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So, I pitched the idea of E-bikes to the local bicycle cops

Btw, whats wrong with DUI people riding ebikes? Are they not allowed to ride scooters and mopeds too? So any motorized vehicle EXCEPT an electric bicycle is a no-no? I guess those chinese lead sleds with non functioning pedals aren't really the same as a bicycle.

I know in Oregon you have to be eligible for a license in order to ride an ebike so people that get DUIs can get busted if they ride an ebike during their mandatory 1yr suspension (first-time DUI offenders going through Diversion get a 90day suspension). I think the idea is "you're not trustworthy or responsible so we don't want you operating anything that's anywhere close to dangerous"....so that leaves, under the current system, regular bikes and other non-motorized things like a skateboard, skates or kick-scooter. Personally I see no real difference between bike and ebike other than weight and speed...the ebike weighs more and the pedal bike goes faster (assuming the ebike is legal) so it kinda balances out - I think it should be fine for people with DUIs to ride ebikes as long as they aren't riding drunk (which they could get another DUI for even on a regular bike).

I think the double-standard here is pretty stupid. A lot of people run high power systems and break the law on a regular basis ("I've got a sticker" doesn't make it legal guys) and then complain about those electric scooters that aren't any less of an electric bike than what they ride (legally)....they just look different and are probably a lot slower so they get targeted by the cops more often. If anything we should encourage those scooters since they focus the heat and may eventually draw enough attention to get the stupid limits raised. blah.
auraslip said:
Btw, whats wrong with DUI people riding ebikes? Are they not allowed to ride scooters and mopeds too? So any motorized vehicle EXCEPT an electric bicycle is a no-no? I guess those chinese lead sleds with non functioning pedals aren't really the same as a bicycle.

The problem with those scooter type bicycles is that there is a very good chance a cop may pull you and question if in fact it is a bicycle. Wile one is having to worry about getting around during a DUI suspension, he is most likely on probation. During that time if he receives as much as a warning from an officer it can violate his probation putting him back in jail. I've had friends go back to jail wile on probation over a seat-belt ticket.
auraslip said:
Btw, whats wrong with DUI people riding ebikes? Are they not allowed to ride scooters and mopeds too? So any motorized vehicle EXCEPT an electric bicycle is a no-no? I guess those chinese lead sleds with non functioning pedals aren't really the same as a bicycle.

I have no problem at all with people who have DUI issues riding legal e-bikes, at legal speeds, in legal ways, doing productive things....like going to work......people that seem to be non-existent around here as far as I can tell.

I do have a problem with the drunk guys buzzing around town for no reason or coming home from the bar, ignoring the rules of the road, riding unsafe, jangly e-bikes, weird scooter things, or motorized bikes, that have already given e-bikes a bad name in the area I just moved to. They need to find something productive to do, get their crap together and become real humans soon because things are going to change before they know it. :lol:
I do have a problem with the drunk guys buzzing around town for no reason or coming home from the bar, ignoring the rules of the road, riding unsafe, jangly e-bikes, weird scooter things, or motorized bikes, that have already given e-bikes a bad name in the area I just moved to.

Scooter "ebikes" will be to the ebike community what fixies are too the the bicycling community. Just you wait.
At the moment I live in an extremely high income village that is 99.9% white, conservative, wholesome American dreaminess. The cops here are delightful. friendly, chatty, lovely. I drive an old beat up honda with a boy racer muffler....bought it cheap like that...so at first I got pulled over every day....most people round here have lawnmowers worth more than my car, most local schoolkids drive cars worth more than our combined family annual income.I don't get pulled over any more because I think literally every cop in the neighborhood knows who I am now. Even getting pulled over, I was treated with utmost respect, quite a startling difference to any cops anywhere else I've *ever* been in the world, and I've been a lot of places.

But don't be mistaken, or lulled into a false sense of security. A cop is a cop....he or she is looking for something to book you for. They might be a very nice person, or they might be an asshole. It doesn't matter, they are not talking to you to pass the time of day, they are doing their job, which is assessing you, looking for threats, dangers, possible incursions of laws whether minor or not. They get ranked by their "kill" ratios. Their purpose is not to observe the wildlife but to bring it in.

I don't hold it against them (most of the time) but I sure as hell wouldn't be presenting myself to them. Their job is to to agree with things or approve of things but to present objections, a bit like the counsel for the defense. I prefer to keep out of their radar. And yes, I have friends (though not close ones) and relatives who are cops, in several different countries. Bless em, they can't help it.
It's a miracle I never got myself a DUI, I'm stupid enough to have driven drunk enough times. But maybe not such a miracle, Back in the bar days, I was never stupid enough to leave very late. By two, you're a rolling easy bust. Anyway, you got caught, hate the cops for it, fine. Can't say I blame you much. Cops can help you when you need it, or as happend to a freind, taze you for no reason because your neighbor is a liar.

FWIW, in my state you do have to have a valid licence to drive a moped. And an ebike is a moped. I don't hate the scooter look ebikes, but I do think if flying under the radar is your need, like with no licence in NM, then a scoot looking bike is a poor choice. Look like a bike and pedal, and they never look twice at ya.
Many years ago we went on a field trip to Washington DC with fifth graders. It was a five-day trip, so we had a hotel.

To keep things safe (for ourselves) none of the teachers roomed with any students. Parent chaperons did that, and teachers roomed together. Well, I was the only guy, and so I couldn't room with the ladies. Therefore, they decided to invite the DARE officer, a county sheriff. He was my roommate and it was kind of neat to learn about this cop.

One day I asked him, "have you gotten to the point in which you think everyone is a liar?"

He said, "I don't think it. I know that everyone is a liar."
What Dogman says is pretty much true, but there is the Federal definition of an ebike. Anyways when I lost my license I built up a small ebike army and the cops never even looked at me. Why? Because they all look like bicycles that's why!
I have another friend who doesn't have a social security number and therefore can't get a license. He drives a weed wacker bicycle all over the place and the cops don't say nothing.
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Fed definition applies when you sell ebikes.
Hay winerboy, I have a friend in New Mexico and he also doesn't have a social number. Wish I could just burn mine. Cops laugh at me for wanting to make a report for my stolen ebike. In newport beach, dana point and san jaun cap. First they will try to talk you out of it, then they give a 3-4 day run around. Befor you can corner them for a report. There is no money for them in stolen bikes. Plus they have a code of slience for all cops. Why the all the stripers know half the cops first names ? In my 4 stop light town we have 12 message parlors whore houses. pay to play. Cops don't have to tell the truth, but sometime do ?
999zip999 said:
Hay winerboy, I have a friend in New Mexico and he also doesn't have a social number. Wish I could just burn mine. Cops laugh at me for wanting to make a report for my stolen ebike. In newport beach, dana point and san jaun cap. First they will try to talk you out of it, then they give a 3-4 day run around. Befor you can corner them for a report. There is no money for them in stolen bikes. Plus they have a code of slience for all cops. Why the all the stripers know half the cops first names ? In my 4 stop light town we have 12 message parlors whore houses. pay to play. Cops don't have to tell the truth, but sometime do ?
I know quite a few people now a days that don't register.
Look how stupid the regulators are getting? They want people to register their chickens and gardens??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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In my 4 stop light town we have 12 message parlors whore houses.


I'm moving to Dana Point So Cal :twisted:


They want people to register their chickens and gardens??

Well they want the chickens registered because of all the new chicken gangs that are starting out. Really chicken on chicken crime has gotten out of hand.. And as for the gardens, well how else are they going to know where to find the chickens?
To be perfectly honest with you I am one of the so called "conspiracists" that believes they are trying to kill us. However, every time I see the government take over something I am reminded how utterly inept they are! I mean look at the TSA. They took something that used to be fun to do and now you have to make sure they don't molest your children and grandmother. You know there might be a bomb in those underpants grandma so take them off!
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wineboyrider said:
To be perfectly honest with you I am one of the so called "conspiracists" that believes they are trying to kill us.

Conspiracists, isn't that another name for paranoid?
Rin said:
wineboyrider said:
To be perfectly honest with you I am one of the so called "conspiracists" that believes they are trying to kill us.

Conspiracists, isn't that another name for paranoid?
Paranoid, fearful or prepared it's all semantics. I am paranoid the government is going to have even more power over our lives. 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
I get labeled as a conspiracy theorist from my Christian friends.

Only because I debate that a two-thousand-year-old Jewish man came back to life to save me so I could live forever as long as I symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that I accept him as my master and attend this weekly ritual for the removal of an evil force that was placed on my soul because a woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat an apple off a tree in the jungle. If I doubt this, I am told I will be doomed to hell.

So I must be a conspiracy theorist.
Mdd... I do think that people that need cops and laws in order to function with respect towards others ARE subhuman and ranting ignorant posts like the one I'm replying to sure don't help.
I do agree, drinking and driving is stupid, but maybe only because we live with a system that criminalizes “potential” behavior. Preventative “medicine”? Forced on us? No thanks. I was moving out of town, so I went to a couple bars to say goodbye to some friends (not a career drunk). Had 5 beers in four hours, and I'm 200 pounds, I was NOT impaired, I could have passed a DMV written, physical, driving, test, no problem (where, guess what, very rarely, if ever, does one get it perfect). It's that whole attitude, that, if you haven't found something wrong, you haven't been looking hard enough, that pisses me off. It's that belief, that, let's pull everyone over, maybe we'll get lucky some of the time. Imo, it presumes guilt, results in harassment, and forces us to participate in yet another revenue generating activity, having to get a lawyer for defense. At best, it has little merit, at worst, it violates our contitutional rights to privacy and unreasonable search. They followed me for close to a mile, before pulling me over for a lie (didn't “screw up” driving), which they felt perfectly fine in perpetuating, because presumably their “report” is undeniably the truth. (at least until you can get a lawyer to prove otherwise). It's an abuse of power. I was perfectly courteous and respectful to the cops. Yes I know it's a game, yes I played (didn't think I was playing, so yes, maybe a little ignorant), and I got caught. To me the fact that it's a game, is the problem. Where the loser, typically a very small portion of the whole, pays the penalty for the entire group. That's another thing that I find unjust. I don't mind being held responsible for my actions, but if I want to play the lotto, I'll go down to 7-11 and buy a ticket. Reduce the fine, and charge 5 times as many people, not just the few unlucky ones. And don't arrest someone for a basic infraction. Maybe enhance the fine, to whatever it was you really did wrong (like doubling it for doing something wrong in a construction zone). The only reason to arrest them is if you feel they won't, or won't be able to, realize their mistake, and adjust their behavior. Another thing, the supercedence of financial gain over doing what's right. By my account, the cop was more interested in generating revenue and making a mark for himself. In order to justify his position. That's self interest, and imo, a blatant voilation of the oath, to protect and serve, OTHERS, not themselves. The scary thing is, when people like you stick their heads in the sand, it just becomes commonplace, and gains momentum. You think that because it doesn't affect you, that it doesn't need fixing. See that snowball at the top of the hill? Keep sipping your latte. As for being subhuman, piss off, you nazi. As for ranting, yes, quite a bit thank you, because I feel the system needs serious revision, and i'm not as apethetic as you. Imo, what's truly ignorant, is to believe it can't, or won't, get any worse.

Hey Red, I think the idea is "you're not trustworthy or responsible so we don't want you operating anything that's anywhere close to dangerous".
This is why I kept saying that it's JUST a bike. That as NOT a motor vehicle, is the same as saying that the potential for danger is the same as a bicycle. And, that requiring a license would be a more restrictive rule, as per HR727.

Hey dogman. Fed definition applies when you sell ebikes.
Actually, HR727 also applies to the manufacture of vehicles. And you, as an individual, making an ebike, are indeed, a manufacturer. Per title 49, United States Code. § 30102(5), regardless of whether or not you sell it (and become a dealer, as per (1)). and, an ebike qualifying under HR727 is not a motor vehicle, whereas, a moped is. They are not the same.
ptd said:
Yes I know it's a game, yes I played (didn't think I was playing, so yes, maybe a little ignorant), and I got caught. To me the fact that it's a game, is the problem. ........The scary thing is, when people like you stick their heads in the sand, it just becomes commonplace, and gains momentum. You think that because it doesn't affect you, that it doesn't need fixing. See that snowball at the top of the hill? Keep sipping your latte. As for being subhuman, piss off, you nazi. As for ranting, yes, quite a bit thank you, because I feel the system needs serious revision, and i'm not as apethetic as you. Imo, what's truly ignorant, is to believe it can't, or won't, get any worse.

Man, things are so screwed up in the western world that it's just going to screech to a halt on its own someday soon. I gave up trying to change the system a long time ago. If I followed my heart and really tried to make things right, I'd get shot like John Lennon. Now, instead of trying to fix the system, I've decided to try and make it work for me until my wife and I have a farm and are set up to survive sustainably. Once that goal is achieved, I won't even need a driver's license, much less have to worry about DUI's. I know ALL about how screwed up the system is. Heck, I got $2,500 in tickets once for doing a burnout. I totally agree that punishing someone for what they could have done is totally ignorant but that's the way we roll and a system this huge, ignorant, and out of control can only bring itself down. You're mad because they got you. I'm waaaay over being mad, know what's wrong and how to fix it but unfortunately, in our world, the best idea doesn't always win. I'm trying to change things by doing my thing, making a few vehicles that people can have fun on and replace their fuel guzzling cars with. If I get to pass on some knowledge to someone along the way, great, but mostly I've found that people don't want to hear the truth or are too brainwashed and pilled out to comprehend the truth if they tried. I can't wait until we get a nice clean restart and all of the extra, non-contributing, ignorant, zombies eliminate themselves. Until then, I'm going to continue building the coolest bikes I can build while still trying to have a fun life in the meantime.
Nazi..... :roll: :lol:
And let's add this to the pot...Any medication that you are using, over the counter, under the counter or prescription, can be considered under the influence subjecting you to a dui.
This thread morphed.

But I'm a bit of a conspiracy nut myself.

I'm not convinced that the government's explanation of 9-11 holds water. Too many unanswered questions. I often think Israel did it, although it could have been Santa's elves.
MikeFairbanks said:
This thread morphed.

But I'm a bit of a conspiracy nut myself.

I'm not convinced that the government's explanation of 9-11 holds water. Too many unanswered questions. I often think Israel did it, although it could have been Santa's elves.
Basically, there are two camps of 9-11 truthers. There is the government did it intentionally aka actually planned and executed it. And then there are the the government is inept knew it was going to happen and allowed it too. I hope like hell it's the allowed it to happen camp. But, it does have something to do with cops. Back in the good old days dui was considered ok as long as you weren't plastered. Today it is an entire industry! I mean counselors, interlocks, dui schools. My only problem with most of the dui "enforcement" is the roadblocks (totally unconstitutional), entrapment, and then silly low BAC level. .10 is a good number and if a person is impaired while driving it doesn't matter if your on coke, meth, alcohol or talking on your phone it's still f### up driving. 8) 8)
But avoiding DUIs is really easy. It's as easy as avoiding jumping off tall buildings.

Just don't drive after drinking. That's an easy one.

Once, with my dad, we were at a bar drinking quite a bit. Silly, laughing type of stuff. When it was time to go home I insisted on a cab. There were several out front of the bar. He said, "I'm not paying for a cab....it's only a couple miles."

I insisted, and my dad was ticked off the entire way home. The cab ride was twenty bucks. My dad bitched at me and the cab driver. He was mad because his truck was still at the bar (but it was safe, and the bar owner knew we were taking a cab....the owner is also a good friend of my dad).

It was twenty bucks! That's nothing compared to what a DUI costs.