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Phoenix Ebike Promotions

OK. I know I explained this already here/there, but efforts here/this thread entirely about startup biz concept. (With community support, of course.)

So, in summary (again), conversion "kit" to transform Cinderella ("Elly") into kick-butt travelling machine that enjoys bettery-electric (sp?)... motor and... features.

(That whole thing re "killing off" fossil gasoline/diseasal-powered etc. is just silly/wishful thinking. Right? )
And for about $30, ya get in basket one "Uncle Milton Fireworks Light Show":

(Designed to run on three "AA" batteries, but can be modified to plug into ebike guts somewhere. You provide the white sheet - may work great on neighbours white "car" or "SUV". Amaze your friends! Disturb the neighbours!)


One thousand and one uses.

(Assuming not caught.)
ANOTHER "kit" kicked off (on web site "Kickstart", oddly enough). "Barak Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit - Electrify Your Bike!"

...so currently 26 "backers" averaging $262 (no trimmings in box).
So, got a 150 foot of red LED indoor/outdoor "rope" (Not really. Not yet). Care for a slice? (About $2 per foot.)


Normally run off 110/120 Volts (No transformer required), but can also run off that Handy-Dandy thingee on the ebike.

(1/2" Diameter with 2 Wire Steady Burn LED, and horizontally installed LED create more of a 'glow' along the length.)

Extended life of 100,000 hrs (or 10 years)
Hehe... think of this an an Ebikers "Bloomingdale"/Neimans/Saks etc.
"Sense knows when you're falling asleep, are soundly asleep, thrashing about, or waking up."

"over 18,500 backers and raised a whopping $2.3million"

... per that kickass startup site. Seen here:

So, meant for sleeping, but "Sense sleep monitor" might be a Handy-Dandy (TM) device for ebikers?

No idea of target selling price, but if/when available, maybe chuck one in box?
Home made "aero" tail cone (sans wings/ailerons/appendages)... So lessee...
Sheet balsa wood (to slice up into "planks")
Roll/Sheets acid free printer paper (smooth surface for painting purposes)
Alternatively, thin Cotton Cloth sheet (cut up)
Krylon crystal clear acrlic or can "hairspray" etc ("dope" for paper/sheet)
"Exacto" knife or similar w/blade.
UHU Purple glue stick (stick paper to wood)
Can isopropyl alcohol (spray paper. Get yer own hair dryer re drying)
Rope (to attach... plus attach "stuff".)

(So, mostly "au natural" bits. Might think tail section air ship/"zeppelin" assembling. Objects: Light but strong, and "cone" shaped.) Designed to be attached to rear of HS "Recumbent Cruiser". Back "tail cone" much more aerodynamic than a "nose cone" (think energy efficiency. Lower Wh/km.)

(And provide strength/support at base re cargo weight and cone stiffness.)

And cargo access... somehow.

(Gotta experiment/report back. EG re lighting! And of course removable re trailer, rickshaw, etc)

Could be another $200 maybe to chuck in yer box.

(Or all a "bad" idea. :lol: )
Reflective Tape, White or Yellow Prismatic anybuddy?
3M reflective tape.jpg

2" wide. About $3 per foot.

So. Chuck a few feet in the box, eh? (Can be sewn into fabric, stuck on bike, etc.)

(Or not.)
Not ebike-related maybe, but Elves can pick up shears while flyin' `round town:

The T40 Pruning Shear (currently from local to the `hood biz, so can save shipping costs) $60 ($4.00 S & H)

"Cutting head offset to extend the forearm to provide optimum pruning efficiency, handles with rubber shock-absorber and cushion to protect the wrist, toothed centre-nut for aligning the cutting and anvil blades easily and precisely for a clean, accurate cut.

Blade with a wire-cutting notch, sap groove, screwed anvil blade, forged aluminium alloy handles."

Seen here:

So maybe Sixty Buckarooneys.

CAUTION: For "Lefty".

Chuck one in box maybe?
About 3,500,000 results (0.70 seconds)

... for Engrish word phrase "phoenix ebike promotions".

(Hehe... Nasty half-dead old sneaky mad wannabe scientist wrings clawed hands: "My plan is working"... cackle cackle burp.)
ES Search found 5 matches: +ebikery. First time used by Master GEBA Sneaky Guy "rf" on E Sphere of Influence. In spring 2008.

(Recently revived word (?), butt still a "goody and a freshie" perhaps.)

re: ebike tech/use promo

BTW. Word already claimed:
And Username "Ebikery" signed abored YT early 2007 I see.... ("close-up" of online pic/logo):

(Suspected Ebiker. or ebiker-wannabe.)
Hehe... Speaking of injecting words and phrases into human (community) thought... "Wattspunk"

(Currently, was, ES "Search found 3 matches: +Wattspunk")
Another "injected" maybe:
And now the "EV Topic Topic"... More correctly the "SUB-Topic Topic". Mentioned... previously somewhere or other on Alt. planet of ES. So, an online web forum topic "sub-topic". Confused yet?

(Not to be confused w/SUB-sub-topic, I mean.)
LockH said:
Hehe... Speaking of injecting words and phrases into human (community) thought... "Wattspunk"

(Currently, was, ES "Search found 3 matches: +Wattspunk")

BTW. It's *James WATT*, so\and "Watt SPUNK" maybe? (Actually, not perhaps "neg" re NA folks. At time/date of posting this msg.)
Hehe... Currently trying to organize "WattEVer" annual ebikers EVent in TO. So, WattEVer 2014 in Toronto EVerybuddy! (Coming soon this next Sundaze September 14, in the year two thou' FourTEEN. Yes Kids, it's for young Ebiker Rebel KREW also.)

Anywayz. If reading this message, Nathan Phillips Square at 2pm.
WattEVer `14 designed to "piggy back" on antique (pedals-only) EVent same day September 14, 2014, same urban space. (Pubic (sp?) rectangle "square". Snort Snort)
BTW. ES Search currently finds 101 matches: +wattever
So. Lessee... words recently added/formalized in Ebiker Skulldugery sub-Language, in no particular odor:
"WattEVer" (pronounced maybe "Watt" plus electric vehicle operator)
"WattsPUNK" (caps added re punctuation emphasis maybe)
"Ebikery" (use. sneaky Wizardry travels powered via bettery chemistry, electrons, lemonade, etc.)
... and phrase "Phoenix Ebike Promotions" (Snort Snort)

(Sorry re writing "order" incorrectly above.)

Oh yah. Forgot word "Bettery".
“le briquet de Saturne” (Saturn's tinderbox). In "The Modern Applications of Electricity" (Edouard Hospitalier, ‎Julius Maier - 1882 - ‎"Electric apparatus and appliances"

Per Wickipedia:
"A tinderbox is a small container containing flint, firesteel, and tinder (typically charcloth, but possibly a small quantity of dry, finely-divided fibrous matter such as straw), used together to help kindle a fire.

Tinderboxes fell out of general usage when matches were invented."

Ahhh... Better living through chemistry.

(Anywayz. Just thought might re-launch word "tinderbox" into Ebiker Language-O'Sphere EG re Li Chem etc. hehe...)
Hehe... per Giggle (sp?) "66 results (0.58 seconds)"

... for ES forum thread "The Ebiker Joke thread..."

So. "Ebiker Joke" phrase entered the Mimo-sphere yet?
Hehe... "About 23,300 results (0.56 seconds)" re word "diseasal"... Snort Snort
LockH said:
So. Lessee... words recently added/formalized in Ebiker Skulldugery sub-Language, in no particular odor:
"WattEVer" (pronounced maybe "Watt" plus electric vehicle operator)
"WattsPUNK" (caps added re punctuation emphasis maybe)
"Ebikery" (use. sneaky Wizardry travels powered via bettery chemistry, electrons, lemonade, etc.)
... and phrase "Phoenix Ebike Promotions" (Snort Snort)
"Bettery" (battery)

And now word "Diseasal" used on ES (referring to diesel-powered engines) in the thread titled (funnily enough) "The Ebiker Joke thread...":