The rules of Endless Sphere

Hello, A very reasonable and well thought out set of rules. Probably why I have enjoyed lurking on this site so much that I finally signed up. I'm a noob when it comes to e-bikes and these forums have taught me so very much already. I've have spent Endless hours lurking here and have nearly filled a yellow legal pad with notes. Looking forward to contributing when I can (Going to the Battery section next to post the awesome deal I've found on 18650's) and learning more from the diverse members.
PhredDaKat said:
Hello, A very reasonable and well thought out set of rules. Probably why I have enjoyed lurking on this site so much that I finally signed up. I'm a noob when it comes to e-bikes and these forums have taught me so very much already. I've have spent Endless hours lurking here and have nearly filled a yellow legal pad with notes. Looking forward to contributing when I can (Going to the Battery section next to post the awesome deal I've found on 18650's) and learning more from the diverse members.

Look, we were all noobs at one point that is all fine and dandy. Spending endless hours on Endless Sphere, I got that t-shirt. Well if you only filled a yellow legal pad with notes, meaning more then one page and meaning more like 50 or 100 pages, yeah me too :lol:
I am looking forward to the new layout, soon we can hope, no rush. Keep the ones doing the behind the scenes work, fresh and alert.
Diverse members indeed, be cool to have a Linus Tech Tips -like, get together. Linus Tech Tips is electronics forum, seems popular with the kids, they've been having get togethers for the past many years, social media buzz type youtube blogger guy. 6 month fad for me, researching a new build. Ryzen 2600 but ended up with Ryzen 3600, 2x8=16gb, 1tb ssd.
PhredDaKat said:
Hello, A very reasonable and well thought out set of rules. Probably why I have enjoyed lurking on this site so much that I finally signed up. I'm a noob when it comes to e-bikes and these forums have taught me so very much already. I've have spent Endless hours lurking here and have nearly filled a yellow legal pad with notes. Looking forward to contributing when I can (Going to the Battery section next to post the awesome deal I've found on 18650's) and learning more from the diverse members.

Glad you enjoy the place, and welcome!
Yes I am only here because I love to read and learn about this stuff as RC hobbies have been a hobby of mine from my teens to 20s than other things to cold now in my mid 40s all those hobbies I've come back and I love learning about brushless motors and BMSs and three face voters with sensor attached. Along with how to wire and change a scooter you might have.
Ok I'm still not vending but soon I will be vending. I will be the best at vending. In fact I will be a vending machine. Just you watch. :cool:
Neither, it just rhymes. Good luck to you.
Well thanks. But to be honest my previous comment was just a play on words, calling myself a vending machine and all. I dont have any plans to be a dispensary of either electronics or mobility devices of any sort, though the thought crosses my mind on a regular basis.

Now that we've got that out of the way I will share something I've noticed. A bit of a pet peeve if you will.

Do you shop much for led strips? Ever bought purple led strips and ended up with those awful pink-purple ones? I know its mostly my own OCD talking, but a simple search for 'purple led strips' gives you one of 3 things. UV strips which are typically labeled as such with the proper primary light output in nanometers, actual purple led strips which are fairly rare and in reality are simply blue leds with the slightest tinge of transparent red on the lenses of each individual LED, and those gawd awful (IMHO) magenta or lilac or whatever pink-purple leds which are in fact a bit brighter than true purple or UV but are horrible as they do a terrible job of living up to the word purple.

Its all marketing wank and deceptive practices. For the most part you dont truly know what you're getting until the package arrives.

I know, first world problems and all, but its one of those things that just irks me. If you're still reading my OCD rant, congratulations and I hope I've piqued your interest. There are just a few known vendors of actual purple LED strips and is one of them. I know they dont have the best reputation and what they sell isnt exactly top shelf or even hobby quality Rc vehicles. But they do stock actual purple LED strips and for that I commend them.

If you have experience in this matter you'll know what I'm talking about. Look very closely at the pics of the product being sold. If its what I call true purple it will show up as a clear lens with just the faintest red tint on the LED lenses. Everything else is that horrible pink-purple and even stocks this awfulness.

If I ever win the lottery I will make it a personal vendetta to sue the likes of feebay, scamazon and even Digikey/Mouser/Jameco and any other vendor that doesnt know how to properly label their purple-ish led strips/products. Not for any significant amount, mind you, I would just sue them on principle to force some actual clear standards. Like pay me $5 and admit your mistake.

/rant off.
Can some explain/remove gravatar? I didnt ask for this, and how have they scrapes a random selfie I took in college that I deleted over 10 years ago.

One of the rules is no private information is to me shared, yet here you are automatically assigning profile pictures from a third party data scraping company?

I'm trying to change my profile pic to blank and I can't. And now ever on this forum knows what I look like while sitting at my computer in college over 10 years ago.

Come on man. What the frock are you allowing?
Can some explain/remove gravatar? I didnt ask for this, and how have they scrapes a random selfie I took in college that I deleted over 10 years ago.

Here's the deal.

If you set up a gravatar and associated it with an email address at any point in time, the default setting in our forum software ( Xenforo ) is to see if you have a gravatar set for the email address you entered and use that by default.

From the Xenforo backend, here is how it's explained:


One of the rules is no private information is to me shared, yet here you are automatically assigning profile pictures from a third party data scraping company?

I can see how this seems incongruent for privacy concerns, however, Gravatar isn't a scraping company.

I'm trying to change my profile pic to blank and I can't. And now ever on this forum knows what I look like while sitting at my computer in college over 10 years ago.

Looks like you successfully changed it!

On the basis of making our software more predictable so nobody gets spooked, as well as not relying on a third party for pictures ( this has turned out bad in the long run - see scads of broken content from imgur/tinypic/etc deciding they don't want to provide free service anymore ), i've turned the above setting off.
Here's the deal.

If you set up a gravatar and associated it with an email address at any point in time, the default setting in our forum software ( Xenforo ) is to see if you have a gravatar set for the email address you entered and use that by default.

From the Xenforo backend, here is how it's explained:

View attachment 340447

I can see how this seems incongruent for privacy concerns, however, Gravatar isn't a scraping company.

Looks like you successfully changed it!

On the basis of making our software more predictable so nobody gets spooked, as well as not relying on a third party for pictures ( this has turned out bad in the long run - see scads of broken content from imgur/tinypic/etc deciding they don't want to provide free service anymore ), i've turned the above setting off.
I was upset, now I'm not. Thank You either way, and sorry I came off so aggressive.
Cheers; forgiven!
Rule wording and arrangement slightly updated.

Added a rule against malicious use of multiple accounts, removed a politics rule from the main listing ( covered by the rules in off topic )