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[nearly original] Open Letter to Endless Sphere Community

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Endless sphere does not need new features nor does it need a manager...
ES dazzles people the way it is, I myself was shocked by the amount of knowledge and love to the Erevolution when I first came to the site.

No body likes to lose their home =(
Chalo said:
This is stating the obvious, but sometimes one must state the obvious:

If you have written posts here that are important to the e-bike body of knowledge, that by themselves are significant to you and/or others, be sure you have copies on your own computer that you can repost elsewhere if necessary. What you have written belongs to you.


This is very easy to do folks... You can save an "OFF LINE" version that looks just like the original post
* go to your thread
* Show as many posts per page as possible (go to your settings)
* "Save Page As"... this will create an HTML file and a folder full of pictures
* Do this for every page (thats why you want to set the posts per page super high - like 100)

You will now have a LOCAL version of your thread

aussie jester probably already has them archived :lol:
Andy said:
If you don't like the way he's doing things then decide what to do but to speculate and not even give the guy a chance is not very kind.
Neither is buying the forum out from under us without any member input. -_^
Thanks for your transparency, Andy....perhaps you could urge trevor to do the same? Like I said earlier, I'm fully willing to give him a chance, but mostly meaningless management-babble ain't gonna cut it.

To clarify my previous post, I believe monetization to the point of self-sufficiency is good, and various members have presented what I think are great ideas for ways that could be done without capitalizing on the freely made contributions of members. However, I also believe that any and all profits from that monetization above and beyond operating costs should be piped directly back into the site and the community. I know a lot of people have said there's nothing to improve here but tbh, I think that's a bit of nostalgic selective blindness. Is it great as it is? Yes, but that has much more to do with the content, not the infrastructure or organization. Both could do with some work, imo.

If trevor bought the forum as an investment, with the idea of making a profit, sorry, but I doubt very much that's gonna work out for him. In the last 9 pages, I've gone from cautiously optimistic to straight out skeptical, mainly because of trevor's near total silence. I would much rather see good change come to ES and it become self-sufficient while still keeping all the members happy, but if that's not possible for whatever reason, I have no qualms leaving with everyone else. I'm here for the community and their knowledge and experience, not the site itself.
Andy R said:
It's been a great symbiotic relationship and I am very proud to be associated with all the forums that are part of our family of sites.
Not that it has anything directly to do with this thread, but which forums? (just so people can see what they're like, to get an idea of what might be intended in this currently-discussed changeover of ES)

So if the ads can be turned off, it seems the real issue is that someone is going to be trying to make a few bucks by building a better site around ES?
No, you might want to re-read a number of the posts that explain what the main problem is. It is not the making of the bucks, it is that the making of the bucks is coming off of work that many people have done for free, for the fun of it or for the furthering of knowledge itself, and not intended for sale. Certainly not intended to end up making money for companies that advertise on here, which is what it amounts to.

Certainly it's true that search engines that index this site and then display those results earn money off their ads on their own pages, and also true that the advertisers earn money because of click-thrus to their sites becuase of what is displayed on that search page, but it is not the same as doing it on ES itself, simply by the principle of the thing.

Rather then committing suicide in order to make sure no one lives out of this it would be better to see if everyone can find a way to work together to meet each others needs. Keeping the community together is very important and should be a goal of everyone involved.
This, I agree with--but it's not going to happen if "monetizing the site" is happening the way that has been described so far. If having stuff on the marketplace isn't enough (which to me is already on the borderline of unacceptable given the way we've had to work to keep disreputable vendors off the site so far, and won't be possible with the ads), then it's too much for me (and apparently many others).

I know it can be expensive to run such a site...but it can also be done in a number of ways besides ads, and "monetizing" the site does not sound at all like just paying for it, but rather making as much money as possible from it. That's basically not acceptable to me. I don't want a share of the money (even as financially desperate as I often am), I don't want to see this happen *at all*.

I realize some people here do not see a problem with using the work of others (that was not done to make money, but was done in the spirit of helpfulness and sharing and furthering ebikes, EVs, etc.) as honey bait to draw in the flies of advertisers and potentially disreputable vendors and whatnot, but that is what it amounts to, even if it is not what was intended. (It is impossible to know the intentions, as so far nothing clear has been said by those with them).

But to at least some of those of us that have done that work, given our time, etc., it *is* a problem. It's the spirit in which ES has grown that makes it a different place than others. The only other place that is even close, to me, has been DIY Electric Car, but their forum software (primarily) keeps me from frequenting it. ES is even better, though, and I don't want to see it's spirit changed.

Perhaps a highly simplified situational comparison might be made:
--you are a part of a free, non-commercial, open-source project to create the perfect ebike design. You've spent thousands of hours working on it along with others in your community who have also spent lots of their time, debugging it, and discussing features with users of it, working out how to do them, and making it all come true.
--Suddenly some of those working on it plus some outsiders come along and start selling, without your consent, your work (as a part of their own), that you did not for money, but for the community.
--What do you do? You can't get them to stop, you cant' take your work out of their project as they aren't going to let you. Take them to court? Maybe, if you can afford the years of legal battles, but they have a source of money, and you don't. So they win, and you lose, and so does the community.

That's an exaggeration, but it amounts to the kind of feeling about this that of those of us that have built ES into what it is have. I'm still just a newcomer compared to many, yet I still feel this way.

No offense to Knight but with some investment this site can be spectacular. Trevor wants to give it that investment and here everyone is complaining that someone is going to be attentive, address issues, make sure backups are working and foster ES into it's next phase.
No--that's not what people are complaining about. No insult intended, but you really need to learn how to read. :(

Besides, the site itself already *is* spectactular--in the content and people it's made from.

Sure, there's lots of little things and some big ones that could be changed or improved on, reorganized, etc., but it's not necessary. Just would be nice. And I'm pretty sure all of it could be paid for by donations, or as others have suggested: merchandise, contests, etc.

Of course, while we are all debating this, we're spending lots of time much better spent on getting that perfect ebike developed. ;)
I really don't know where to start (Andy never mentioned stuff like this could happen. I guess I was naive.) I thought I would get a warmer welcome since ES has had various issues and I will get them solved. I actually put off the announcement until the Android app was ready and we were on a new larger server so the site would be faster. I was hoping that you would see results right away that would and that would help me start earning your trust.

As I mentioned before, I am truly sorry to hear that the change of ownership is causing some of our best members to consider leaving. I am listening and would like to find a way to make everyone happy so we can move forward to make ES the best community it can be. It feels like some people would rather be kamakazies and take down the whole community which is not in the spirit of what ES is about. It seems like we would be better off figuring out how to work together and not polarizing such a special group of people.

As part of the revolution ES need to respect its place and help the partners who support our community. for example, I'd be glad to work with Justin to promote ebikes.com since he's been such a big contributor here and to the movement at large. Owning/Managing a forum is about being part of the bigger community and helping support the companies and people who make significant contributions. The movement will be stronger if we can work together.

I need some time to show you results to earn your respect. I plan to get this site converted to vBulletin soon. I will be working with the mod/admin team on training of the new software and will make sure that all team members are active on this site. Please consider giving me a chance to show you results so you can judge me by my actions and NOT what you THINK my actions will be.

Converting to Vbulletin is, as I have mentioned before, one of the things that will greatly reduce or remove my participation, as it doesnt' work the way I need it to, and is one of the reasons I don't participate on DIY Electric Car much.

Plus, you still aren't responding to the big thing that people are objecting to: ads and how they will be setup and used.

This is one main reason people are looking to leave, and take their contributions with them. They're not trying to take the site down, but they are understandably not willing to let their work be used in a spirit in which it was not intended.

The lack of response is making even *me* think I shouldn't bother continuing to contribute to the site now.

I'm pretty sure you're failing to understand the root of the problem, and if so, then the others are right, and ES will fail.

I hope they're wrong, and you respond with something other than the "management-ese" placation talk that has been posted so far, and begin talking specifics, and discussing plans for the future in exact detail. Without that, it's all up in the air, and people are going to expect the worst.

People have been asking for details since your original announcement, and you're not giving them. It's a pretty uneasy feeling, just like the ones I've gotten at the jobs I worked where management changed for the worse, but they wouldnt' tell us anything that was going to happen, only that "changes would come and we'd all like it", but of course we didn't, and it didn't make things better, it just made them different, with different sets of problems. THose are the jobs I would've quit from if I had had the option.
You know, if you had bothered to spend more time on the forum talking to the people who make it valuable, then you would have known that this would happen. As it is, Caveat Emptor applies.

What you still don't get though is that you talk about "supporting the companies" - none of the people who make ES so valuable are interested in supporting any companies. In fact they feel VERY strongly against it.

And I think that Justin has categorically stated that he feels it is a conflict of interest to use ES to promote his business, and his actions over a long period of time bear this out.

This isn't a forum about ebikes, it's a forum about ebike knowledge. This is what you don't seem to have realized yet.
trevor said:
As part of the revolution ES need to respect its place and help the partners who support our community. for example, I'd be glad to work with Justin to promote ebikes.com .....


OMFG - just stop while you are ahead. Advertise for Justin? LOL? Advertise? Justin :mrgreen:


I don't think he gets it.
Trevor, I hate to say it, but I don't think that last post earned you any points. :| I am starting to get a bad feeling about this. I had a dream about ES last night, it wasn't good. :? A question to the core members. Can the new "owner" restrict our access to our own posts so that we can't delete them or even save them? It seems like not enabling us to save them would be extremely difficult, but turning off the edit feature seems like it would be pretty simple.

Oh, and about saving Morph's and SAFE's posts, let's not forget about Reid Welch's. Thud, thanks for sharing the info about your father. It sounds like he was quite a man. 8)

Trevor, I am stunned that someone with as little connection to this forum as you thought that you could come in and "show us how it's done." Like we say in Texas, "Boy, that dog don't hunt."
EDIT - Trevor posted while I wrote the post below:
Please consider giving me a chance to show you results so you can judge me by my actions and NOT what you THINK my actions will be.

That is a reasonable request and I personally will do my best. The fundamental problem is that nobody knows you or your agenda, because you didn't build a relationship first. After that mis-step, hopefully your skin is thick enough to weather the criticism until we do get to know you and TRUST you.

Yesterday the fate of E:S was in the hands of the community, and today we have lost that control. Yesterday we were democracy, today we are a dictatorship, and feeling the loss. All we do know is that your actions to date, and plans for the future, appear heavy-handed because they did not include any input from the community whatsoever - plus it doesn't seem like you got to know us first, so how could your actions be aligned with our interests? The E:S app is a good example of progress in a direction that isn't really helpful.

Since you have assumed leadership of this community, your first challenge will be to ingratiate yourself to it, and overcome the antagonistic relationship that sense of loss generated. This job would have been easier if you had become a recognized community member first, now you will have to work for it. If you have lurked enough and seen a vendor or two take a thrashing, then you know when this populace of crazy-smart folks is pissed they can make it mighty uncomfortable. Censor their rage, and they will leave. I don't envy you the road before you, but if you weather the storm and truly serve the community, it will work out. I'll try to keep an open mind.


Post I originally wrote.
I know that this community is virtual, but could you imagine your reaction if you found that the assets of your town had been sold? That the roads, water lines, sewers, parks were now at the sole discretion of someone who had only passed through once before? Would you worry about tolls on the roads, new traffic laws, what it meant that an individual, instead of the community, would be making the decisions about the infrastructure surrounding the huge asset that is your home? Most of us would be very upset.

People don't react well to change, and bringing about a fundamental change without involving the community in the process, was a guaranteed fail. Selling to someone who was not passionate enough to become a known entity in the community first, also a fail. Promising a future of great change, without finding what change the community might want, fail. These early mis-steps give me grave concern about the experience at hand, and the thought put into the future of this content. I am sure this angst we are demonstrating in this thread does nothing to cement the bond with our new owner.

I like that members won't see ads, but sadly it confirms that ads will become part of the mix, which also means sponsor vendors, and leads the question of what does one have to do to be a member? Just sign up? Or kiss the kings ring and pay an annual fee?

I contributed $$$ generously before, but I have walked away from other forums that started charging fees. The Money aspect always taints the content. All sorts of drama came up about where the money was going etc, drama about posts disappearing because they were not favorable to sponsor-vendors or the new owners, and some of the most even-keeled folks there (myself not included in that description :oops: ) getting banned and being charactarized as doing some odd stuff.

It is a shame that this didn't go out to bid; if I had known it needed to go out for sale, I would have bought it myself, just to preserve it. However, now I guess the deal is done, and all we can do is hope that Trevor does right by E:S, and not take this the way of visforvoltage. Since all of our ID's haven't been locked out after posting here, that gives me some hope.

trevor said:
I need some time to show you results to earn your respect. [...] Please consider giving me a chance to show you results so you can judge me by my actions and NOT what you THINK my actions will be.
No, what you need to do to earn our respect is to stop treating us like underlings or customers and start treating us like equals, as partners. I think I speak for all of us when I say I would much rather you talk about what these actions we'll be judging you on will be before you do them. That works for us, in giving us a better idea of where you're going with this, and it works better for you so that this thread doesn't happen again! If you've been paying attention, you should have realized by now that a large part of what caused this whole mess in the first place is not talking to the community about your intentions to buy the forum before doing so. What makes you think that making major changes to the forum without discussing them with the community beforehand will earn you any better of a reception?

Also, StudEbiker, idk if it's new (I don't remember noticing it before, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything), but I found the last quote in your sig quite appropriate to the situation. ;)
"You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." - Ayn Rand
x88x said:
Also, StudEbiker, idk if it's new (I don't remember noticing it before, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything), but I found the last quote in your sig quite appropriate to the situation. ;)
"You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." - Ayn Rand

It's been there for awhile, but I couldn't help notice how appropriate it is in this thread as well.
As the counter to amberwolf, I would love to see vbulliten used. As a moderator, the job is worlds easier. Instead of taking minutes to deal with a spammer it takes about 10 seconds to ban and purge and can be done from any page on the forum without wading through admin or mod pages. Plus we can be assigned to sections and have instant email alerts to what is going on.

What is it you are doing with phpbb that vbulliten can't do?
:( v bulletin....its getting bad...that board is made for ad slots....erm this isnt looking good... :x hmm sensing the end is near :-(
I got to admit I am more troubled... calling us kamakazi's... sort of interesting to insult your core contributors. Where did you get your MBA from? You are short on cultural change training, and it shows.

Sorry, I have been through the wringer, and I can read "spin" a mile away. You ARE going to loose your technical core, so proceed to fix things up for your eBay of eBikes board.

I am over the top, I admit on this; because I'm pissed about it. You have no recognition of the quality of IP that has been posted here. I do, and so do the dedicated core. Listen, they are pissed. You are not connecting with them.

I could tell you what you should have done, but I am not going to help the demise of my beloved board.

Methods you hold the holy grail.

I need a drink.
OMG I have never heard BigMoose talk like that before in my life...

You dont know what you have to do to BigMoose to get him that angry. He is the most gentile and kind person I have ever known.

Apparently everyone has his price, so what is trevors? It's hard to say what he can be thinking as the approach to this aquisition has been slip shod, but if I was to hazard a guess it would be that this isn't playing out how he thought. I would be looking for a way out. Though what little money I have been saving in the battery jar destined for many lipo I would give it all to help buy back birthright of the electric revolution. Me having a battery is insignificant on an astronomical order comparatively.
johnrobholmes said:
What is it you are doing with phpbb that vbulliten can't do?
It would take more time than I have (or than you would want to spend reading it) to detail all of it, but I'll just quote this small piece I wrote in reply to a PM from someone else suggesting I'd like Vbulletin:

amberwolf said:
I have used it before, on DIY Electric Car among other places, and it does not work with my style of use and my needs; many things require use of a mouse and will NOT work with keyboards, etc. It's why I do not visit DIYEC much except to follow a couple of threads and projects that I found interesting. If ES had been running on it when I found ES, I would not still be here.

PHPBB is the only forum software I've used that will work as I need it to.

Parts of my problems have to do with Asperger's and autistic issues, and being able to customize the view of the site to eliminate portions that cause me issues. It takes me dozens, sometimes hundreds of hours, to customize a site to where I can really use it, with locally-installed addons to my browser (like YARIP, AdblockPlus, and NoScript).

I can't afford that kind of time except for a place I really feel at home at, and really want to be a part of.

There are only three of those in all my years of surfing that I have found---ES, THEMAnime, and OHBB. The fact that all of them run on PHPBB isn't a coincidence, as far as a major reason I stayed.

Now back to the dog baths, which are starting later and taking a lot longer than planned due to having to come back to check on this thread and ES in general. :(

Well, just one more thing about features and stuff: I don't actually want features, if it means changing the way things look or are laid out or work, in any of the rest of the forum.

I don't care that it takes a bit of time to nuke spammers, compared to being able to just use the forum the way it is.
I am getting PM's and emails....

Please folks - vent here but dont delete your accounts or your content yet. This is just unfolding and we have not even given all of the members a chance to sound off yet. Others will come this weekend to speak as well. We are no longer waiting for Trevor to speak... he obviously has nothing to say. Looks like he thinks he can wait this out.

You have my word that this community is not going to roll over and get monetized. None of what you heard proposed will happen.

Trevor can not do very much fast... the only thing that can unravel this place in a hurry is us... so just hold on for a few and lets continue to let our members speak out on the subject. Give everyone a chance to speak their mind.

For anyone who is scared to speak out - for fear that they will be persecuted later... you can go ahead and just delete your account :wink: :mrgreen:


P.S. Yes I realize that Trevor could zonk my account or anyone's - but he does not dare. The moment someone tries some bullshit like that is the moment permanent war is declared. We are not even close to that point yet. This is still friendly :p Trevor figures he will lose some small percentage of the members and then he can move forward with his plans. We need those very members here, now - so don't pull the trigger quite yet.
trevor said:
It feels like some people would rather be kamakazies and take down the whole community which is not in the spirit of what ES is about. It seems like we would be better off figuring out how to work together and not polarizing such a special group of people.

How do you know the true spirit of ES? You have about 3 posts on our forum, and the rest are here deflecting the flak you're getting, and 20 others are in some private forum that we can't see.
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