Survey for U.S. E-bikers

completed, hope it helps...
I just finished the poll. It was pretty long but it was a good poll.

One thing I forgot to mention (and they didn't ask) was about the cost of batteries. I'd love (as would everyone) to be able to get a good lithium battery for a hundred bucks that could carry me twenty to thirty miles, but we're a long way off.

Nevertheless, for those willing to spend the money, there are great batteries out there that will take care of you.

I did mention, however, that in order to really build a quality e-bike that will get you a good distance at a good rate of speed with a strong bike is going to cost a grand or more, and can easily reach two grand. Production ebikes that are worth a darn (Trek sells a few) are 2500 bucks, which is only a grand less than a quality 200cc motorcycle that can get 80+mpg, go 50-60mph comfortably, and can drive all day with the occasional stop for gas.

If someone dropped five grand in my lap and told me to buy a two-wheeler, I doubt it would be an e-bike. I'd get a Yamaha TW200 or possible something bigger that is a dualsport.

Nevertheless, ebikes are fun. I just don't live in a situation in which I'd use it for serious commuting. My drive by car is short and I drive a Honda Civic. It's warm, only takes fifteen minutes to get to work, and costs me about 20 bucks a month in gas. E-biking for me is more about fun than anything else.