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Oh my god, its President Trump!

First roundup by racist bigot President Trump will be Mexicans. Who will be next?
President-elect Donald Trump’s hard-line immigration stance was a central part of his campaign message in 2016 -- and he said in an interview Sunday that he plans to immediately deport approximately 2 to 3 million undocumented immigrants.

"First they came ..." is a famous statement and provocative poem written by Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the cowardice of German intellectuals following the Nazis' rise to power and subsequent purging of their chosen targets, group after group. Many variations and adaptations in the spirit of the original have been published in the English language. It deals with themes of persecution, guilt and responsibility.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
nicobie said:
Trump has helped the economy already.

The price of ammo had taken a major drop in the last few days. Cabala has a 20% off sale on right now.

If only I could short the price of AR-15's. Well, I guess I could look at it another way, time to stock up before the next despotic democratic president! lol
The only problem with that poem is that the NAZI's WERE Socialists and Trade Unionists. They came for those people to sign them up and make them part of the cause. He needed to start with "First they came for the Jews." That was the actual order of things, even though there were Jewish NAZI's. Accuracy sure takes so much out of left wing arguments at this time. Or any other time.

Irony! Now Pence goes to court to protect HIS emails. Deplorable!
Dauntless said:
What Mundo says is true, but don't let that stop you from thrashing about pathetically as you've been doing, because it's been great.

Wow, Trump Tower is getting really poplar with ebikers.


Hey, guess what. He's your president. Yes, he is. He's YOURS. ALL YOURS. It's like mint tonight. Tomorrow possibly Reese's Pieces. Maybe it'll be steak during the week. But it's all good, because he's YOUR president.

Bitchen', ain't it?
I been flicking over all the cable TV channels to see what they are showing/saying , Yeah I saw this on CNN too, and I was thinking this is a great interview that flys in the face of those extreme self-centered lefties, interestingly she gets cut off before she finishes her question but what she said all up was great..

Basically, I am starting to see the same core ingredients that make these types of extreme-lefty folk all over the world.. Unfortunately, the best way to describe it is incredibly crudely but it is the best way. I came up with this theory a few years ago looking at Australia but the same thing applies just as well to the USA interestingly enough.

Basically the more densely populated the area like California or New York the more you brain is wired to think or say anything that increases your chances by 5% or higher of getting your junk sucked off etcetera, so saying you support dangerous/extremely porous borders helps your chances...

If you live in the country area and especially if you have a family your chances of getting your junk sucked off by saying something less social drops considerably so you end up being overall more controlled by your brain then your genitals. Technically you're really a saner fully functioning human being with good core values.

Trump helped add to this theory because he is the perfect candidate for polling etcetera to show that if you tell more people your going to vote for Trump then again the chances of you being liked socially decrease, so despite the poll numbers when the election count was done it was still vastly in favor of Trump. Trump election has probably now also exercised a part of the brain to outright lie about who your going to vote for to make life easier for a large pool of people who have never done such things.

Aside from some small outside the bounds reasons why it won't apply to everyone it does overwhelmingly apply to most. I really do think its that simple.

tomjasz said:
Irony! Now Pence goes to court to protect HIS emails.
Irony is you, a Hillary supporter, bringing up the email topic at all :)

TheBeastie said:
Basically the more densely populated the area like California or New York the more you brain is wired to think or say anything that increases your chances by 5% or higher of getting your junk sucked off etcetera, so saying you support dangerous immigration helps your chances...
You mean some men wear certain issues on their sleeves in order to ingratiate themselves with women? It's something I've wondered about.
At least the Chinese and Russian governments are happy - as far as they're concerned the U.S. has played right into their hands by demonstrating to the world the short-comings and dangers of Western democracy.

Dauntless, I can't respond to your post because I have absolutely no idea what you are on about. You seem to ramble on a number of topics using a series of standard rants and simply shoe-horn into the topic at hand whichever one suits your preference. As such, no relevant points get addressed or meaningful information conveyed :(
eTrike said:
TheBeastie said:
"Technically you're really a saner fully functioning human being with good core values."

Your logic of blowjob-centrist thinking is probably true for a large percentage of young males, but aside from that I hope you were joking about that :p
As far as being a more well-rounded human being who embraces the totality of our human potential I can share that it is not exactly that way in the U.S. as racism, education/illiteracy, poverty, health, etc. are all generally worse in rural areas, particularly the southeastern US which account for 154 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win. For non-u.s. folks yet again this year for the right-wing candidate the popular vote was outdone by the electoral college-- a system which means that your vote has more power depending on where you live, similar to our senate and every few elections ignores the person who got the most votes. The fact that it can do that is clear evidence of a sham democracy, let alone the severe election fraud, routine exclusion of candidates from third parties(which is why Bernie Sanders caucused with the Democratic party), etc.

The email shenanigans are more of the same illegal or suspicious behavior which follows a pattern: denied when rumored, ignored when leaked, deflected when asked, admitted when cleared.
Pence's emails as VP-elect are curious as a judge in his state judicial branch has ruled essentially that they don't have the power to "check" the executive branch-- (we're told we have a system of "checks and balances" of power here in U.S.) which is similar to "if the president does it, that means it is not illegal"-- Nixon

Bill Hicks:
Person 1: "I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs."
Person 2: "I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking."
Person 3: "Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding up both puppets!"
Separate joke, but relevant person 4..."Hey, somebody shut him up!"

I think you have to understand that the reason we have 50 states in the USA is because many states joined with the promise that they would have some say in the government. This is how the country was formed so that a few large cities wouldn't be able to control the less populated states. And rightfully so. It is also not going to change.

By you trying to call the whole thing a sham is just not right and not taking into account how the country was created to begin with. States joined the union because they were offered some say in the President. Although with the recent population booms of some states I would think that they should increase the minimum number of votes upwards from 3.

To also sit back and say that since Trump didn't win the popular vote and shouldn't be president, when he wasn't campaigning for the popular vote, is also ridiculous. Remove california and he wins by a few million votes. The country mostly supports him other than California, where most of the people here agaist him are from.

No matter how you look at it he has close to half the country supporting him. You can't just act like a few idiots in south east are supporting him. I know plenty of college educated people supporting him in my large liberal city.

Punx0r said:
Dauntless, I can't respond to your post. . .


Punx0r said:
. . . . because I have absolutely no idea what you are on about. You seem to ramble on a number of topics using a series of standard rants and simply shoe-horn into the topic at hand whichever one suits your preference. As such, no relevant points get addressed or meaningful information conveyed :(. . . . .zzzzzZZZZZZZZZ

. . . . .zzzzzZZZZZZZZZ. . . SNORK!!!!

Person 1: "I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs."
Person 2: "I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking."
Dauntless: "Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding up both puppets!"
Punx0r..."Hey, somebody shut him up!"

Uh, you mean where I went on about 'Tribalism?' Oh wait, that wasn't me. Oh, the thing about '. . . .goes to show how society REALLY feels about women.' Darn, that wasn't me either. The standard rants are there, they're just not mine. What IS mine is that consistent voice that you hear, what really speaks to you in those moments when you try to reject thinking about what you don't want to think about, but you CAN'T reject it, you just CAN'T. All I'm getting out of that is that you feel like your tunnelvision is going to lose, but you don't want to lose. A basic concept in the Humanities: Incompetence is the inability to understand competence. If it's more than you can handle, nobody is cheating, you're just inadequate. And I could go dig out this hat an old girlfriend gave me, it said "I'm not arrogant, I'm just BETTER THAN YOU." Maybe I should have said old FUTURE girlfriend, she gave it to me as part of seeking the first date.

When they burn the flag, that's the subject, It is NOT something I ". . . .Simply shoe-horn into the topic. . . ." because it IS the topic. Just because YOU don't want the whole story to be relevant doesn't mean it isn't all meaningful information. If you cannot respond, it's because you cannot address the true issue, you'd rather pout like high school kids walking out of class and expect that to be considered "Meaningful."

Ah well, to the more thoughtful, think of how powerful your vote would have been in Florida in 2000. If you took a few hundred friends down there to vote for Gore. 4 years later John Kerry was so close in several states and it could have suddenly tipped the other way over just a few votes in the right spot. Meanwhile count every state that has more than the 11 electoral votes of Massachusetts and they each have two Senators who needed considerably more votes than Elizabeth Warren to be there. Is it even fair that so much attention is paid to a dolt who represents so few? (Well, the attention is mostly because she IS a dolt.) If you really want to sit around trying to come up with this perfectly fair system, have fun, but please don't talk out loud while you're driving yourself mad. In the 1960 election they THOUGHT the votes from some mountain community were so crucial that someone had to ski down the mountain in a snowstorm, though it had apparently already been resolved by the time the guy arrived. But they wouldn't have been more important anyway, it was just the timing that would have been.

TheBeastie's theory holds up in California in 1982. Quite a complex story that went beyond the mere Governors race. First there was the issue of one Tom Metzger on the Democratic ballot in the primaries. The press reported on people admitting that they'd meet friends in a bar after work, there'd be jokes about the upset if he got a lot of votes, and BANG, the concept of 'Drunk Voting' found it's way into the Governors race, as the first black man ever nominated for Governor was sharing the ballot with another nominee from his party, an exKKK leader.

So the Democrats were telling people to go ahead an vote Republican on that one. Metzger himself was a rather affable individual, he laughed along as the pointy heads ridiculed him to his face, which allowed him to ride his fifteen minutes of fame into overtime and he remained a minor public figure the rest of his life, almost a darling to talk show hosts as he proved a congenial bad guy guest.

He also proved problematic to pollsters. His presence on the ballot created a backlash all over the state. Loudmouths were thrilled at the opportunity to carry on about how racist you must be to not vote for Tom Bradley, you must be voting the party ticket of Deukmejian and Metzger. Bradley opened a huge lead in the polls, what a shock when election day came and people cast the votes they wanted to cast in the privacy of the booth.

Pollsters then reacted as they do now at the revelation they're out of touch: Denied when rumored, ignored when leaked, deflected when asked, admitted when cleared. Boy did they argue before the election at any suggestion they might have been wrong, eh? But then it's the same for the Democratic party, denying the whole time there was a problem with their candidate, (Hey, the Republicans overdid it with their discussions on theirs) spindoctoring when it came up, dismissively acknowledging they were out of touch after losing but STILL insisting she deserved to win. So the behavior isn't limited just to pollsters.

Ah well, just to wrap up this bit of meaningful information that's over the head of one or more people, as long as one party thinks they get to be the moral superior star bellied sneetches, they're going to feel free to offer up the seriously inferior candidate and play this finger pointing game as was played all through this election. Hillary saying Bernie just got his star on his belly when he registered as a Democrat just a few months earlier, Bernie saying Hillary is a SBSNO, Star Bellied Sneetch in Name Only. But that is NOT the meaningful information, even though someone wishes it was.

Maybe I'll sleep now, knowing he's been properly responded to.

marty said:
2 to 3 million undocumented immigrants.

That's a lot of people! I got some concerns. My drivers license in in my car and I have been driving the truck. By having no identification in my pocket, does that make me undocumented? Are we going to need to hire 2 to 3 million immigration lawyers?

What Donald Trump’s Vow to Deport Up to 3 Million Immigrants Would Mean
WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald J. Trump’s promise to deport two million to three million immigrants who have committed crimes suggested that he would dramatically step up removals of both people in the United States illegally and those with legal status. If carried out, the plan potentially would require raids by a vastly larger federal immigration force to hunt down these immigrants and send them out of the country.

Addressing the issue in an interview broadcast Sunday on the CBS program “60 Minutes,” Mr. Trump adopted a softer tone on immigrants than he did during his campaign, when he called many of them rapists and criminals. He instead referred to them as “terrific people,” saying they would be dealt with only after the border had been secured and criminals deported.

But by placing the number of people he aims to turn out of the country as high as three million, Mr. Trump raised questions about which immigrants he planned to target for deportation and how he could achieve removals at that scale.

“If he wants to deport two to three million people, he’s got to rely on tactics that will divide communities and create fear throughout the country,” said Kevin Appleby, the senior director of international migration policy at the Center for Migration Studies of New York. “He would have to conduct a sweep, or raids or tactics such as those, to reach the numbers he wants to reach. It would create a police state, in which they would have to be aggressively looking for people.”
The details are crucial to understanding the approach of a president-elect who centered his campaign on a promise to build a border wall and deport lawbreakers. On Monday, President Obama said he would urge Mr. Trump to consider leaving in place his executive actions that have shielded from deportation immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children.

A Look at the Numbers
Asked on “60 Minutes” whether he would seek to deport “millions and millions of undocumented immigrants,” Mr. Trump said his priority would be to remove “people that are criminal and have criminal records.”

“What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records — gang members, drug dealers, we have a lot of these people, probably two million, it could be even three million. We are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate,” Mr. Trump said. “But we’re getting them out of our country, they’re here illegally.”

The Obama administration has estimated that 1.9 million “removable criminal aliens” are in the United States. That number includes people who hold green cards for legal permanent residency and those who have temporary visas. It also includes people who have been convicted of nonviolent crimes such as theft, not just those found guilty of felonies or gang-related violence.

“They certainly have that many to start,” said Jessica M. Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that supports reduced immigration.

But even if Mr. Trump’s numbers are correct — and many immigration activists dispute them — it is not clear Mr. Trump could carry out those deportations quickly without violating due process.

In many cases, convicts would have to go through immigration courts before they could be deported. Those courts are overwhelmed with huge backlogs, so obtaining deportation orders from judges can take many months — if not many years. Thousands of immigrants are serving jail sentences that under current law cannot be curtailed. According to official figures, as of June only about 183,000 immigrants had been convicted of crimes and also had deportation orders so they could be detained and removed quickly.

Targeting Criminals
Mr. Trump’s approach would in some ways be a continuation of policies Mr. Obama has pursued to focus immigration enforcement on convicted criminals.
In 2014, his administration issued guidelines instructing agents to make criminals the highest priorities for their operations. In 2015, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement figures, the majority of the 235,413 people deported — 59 percent — were convicted criminals, while 41 percent were removed for immigration violations.
“Under the Obama administration we have already managed to calibrate our policy with heavy emphasis on criminal aliens,” said Muzaffar Chishti, the director of the New York University School of Law office of the Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan research group.

Since 2009, Mr. Obama has presided over the deportation of about 2.5 million immigrants, prompting sharp criticism from advocacy groups. He did so in part to build political support for a broad revision of immigration laws that would have provided a path to citizenship for immigrants in the country illegally.
Under a now-defunct program known as Secure Communities, the Obama administration used digital fingerprints shared by local law enforcement departments to find and deport immigrants who had committed crimes. Immigration and Customs Enforcement also partnered with local authorities to prioritize the arrest and detention of criminal aliens.

Both measures helped drive deportations to roughly 400,000 per year during Mr. Obama’s first term. Multiplying that number by many times would almost certainly require reinstituting a program like Secure Communities and employing vastly more immigration agents, as well as using more aggressive tactics to find and remove immigrants who may have broken the law, according to Mr. Appleby of the Center for Migration Studies of New York.

Resistance From Cities
If Mr. Trump seeks to revive programs of close cooperation between local police and federal immigration authorities, he is likely to encounter legal challenges and resistance from dozens of cities and counties that have curtailed or rejected cooperation.

Mr. Trump has said he would cut off federal funding for cities that refuse to help federal agents detain unauthorized immigrants. During his campaign, he highlighted terrible crimes by immigrants he said had escaped detection because of protective policies.

At a news conference in Chicago on Monday, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a Democrat, sought to ease fears of deportation and harassment as he reiterated Chicago’s status as a sanctuary city for immigrants.

“It is important for families that are anxious, it is important for children and adolescents that are unsure because of Tuesday, to understand the city of Chicago is your home,” Mr. Emanuel said. “You are always welcome in this city.”

Cook County, where Chicago is, has adopted an especially restrictive policy on ties between police and federal agents. Mr. Emanuel encouraged immigrants to call a hotline for legal advice, and said Chicago would quickly set up a municipal identification program to allow undocumented immigrants access to city services.
Mayor Betsy Hodges of Minneapolis was defiant. “I will continue to stand by and fight for immigrants regardless of President-elect Trump’s threats,” she said. “If police officers were to do the work of ICE, it would harm our ability to keep people safe and solve crimes.” Mayor Ras Baraka of Newark, said the city’s protections would not change.

In California, lawmakers in a Legislature dominated by Democrats rejected Mr. Trump’s numbers and plans. “It is erroneous and profoundly irresponsible to suggest that up to three million undocumented immigrants living in America are dangerous criminals,” said Kevin de León, the president pro tempore of the Senate. He said Mr. Trump’s figures were “a thinly veiled pretense for a catastrophic policy of mass deportation,” and he told immigrants, “the State of California stands squarely behind you.”

The Los Angeles police chief, Charlie Beck, said his force would not change its policies. “We are not going to work in conjunction with Homeland Security on deportation efforts,” he said, according to The Los Angeles Times. “That is not our job, nor will I make it our job.”

Julie Hirschfeld Davis reported from Washington, and Julia Preston from New York. Mitch Smith contributed reporting from Chicago.
QuestionMan said:
No matter how you look at it he has close to half the country supporting him. You can't just act like a few idiots in south east are supporting him. I know plenty of college educated people supporting him in my large liberal city.
Actually, it is just under one quarter of the eligible voters in the country that voted for Trump. Half the eligible voters did not place a vote for president. Also, about half the residents in the US are eligible voters. So, only a little more than one-tenth of those in the US determined that Trump will be our next president, assuming the electoral college does not revolt.
I believe the number of electors are tied to the land area of the state. I suspect this because I've seen in more than a few real estate convenants that state "The weight of your vote is proportional to the acreage you own."; i.e., those who owned the most land had the most voting power in 'the neighborhood'. Since the American revolution was essentially a bunch of wealthy landowners who didn't want to pay British taxes, it only makes sense that they would tie voting power to "The amount of land the state owned". Looking at the red/blue map of the 2016 electoral college votes, it looks like it roughly matches with the ratio of electoral votes for Trump vs. Hillary. No doubt population size has some weighting, as well.

UPDATE: Thanks to Nutspecial, I'm more wise. The current formula is...

# Electors = 2 + population-size/700,000 (I'm guessing this approximates the number of representatives in the house and senate for a given state.)

Anyway, it's obvious based on the senate and house, that it was designed that way so that "every state, large and small, was equal"(Senate) and "Bigger states get more representation"(House). The electoral college appears to be a blend between the two systems, and it seems obvious to me that it was designed this way so that more populated states couldn't bully around the smaller states, which seems pretty wise to me.
alan said:
QuestionMan said:
No matter how you look at it he has close to half the country supporting him. You can't just act like a few idiots in south east are supporting him. I know plenty of college educated people supporting him in my large liberal city.
Actually, it is just under one quarter of the eligible voters in the country that voted for Trump. Half the eligible voters did not place a vote for president. Also, about half the residents in the US are eligible voters. So, only a little more than one-tenth of those in the US determined that Trump will be our next president, assuming the electoral college does not revolt.

That is just nonsense what you are saying. Statistically if we polled 100 random people of all ages, it would be close to how the election turned out. Just because they didn't vote doesn't mean they would not have supported Trump.

I don't see why the lefties are trying to fool themselves here, Trump had lots of support and you can not deny it. By trying to tell yourself that only 1/10th the country voted and 1/10th the country only supported Trump is so rediculous. Many people in my family didn't even bother to vote because they lived in a state which has always been democratic.

The issue I think is that most people are scared to come out and say they support Trump, even on this message board they will not. I'm a big supporter of Trump and I would never mention I supported Trump at the workplace or social situations. What this does is make the lefties think he has no support, when in reality he has plenty of support. It is just that the media has hit him so hard with nonsense of racism etc. that you can't openly support him because of political correctness in public. Even though I know the media is biased and full of lies and I know the truth about Trump. The constant bashing of Trump still hits me pretty hard, but because I am an independent thinker I can see through all the nonsense about him.

If the media was not bashing him with taking everything he says literally, he would have won with 80% support. He is a true outsider, not beholden to special interest groups, wants to get rid of people here illegally, wants to have fair trade for the country, wants to protect gun rights, the list just goes on. He has always been consistent with his message, he really feels the country is screwed up.


eTrike said:
For turnout, less than half of the voters voted for him on a very low turnout year

LOW TURNOUT YEAR??!? WTF?!?!? You didn't catch any of the news reports of so many polling places being overwhelmed? We had an unusual number of sites around me, this is the first time I didn't get to vote at the usual place. Do you see that line that only two had ever crossed going into this election? TWO crossed it in the SAME ELECTION this time. Did Johnson set a record for 3rd place yet? When the final results are official, this is probably going to be the biggest turnout EVER. Trump's total would have destroyed Obama in either of the last two elections; why aren't you questioning O Duce's legitimacy?

alan said:
So, only a little more than one-tenth of those in the US determined that Trump will be our next president, assuming the electoral college does not revolt.

That's assuming the population of the United States is some 600 million, which it is not. Don't bother trying to reason out something that suits you, that leads to these gross errors. Without the REAL numbers I'll say that it's something over 200 million eligible to vote, more than half those did, around 30% of those eligible to voted Trump. That would be backed up by what would be available, but your over 600 million people in the U.S. is nonsense.

And as for the comment made about people still being afraid of saying they voted for Trump, the videos of violence against them I've posted are all from after the election. Caught on tape, masked gangs blocking traffic and assaulting people in cars. Imagine how emboldened they'd feel if Hillary had WON. Or if this insurrection somehow worked and the LOSER took office.

swbluto said:
I believe the number of electors are tied to the land area of the state. I suspect this because I've seen in more than a few real estate convenants that state "The weight of your vote is proportional to the acreage you own."; i.e., those who owned the most land had the most voting power in 'the neighborhood'.

I don't know what that covenant thing is supposed to mean, but that's not how the Electoral College works. Each state has two Senators, 50 states makes 100 and that's 100 Electoral votes matching the Senate. The House of Representatives has 435 members, divided by population, there's an additional 435 Electors. Washington D.C gets 3 electors although they have no Senators or Representatives of their own. The total is 538.The smallest state may have less that 1/2 of 1% in population, but they can't have less than 0.55% in Electoral votes.

eTrike said:
@D-less I thought you had a whole thread devoted to how much you liked the puppet on the right?

Of course if you actually read it you'll start agreeing with the people saying I was simply trying to stop Hillary.

eTrike said:
. . . . anti-establishment voters(a big "F-you" to the system as one astute observer noted). . . the Democratic party gave away an easy win by pulling shenanigans that left a huge excited base in the breeze, many of whom voted for Trump. . . .?

But if you get it why would you say I liked Trump? I WAS that astute observer noted.
Oh look, former Goldman Sachs Investment Banker Steve Bannon is going to be Chief of Staff. I knew this was a horrible election, only had two choices between Wall Street mouthpiece A and mouthpiece B. Almost makes me think the DNC superdelegates were paid off to make Hillary the democratic candidate to ensure Wall Street's interests were served, no matter the outcome. I sure hope we're not following into the footsteps of the Athenian political cycle, the temporal ouroboros with the political stages "Democracy, Plutocracy, Anarchy", rinse and repeat.

eTrike said:
@ D-less save caps for acronyms plz.

No, I'll do it the way I'm doing it.

eTrike said:
That graph's scale is way off and lacks units.

No, it's on and has units. Most of us don't concern ourselves with Hillary's gangbanger vote, we only worry about them afterward when they start attacking people. I think the only person who'll ever unify the 'Depressed' vote will be Elizabeth Warren, which will be depressing for the rest of us if she won.

eTrike said:
. . . .and you can do it in your underwear.

I guess that'll be the Katie Perry vote.

Nearing two million votes behind in the popular vote.

Yes. Clinton has already won the popular vote by a dramatically larger number of ballots than anyone in history who did not go on to be inaugurated as president."
tomjasz said:
Nearing two million votes behind in the popular vote.

Yes. Clinton has already won the popular vote by a dramatically larger number of ballots than anyone in history who did not go on to be inaugurated as president."



The way the electoral college campaigning works it makes lots of people not vote in large cities. In my state and city which always goes democrat, many people in my family didn't bother to vote because they knew they had no chance. I actually voted for the first time in my life and voted for Trump, but only because my father really pressured me. It just wasn't worth my time to go and vote because it really would make no difference, and it didn't.

However, now I see how the media and dems are pushing this popular vote so you bet I'll be voting in the future and the rest of my family will also.

What you have is lots of people in those large states, new york and California, not bothering to vote. However, in the other states, the elections were much closer so everybody went to vote.

Of course you could argue that Dems in large cities don't bother either because they know they won, but I don't think this is the case. Lots of them want the free handouts and government control so they go and vote.

Either way, we all know that the illegals were voting this election and that made a huge difference. Even Obama said they would not be prosecuted and was encouraging them to vote. Hoping Trump puts an end to this, this actually should be his biggest push as President because the democrats are importing voters. This may be the last chance republicans have to stop the democrats from importing voters and illegals to vote.

And thanks god the media has lost its credibility and they can't control everyone anymore.
From Mars or Venus? Bullshirt news source.
tomjasz said:
From Mars or Venus? Bullshirt news source.

If there is one thing everyone learned from this election is that even your reputable news sources are also bullshit.

Let's take a look at this. Why do all the large democratic states not have voter ID laws? Why are the democrats so hostile against voter ID? It simply makes so much sense to show ID to vote.

We all know the reason and we all know that illegals make up a large proportion of these states.
Mark Twain said it best in this quote.

“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.”
That's funny, Time's mention of him being a bully, because I really liked my pug, she was the pick of the litter who wouldn't take crap from /no one/, and she was so energetic and aggressively playful. She did bully around her peers, though, good idea not to put their food dishes next to each other. Some of her peers developed inferiority complexes and their appetites apparently disappeared, even when she was takened away from the environment. She obviously loved life.