the transfers completed, we have the endless-sphere.com domain now. However, the transfer of the actual database and hosting account won't be able to finish until tomorrow. After that is completed then the deal can be officially declared 'done' and we will make a formal announcement letter.

There were lots of people who made the salvaging of ES possible before it went to the dumps. Methods, BigMoose, Luke, Fetcher etc. all deserve huge thanks and I'd especially like to thank GreenMachine who worked furiously on backup plans should the primarly deal fall through. It's been suggested several times that I contact Mike Keefer about arrangements going forward and trust that I haven't been ignoring that, just rather swamped right now.


PS, Ishikawa, nice to see you here and your 20 year old titanium electric trike rocks in all its hacked together glory, even with the discolored weld joints! It's a museum piece keeper for sure.

wow i don't now where you found the time to pull it off. all i can say is thanks!!! :wink:
Ouch, my head hurts. Just got back from a little vacation to find all hell broke loose. I was a little worried that someone might try to steal my e-bike while I was gone... but never did it occur to me to be worried for the safety of the E-S.

Well, not having had any input into this (and not really worthy of having any) I’m glad to see that it came to a good end rather than a bad one. If the forum had to be bought by one person, then it was bought by one of the best candidates.

I too though think it’s shocking that what was once a free open forum now has a price tag hanging over its head for the rest of its days, and that price tag has been brought into existence on the back of the work and knowledge that had been given to the community for free and should never have been able to be sold off. It’s just not right.

Life goes on though, and so does this forum thankfully. I know one thing though, Justin is going to need a lot of help here on the forum as he is already one busy bunny, and I don’t think there is enough hours in the day for him to manage his company and the forums.

Hats off to all that blew the trumpet and rallied to save the forum. Only wish I had been here to join in the show of strength.

Ohh and +1 to a PayPal donations address... most of us have shoulders that can help to share at least some of the burden, however small.
Yay Justin!

I hate it that it cost you money, and would love to make a contribution to a fund to help with that.

For now, I'll just have to be happy with the CA I bought yesterday.

I'm sooo glad the forum is in a trusted persons hands. Over censored forums are just no fun, not to mention that they don't move the state of ebike tech forward.

It's criticisim from us, and trying to keep up with Justin's high standards that has moved the quality of what we can buy forward. Just three years ago the typical post was about buying on ebay, and it arriving broken. I don't think that the improvement from everybody would have happened because of communication on highly censored forums.
Along with most on here, I'd like to contribute towards the costs; will you set up a paypal thing? Maybe contributors can be acknowledged, maybe on that battery uW/MW bit on the poster information of posts?
Well done for that, keeping the community together, and putting the brakes on the embarrassing vilification of prior owners. Thanks
justin_le said:
To keep people in the loop, the agreement has been signed and most of the transfers completed, we have the endless-sphere.com domain now.
Incredible news! I nominate you for EV Sainthood, as if it hadn't been already.

I've been musing a comparison to Apollo, for your wisdom and balance.

For Luke, it's a no-brainer: Zeus all the way!!! :twisted:

And methods, I don't know, but I've missed you, man. You are AWESOME.

Humble thanks to you and all the others players. Whatever the new plan, count me in.
Oh man, I have been busy with training for a promotion at work, and haven't been on the sphere at all (even to lurk) for a couple weeks... I just decided to take a look last night, and ran across all this. I spent about 3 hours reading and still didn't get through everything. This is an amazing turn of events for how it all started though. Big thanks to everyone involved in saving the forum! You guys all rock.
G'day People,

First, I choose to express my deepest gratitude to those dilligent PEOPLE who have made Endless-sphere what it is today.

As one who has recently discovered this hub of passion and intellect, it is disappointing to view, what appears, the contrived actions of a few.
I knowingly join Endless-sphere with the intent of gleaning hard learned knowledge, creating my e-assisted bicycle, documenting the process and exposing the results for all. FOR FREE.

Just like those before me. FOR FREE.

Having viewed other forums, I rapidly dis-regarded them due to the way they have de-volved.
That is why I have nested here.

Honour, Integrity and Transparency come to the fore. However, it seems Sophistry has taken the number one position. That would make it.... $.H.I.T. mmmmm..... I care not how thick the bread is, I am not eating.

Common-unity principals abound upon this forum, selflessly donated to those who seek, by those who choose to share. FOR FREE.

The bloody list of examples is voluminous, FOR FREE.

Two simple words. FOR FREE. Two simple words which encourage one to return, again and again.

Two simple words which instill an ethic cast aside by some.
An ethic NOT forgotten and raised in paramount here by many.

It is plain to see the honourable who burn the midnight oil.

That is where my money will be spent.
That is whose brains I will pick.
That is where I will direct others.
That is where I shall return Honour, Integrity and Transparency.
Did I mention that is where my money will be spent ?

And yes, I am in for the long haul; I have nieces, nephews and grand children [among others] to enlighten.

Having viewed the belligerent, whored-sites and associated links, to whom clap-trap minions of greed and corruption proudly en-join their names, well, an electro-magnetic pulse may be on the 'to do' list.

Thank you one and all for holding hands, and voicing in common-unity. I am soooo very glad to have found Endless-sphere, and the PEOPLE who make Endless-sphere.

I stand beside you and extend my open hand, gymbo:)

without prejudice
UCC 1 - 308
:shock: WOW Best...First....Post....Ever!

Welcome to the Sphere Gymbo

gymbo said:
G'day People,

First, I choose to express my deepest gratitude to those dilligent PEOPLE who have made Endless-sphere what it is today.

As one who has recently discovered this hub of passion and intellect, it is disappointing to view, what appears, the contrived actions of a few.
I knowingly join Endless-sphere with the intent of gleaning hard learned knowledge, creating my e-assisted bicycle, documenting the process and exposing the results for all. FOR FREE.

Just like those before me. FOR FREE.

Having viewed other forums, I rapidly dis-regarded them due to the way they have de-volved.
That is why I have nested here.

Honour, Integrity and Transparency come to the fore. However, it seems Sophistry has taken the number one position. That would make it.... $.H.I.T. mmmmm..... I care not how thick the bread is, I am not eating.

Common-unity principals abound upon this forum, selflessly donated to those who seek, by those who choose to share. FOR FREE.

The bloody list of examples is voluminous, FOR FREE.

Two simple words. FOR FREE. Two simple words which encourage one to return, again and again.

Two simple words which instill an ethic cast aside by some.
An ethic NOT forgotten and raised in paramount here by many.

It is plain to see the honourable who burn the midnight oil.

That is where my money will be spent.
That is whose brains I will pick.
That is where I will direct others.
That is where I shall return Honour, Integrity and Transparency.
Did I mention that is where my money will be spent ?

And yes, I am in for the long haul; I have nieces, nephews and grand children [among others] to enlighten.

Having viewed the belligerent, whored-sites and associated links, to whom clap-trap minions of greed and corruption proudly en-join their names, well, an electro-magnetic pulse may be on the 'to do' list.

Thank you one and all for holding hands, and voicing in common-unity. I am soooo very glad to have found Endless-sphere, and the PEOPLE who make Endless-sphere.

I stand beside you and extend my open hand, gymbo:)

without prejudice
UCC 1 - 308
Welcome Gymbo
Quite the elequent first entry! Glad you are here. Perhaps I could use a 1 inch extension to my rudder and elevator :) Well, my model plane days are over as i don't see well enuf to fly my beloved electric gliders. Crashed too many.
Justin, Thank you.
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