Rivian's hot lunch

That's really no excuse at all.
Hey, I'm not making excuses. I'm talking about how we go forward and change the shitty situation we are now in, taking into account our current political state and H.S. tendency for laziness.

Something has to change or we will kill a whole lot of people maybe everybody. I would prefer to save as many as we can. That's why I'm all for enforced birth control along with other things...

In the news today: Soylent Green Link

I don't want it to come to that. It's bad enough that Jack in the box was and might still be owned by Ralston Purina. Love them tacos. :eek:

Apologies for so far off topic
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We can- and should- be pissed about what we've ripped up for the sake of cars, but always remember that we can also always return to better methods.

Rivian was overvalued as a stock from the beginning, and kinda questionable as to having a solid business case.
A product of, and subsequent victim of the zero interest rate phenomenon.

I have seen a grand total of one Rivian vehicle in Utah, which is much like Texas in that it likes oversized vehicles.
I totally forgot about them and when i saw that truck i thought 'wow, they actually produced something..' 😅
I've actually seen a loaded semi ferrying new Rivians every day for weeks at a time with new production. Apparently the R1S SUV is outselling the truck at a 4:1 ratio since it's also one of the few 7-seater SUVs.
Their stock is cheap and they're going LFP for main battery packs too... why not take that chance? Better gamble than slots :cool:
And those “better methods” would be what exactly ?
In my recent France travel, I observed that trams, fast trains, subways, separated bike rights of way, and walkable mixed use neighborhoods are all better methods than what we employ back in Texas to accomplish the same ends. The transportation is more efficient, cleaner, quieter, and safer, and the resulting quality of life is better.
On a tiny positive here in this area of Phoenix, AZ, they just repaved 31st ave between Northern and Dunlap, and finally put the bike lane back in (it's almost always been signed for it, but the last resurfacing some years back, they never repainted *any* of the lane striping).

The new striping is triple--there is parking between sidewalk and bike lane**** , so the "outboard" stripe separates those. Then there are two parallel stripes about a foot and a half apart between the car-traffic lane and the bike lane itself, theoretically providing a tiny buffer space and alerting drivers that the lane edge is there, a bit more than the usual single line might. Maybe.

But more than the striping, the repaving has made the non-car-driving area of the street usable for bikes again, as it had gotten so bad that I couldn't ride outside of the car-traffic-lane-area with the trike without risking broken wheels/axles.

They have also gone around in the last couple of weeks and ground away at all the lane markings in the entire metrocenter area (more than a square mile) on all roads, so they might be about to do the same thing there. Since this is the majority of where I ride these days, I'd be ok with that, since very little of the area has had actual bike lane markings for many years due to nearly nonexistent maintenance.

****This is safer for hazard avoidance ability but less safe for protection from moving vehicles. Personally, I'd rather be able to avoid hazards given the usual lack of maintenance and the carelessness of pedestrians, cyclists, etc just suddenly stepping/riding off sidewalks and such without looking.

I've long ago lost count of the people I would have hit if I actually rode right next to the curb in any place that doesn't have a clear view of everyone that's on it or near it. There are numerous areas in the metrocenter area, for instance, especially on metro parkway, where the sidewalk is either not right at the curb but rather "behind" bushes or trees that often stick out into the road, so people about to step out onto the road cannot be seen until they do so. So for those areas, anyone on the road has to drive at least several feet away from the curb, so they have time to avoid someone running out or stepping out into the road unexpectedly (because none of them seem to look for traffic first, especially the ones coming from the bus/transit center in the metrocenter parking lot).

People also just ride, walk, or run right off the sidewalk into the road without looking at all (and not looking after they do so either, often even ignoring horns of cars screeching to a stop or swerving to avoid them). I see this on average at least a few times a day, five days a week, in the ten minutes or so I'm usually riding thru the area...so it must happen hundreds of times or more every day just in this tiny area, and I'm surprised more people don't get hit by traffic. (I've seen the results of cyclist/pedestrian collisions a few times, and occasionally what looks like the cleanup site of a pedestrian/vehicle collision, always at the places I see more than the usual number of careless people just stepping/riding off the sidewalk into the road...hoping I never have to actually witness one of these, or am forced to participate in one by someone being careless like that).

Separately: Ideally there would be no parking on street allowed at all, but people are going to park there regardless, and this way at least they aren't using the bike lane for it like they do everywhere that the bike lane is next to the sidewalk. (Police will not respond to or do anything about that, so it will never change. And deities help you if you try to tell a driver they can't park there even if it's right next to the NO PARKING ANY TIME signs--you might want to be armed)).
Their stock is cheap and they're going LFP for main battery packs too... why not take that chance? Better gamble than slots :cool:

We're in recession-like conditions and i think a company selling $74k and up vehicles, that also isn't very established in the market is a risky bet and better be a long game investment.

I couldn't see myself ever investing in a SUV or Truck company 🤬
In my recent France travel, I observed that trams, fast trains, subways, separated bike rights of way, and walkable mixed use neighborhoods are all better methods than what we employ back in Texas to accomplish the same ends. The transportation is more efficient, cleaner, quieter, and safer, and the resulting quality of life is better.
Sure, there are things you can change in city/towns to reduce the need for cars and improve the situation for inhabitants,.…..but that is only viable for a limited radius before the costs and scale makes further expansion impractical …then you need “Park and Ride” stations with capacity or the suburban residents to access the public transport.
The result is the convienience of those public transport facilities makes city living so much more attractive that it pushes up the price of city property and rentals and forces more city workers to live in suburban areas ,outside the public transport regeons, where they need personal transport ( cars) for practical day to day use .
Those who can afford to live in the city transport area are a wealth class above the average.
visitors to some of these cities may never encounter the real experience the average city worker has .
We're in recession-like conditions and i think a company selling $74k and up vehicles, that also isn't very established in the market is a risky bet and better be a long game investment.

I couldn't see myself ever investing in a SUV or Truck company 🤬

That's why I said it's a gamble :cool:. Thing is tho, you can also research and see that they're continuing to expand and sell product, and auto companies are never just automotive manufacturers.
What about you? How do you survive those 40 MPH crashes?
Oh I know to wear the gear, very well. Since teh CB500 I sent into the woods, through the trees, my first real streetbike I learned quick. Under the gear you dont get chewed up. You can still get the laceration.. but.. its kinda different under the gear. You aint gonna bleed out. Not like puddles. It clots right away under the gear.

When you crash in gear, you dont get road rash lacerated.. you get these deep, black, almost like a clot, cut that makes a deep scar, but bleeds under the skin. eventually rips off. Leaves a scar.

I have a motorcycling scar from my shoulder to my wrist.. a 37$ one. 37,000$ that cool looking scar cost. Two surgeries. Four days in hospital. I wasnt doin another day in there. I got a lifelong scar on the elbow. From the tip of my pinkie, up my wrist, across my elbow, up to the top of my colllarbone, to the Under the jacket and gear. I only have one Deltoid attached anymore.. the other on is still there, ( (L) but I cannot build it ( R Deltoid) like a bodybuilder anymore. Its not growing anymore like a muscle. It works.. its just.. there. When I try to flex in the mirror half my back looks like Arnold and the other half.. is just not there. No muscle. Muscle tore and never grew back right.

.....both my hands have scars, through the gloves. The tabs get ripped to pieces as you slide. Got a dime on the left side, a quarter on the right, and the lifeline now crosses my fate line in the palm of my hand from motorcycle scars. Three bones around the wrist.. three dots from sliding and tearing through gloves. Both hands. You tear the gloves to pieces.

I wear heavy Belleville boots and have snipped the laces a few times, sliding. but nothing major like a degloved foot or anything. Hell no I dont go superbike speeds around trees and rocky sides of roads. Its cool. Once I snipped the entire bowtie off my boots, saw it laying there after the crash. Looked down and saw my boot was unlaced then.

They reattached my tricep. Once.

Both knees. Little scars. You dont tear those up as much as your upper. One on my hip from road rash. Right hip. Permanant ache there. I think that was from going to fast on a XR80R when I was 7.

Yeah I got a permanent scar from that crash in the rain that day at high speed. Smacked my elbow really hard through the Carhart jacket and pants. Would have been terrible if I was not in the heavy jacket. Shrugged it off. It will be there forever. It is about the size of a nickel... the scar I got that day.

I also destroyed a goodgodamn Jansport backpack. Destroyed both long zippers from that slide. Drrrrr. Breaking loose in the rain.

I dm well know. So I bundle up. Never ride without alot of protection.

Ground like... 1/2 an inch off my bar end that day. That day the rear end slipped out in the rain. you should see it. Completly shattered a throttle tube. Lengthwise.
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The result is the convienience of those public transport facilities makes city living so much more attractive that it pushes up the price of city property and rentals and (...)

Yes, good public transport tends to make cities more likable and desirable to live in. That's the point.

I love driving and motorsport, but I also love options and the ability to say "I'll ride my bike to buy groceries instead of jogging later for my cardio day". Even with owning an EV and with my high standard of living I'd use my cities public transport if it all wasn't already in bike range.
Days ago, Bloomberg interviewed the very handsome and fit CEO before he flew off to CHINA to meet his delivery van deliveries, and I was not impressed by his business. period.
He should bring his tools, I think he will need them.
What's the emoji for Schadenfreude?
I'm sorry to bump an old thread, but I just had to say that I love some of your posts, Chalo. Keep on being you :sneaky:
Rivian Automotive Inc RIVN shares are trading lower by 12.7% to $16.82 over the trailing five sessions, though marginally higher Monday morning. The stock has experienced a recent decline amid weakness in the EV industry, influenced by Tesla Inc's disappointing third-quarter financial results.

Additionally, the rise in Treasury yields has negatively affected growth stocks, contributing to Rivian's 20% drop in October
? Is this what they call a “buy” oportunity ??😳😱