Predicted Late Night Standup on Iowa

by Dauntless » Mar 29 2020 1:11pm
ZeroEm wrote: ↑Mar 29 2020 4:06am
I new we would agree on something.
That is a good Idea, what's his wife's name. Bet trump don't let his wife have any say.

I "Old" agree with things on the basis of right or wrong, not political agenda. I'm a life long Democrat who used to be in the better party, not anymore.

Jill Biden is the 2nd wife of SloJoe. (Remember FloJo?) 9 years younger. There's already been episodes of her rushing to protect him, both physically and in the groping scandal where she's basically saying 'They was BEGGIN' for it, you don't see ME just lettin' guise doodat.'

Reminds of Bob Dole having a similarly cognitive decline campaign in 1996 with his younger wife trying to run interference. She started out to run herself in 2000 battling Steve Forbes for 2nd place, ahead of John McCain. but she couldn't raise money and carried around 11% in the polls. Bush was always over 50% before the primaries, it had been hopeless. He dropped out of the Senate before he lost the election, she went and won a Senate seat in the state she hadn't lived in for more than 40 years. Ah well, Hillary had NEVER lived in New York, right? Ah, what fun a first lady debate would have been in '96, Elizabeth Dole was a rough character.

Melania I don't think WANTS to have a say. They were already talking about she wasn't looking forward to being First Lady before the election; wasn't she slow to take up the role, eh?

I don't have a party right now, wished I did. In 1996 followed the republicans, end of my oil field life and beginning of my education and stopped watching TV for awhile. Was not into politics until Bush Jr. went up for reelection by then had taken notice of what his policies was doing to our country.

Have noticed strong women in history running the white house and Biden is not up to the task, just hope his wife is! Don't want to pick between the lesser of two weaves. Just want a leader not guided by his party and be capable.
It's his middle name, he got it when laughing at it wasn't kewl. If his mother knew---well, she was a junkie, she probably wouldn't have cared if she HAD known.
by Dauntless » Mar 29 2020 7:27pm

But then, look how bad it was under Obama.
I remember Bush crashing the economy, jacking oil prices up to $100 barrel, gasoline $5 ga, killing EV's pushing hydrogen, relaxing regulations then handing it over to Obama to fix. Yes :!: I remember was living it.
nicobie said:
True. Some here have a short memory or only remember what they want.

Yeah, like they forget the national debt was twice as high for just Obama's 8 years as the total debt in history when he got in there, forget the healthcare disaster,on and on. Dang, even when they're caused to remember they work on forgetting.
ZeroEm said:
Fox is not news it is option. . . .

I'm sure the FOX Business Channel covers more than just options.

ZeroEm said:
Obama is not a thing any more, but if you need to talk about his people

Yes we need to talk about it, 'He who forgets the past is condemned to repeat it.' As for not a thing, not only do the Democrats hold 'Obama Academies' to teach their young to be wreckless, out of control Obama's, but his national debt, barely over $10 trillion when he was foisted on us, ran well over $20 trillion by the time he was removed. We shall suffer for the Obama years the rest of all of our lives. He will always be a "Thing." Yet you wish to forget how bad he was an complain about whatever improvement over him ever occurs.

ZeroEm said:
And why was that. I am glad the GOP got it under control the last 3 years. :roll:

Well, the deficit is down, there was some reigning in on the Obamacare problems. But like knocking down the World Trade Center in a day, rebuilding after the damage is done is a long, painful process. Which is why you should never allow the damage to be done in the first place. And why you should never forget.

Balmorhea said:
Man, I’m going to be relieved when the Fox News/deplorable old generation die off.

Your own deplorable generation will be old someday. If you're snowflake era, bringing us the comeback of the Hitler Youth/Night of the Broken Glass, I shutter at what a violent world you're so anxious to herald.
Why cant the stand up shows have professional camera's and not some grainy webcam or Skype BS as a basement show at hosts house for a cable show late night standup skit. Step it up Colbert
nicobie said:
Why do you hate Obama so much. You are such a hater. Was he the wrong color for you? Has that been the problem all along?

Uh, NOOOO, as you've read the things I've pointed out, why are you so incapable of figuring this out? Do you enjoy lying your way out of things and starting all your racist crap?

nicobie said:
What's wrong with government health insurance anyway? Seeing as how you are not working right now, who has been paying for your healthcare?

Working, freelancing, whatever, I pay for my own, It costs less that way. You forgetting that you pay for all the extra adminstration and other things to operate the health plans at the same time you forget all that Obama screwed up?

markz said:
Why cant the stand up shows have professional camera's and not some grainy webcam or Skype BS as a basement show at hosts house for a cable show late night standup skit. Step it up Colbert

It's the only way they have. If he had a reason to interview me I could set up my RED Scarlett W and send them 4k, but I'm sure they'd step on it to make it match everyone else. I'm supposed to go ahead and use Zoom out of my home for something but my local connection is bad so it's not working.

These shows sure look like some of these YouTube wannabee's, eh?
nicobie said:
What's wrong with government health insurance anyway? Seeing as how you are not working right now, who has been paying for your healthcare?
Yep. And an awful lot of small government republicans just spent days begging for a big government aid package.
JackFlorey said:
nicobie said:
What's wrong with government health insurance anyway? Seeing as how you are not working right now, who has been paying for your healthcare?
Yep. And an awful lot of small government republicans just spent days begging for a big government aid package.

Woah, watch those words! Daunt might write another book in response lmao

Yeah, my experiences in my red state have shown "socialism" is a bad thing only when someone else does it, though everyone calls it like it is; the republican party has become a leaky cult and COVID has shaken them to their base with Trump claiming us healthcare workers were stealing supplies and such. Even hardcore reds at work have changed their tones since they VERY CLEARLY have done so little to protect us.

Finally saw a Trump campaign sign- behind a locked door, barely visible beneath the screen. If I wasn't walking I'd have missed it. Poetic, in a way.
Woah, watch those words! Daunt might write another book in response lmao

You don't read, what do you care?

JackFlorey said:
Yep. And an awful lot of small government republicans just spent days begging for a big government aid package.
Yeah, my experiences in my red state have shown "socialism" is a bad thing only when someone else does it

Well, it is only socialism when it's socialism. When it has nothing to do with socialism, the social democrats try to take credit. What's a bad thing is what the social democrats want to force on us with an iron hand. Oh, some of you like iron handed dictators, though.

You ever wonder why so many of the old English explorers were sailing ships owed by Queen Elizabeth? Why she was INVESTING in so many businesses and becoming part owner? (It was the law she got first crack at it.) Why after the revolution some years after her death they decided they didn't like their new socialism and wanted a monarch again, afterall? They even went out and found the son of the guy they, um, beheaded a few years earlier and put him on the throne.

Maybe you should read (Sorry) some of the polling showing about 18% of the swing voters approve of social democrats. That the Obama/Trump voters, who voted Obama in 2012 and Trump in 2016, are still going to vote for Trump and that socialism is the reason.

But dang, Slow Joe isn't the only one having cognitive decline, I can see.

Finally saw a Trump campaign sign- behind a locked door, barely visible beneath the screen. If I wasn't walking I'd have missed it. Poetic, in a way.

You don't have to be a porch pirate to get one, just ask his campaign. No more of this checking doors to see if they're locked.
Dauntless said:
[snip all that covo]
But dang, Slow Joe isn't the only one having cognitive decline, I can see.
You don't have to be a porch pirate to get one, just ask his campaign. No more of this checking doors to see if they're locked.

If that was the case people would be getting truckloads to literally burn through his money lmao get real

Dauntless said:
Woah, watch those words! Daunt might write another book in response lmao

You don't read, what do you care?

You keep replying and it makes me lol

But seriously, you resurrected this thread 5 days after I nailed you down as a person, as if the thread was stressing you and you had to take a break with a comment to nobody; you keep talking, but you're never writing arguments for your ideology (whatever the frock it is, I seriously cannot tell) instead you're posting OTHER people's (youtube)work to try and prove a muddled point about whatever boogeyman you've got today. You're not arguing a politic or idea; you're arguing whether or not you're smart to bunch of people who are just poking you for responses lmao. It's why you keep labelling yourself as a democrat or republican or whatever (you're trying to add gravitas and weight to yer statements) and why you got so bent out of shape when people point out that yer parroting opinions that arent your own lmao. This is the ugly fate of the FOX-republican, hating everything but not knowing why and gfetting into dumb nerd comment fights on the internet lol

Finally, here's a great monty python edit- what has the Obama ever done for us? Except for well, a lot...
Dauntless said:
But dang, Slow Joe isn't the only one having cognitive decline, I can see.
You don't have to be a porch pirate to get one, just ask his campaign. No more of this checking doors to see if they're locked.

If that was the case people would be getting truckloads to literally burn through his money lmao get real

Boy, you made my point better than I did, acting that one out.

Woah, watch those words! Daunt might write another book in response lmao
Dauntless said:
You don't read, what do you care?

You keep replying and it makes me lol

No sign of that.

But seriously, you resurrected this thread 5 days after I nailed you down as a person

Um, noooooooo. There was a point where you were babbling about as bad as in the first quote here, is that the time you're referring to?

as if the thread was stressing you and you had to take a break with a comment to nobody; you keep talking, but you're never writing arguments for your ideology (whatever the frock it is, I seriously cannot tell) instead you're posting OTHER people's (youtube)work to try and prove a muddled point about whatever boogeyman you've got today.

You need to learn to write shorter sentences, as well as to not change the subject during, ah well. Ah, but you think I bring the boogeymen to you. I find it more likely your boogeymen are all there taking their turns and I remind you they're there.

You're not arguing a politic or idea; you're arguing whether or not you're smart to bunch of people who are just poking you for responses lmao.

I'm not arguing. Arguing is what all your posting names do. I'm DEMONSTRATING, though still not politic or a mere idea. That taste you don't recognize, it's called reality. Such as the social democrats of the world have killed hundreds of millions of people in the name of being Social Democrats in less than 2 centuries alone. That's not a 'Politic,' that's not an 'Idea,' it's just WHAT HAPPENED! And the people being so captivated when they DO read what I write, that, too, is neither politic nor idea. It's just reality. So I still don't understand if it's reading you fear, or the reality that it could bring upon you. Maybe if you'd just read that sentence you could try answering, though I'm not even sure you really know.

It's why you keep labelling yourself as a democrat or republican or whatever

If you'd just reeeeeeead, you know which.

.. . .and why you got so bent out of shape when people point out that yer parroting opinions that arent your own lmao.

Me bent out of shape? Who's the one who's shouting all the time because he's losing. You seem to keep forgetting that I'm entitled to my own opinion and so are you, if only there was room up there for you to hold onto it.

gfetting into dumb nerd comment fights on the internet lol

I think it's all your shouting that gets, er, "GFETS" you in those fights. Remember all those times they tell you about quietly being thought a fool rather than insisting on proving it all the time?

Finally, here's a great monty python edit- what has the Obama ever done for us? Except for well, a lot...

At least mine make the point. So you say there WAS a playbook, there WAS all these trained people. . . . Oh, let's not forget some sort of full function Obamacare, sure, that's not too big a stretch of the imagination. And you say they all magically ceased to exist so there's no way to make use. . . ? (This one requires quite a laugh track.)
Hey, I was damn good at dealing with the occasional heckler in what's now Pauly Shore's place.

But the more he shouts, the more he proves noone could want to listen. How quietly I speak, how anxious they are to. . . .