the weather is breaking, so its time to break out the bike.


10 kW
Oct 7, 2009
philadelphia, pennsylvania
so the weather was absolutely perfect today(last time i checked it was in the mid 50's). so i took a ride out in the city. it was pretty much great. i took pictures of random things with my bike. here are some pics that i thought would be fun:

fueling myself

fueling the bike up? i dont think so. :mrgreen:
so pretty much it was a great day, until i got my tires stuck in some railroad tracks, i couldnt turn out of them so i ended up going down at 10 mph. i didnt get hurt or anything, more of a bruised ego than anything. good thing no one was around to see that.
after that, everything was great. the bike was truly working that way i wanted it to. my newly wound motor was putting out what i was expecting it to, my newly fabbed 7T sprocket was working fantastically, my yellow light wasnt going on at full throttle while going flat out at 20 mph.
then out of nowhere it happened. i was coming from a stop on a corner, right as i got up to speed, around 15 mph on the side of the road, where bikes usually ride at, i hit a coating of gravel the road. as i try to turn of of it, the front end pushes, so i tap the brakes. next thing i knew, the whole bike came from under me, and in the blink of an eye, i realized my power wire tether to my bike is wrapped around me and my bike is on top of me. now i truly feel like an ass because everyone saw me wipeout. :oops: so i go home, and i noticed that my leg is in pain. as i lift up my pant leg, i see this:

i don think ill be back on my bike anytime soon(at least a week). on top of that road rash on my knee, i have a sprained hand and fingers(which is my braking hand), a sprained elbow and shoulder.

now i feel like a real ebiker with stories of how i took a spill :mrgreen: .
How was your power wire tether between you and the bike, after the crash? I think it should be designed to seperate during incidences for safety's sake: mine does.
the power tether was fine, but i do want something that quick release just in case something like that happens again. i saw a video tutorial ypedal did on the anderson connectors and i want to add that for safety's sake. because after the crash, i couldnt get up because i was pretty much tangled in wire. but im sure glad i didnt land on my batteries, i wouldve been drenched in battery acid and im sure that wouldnt have been fun.