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ULtra Compact 1800W charger + Eltek programming

Hey there, I have a flatpack2 (non-HE) 48v/2000.

I'm able to send a login message to 0x05004804 with the serial number successfully. After login, for 5 seconds I see messages come from 05014004 with status.

I'm also able to send messages to 0x05019C00 with data (0x29, 0x15, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x12) and 0x05FF4004 (or 0x05FF4005) with data (0x2C, 0x01, 0xC0, 0x12, 0xC0, 0x12, 0x24, 0x13) to set voltage to 48V. For 5 seconds, the voltage sticks to 48V but it returns to 53.5V after that. I send all messages together, login, set default, and set voltage.

I can't get it to stick to 48V however... any idea why? Thank you for your help.
Permanent setting is implementet in the Flaptpack after a certain Rev number. My knowledge ist that it is only possible to set permanent voltage with Rev 3.0 and above
Hi all ,
Being new in this area , I have purchased 3 Eltek flatpaks he , 1 of them rev 6 and another 2 rev 9 .
As far as I have read around here ,permanent voltage programming works on rev3 and above.
It seems however that the rev 9 does only accept the temporary voltage change , as I succesfuly changed the voltage after login and sending repeated commands . But the default voltage I try to set does not remain set .
Anyone around here had issues or has used rev 9 and may be at help I would appreciate .
I also have Flatpack 2 HE with rev 6 and rev 9 . Programming does work without issues
on rev 6 one everything works normaly
on rev 9 I can change the voltage but not permanently
ON top of all , I seem to have broken my Can usb analyzer , can not connect anymore to Can bus and the red transmit led is flashing continously
Question for all of you with Flatpack2 HEs (Especially the 48/3000HE). What does your fan do on powerup? I would expect them to go to full speed then drop down however the one I am controlling by CAN stays at full speed regardless if I'm logged in or not. It has no errors, no warning, good output, and I can control it, but it's obnoxiously loud.

For my work we have several of the shelfs deployed in the field, and the fans on those are much lower speed/quieter, so I'm to the point of:
a) There's a hidden CAN command to control FAN speed (but the datasheet seems to say it's temp/current controlled and not CAN controlled)
b) The one I have has a defective fan controller
c) something I haven't though of.

So I'm curious how everyone else's behave with relation to fan speed.

The behaviour of the fan depends on the rev number and their firmware. I have versions which do not even turn the fan during powerup or small loads. Others start with full speed and slow down.
The loudest with small loads is the newest SHE version, but it stays cool like Eltek advertises.

The can command is probably only to set the fan from auto to permanent full speed.
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Hi All,

I'm new and this is my first post.

I have a Flatpack2 that I'd like to use for a RF amplifier I'm building. I'm having problems with some of the code in Remmies post.
Some more info about the Flatpack communication protocol. This works for both a Flatpack 2 HE and a Flatpack S

During walk-in (the period where the voltage builds up slowly) the rectifier periodically (every 10 seconds or so) sends out the following message when it's not logged in :
05014400 is the identifier and the serial number is the message followed by 00 00
Walk in can be chosen to be either 5 seconds long or 60 seconds long. For charging my Zero I have opted for the 60 second walkin. It helps current spike when plugging in.

So in case of of my rectifier (ser nr 141471110820) it is
0x05014400 0x14 0x14 0x71 0x11 0x08 0x20 0x00 0x00 (all HEX numbers)

If you respond ONCE with 0x05004804 0x14 0x14 0x71 0x11 0x08 0x20 0x00 0x00 (serial number + 2 bytes 00) the rectifier sends out exactly 64 messages with the status every 0,2 seconds (or so) before reverting to sending 0x05014400 again every 10 seconds without status messages. If you send the same 0x05004804 again before those 64 messages are up, the rectifier sends out another 64 messages. So in summary, if you send the response command at least every 10 seconds the rectifier stays logged in and keeps sending status messages.

the status messages are (like described earlier in the thread) :
0x05014010 AA BB CC DD EE FF GG HH where
AA is the intake temperature in Celcius
BB is the output current Low Byte
CC is the output current High Byte. the current high and low byte combined give the current in deci amps (* 0.1 Amp)
DD is the output voltage Low byte
EE is the output voltage High Byte. the voltage high and low byte combined give the voltage in centivolts (* 0.01 Volt)
FF is the input voltage Low Byte
GG is the input voltage High Byte. the input voltage high and low byte combined gives the AC input voltage in volts
HH is the output temperature in Celcius

after the walk in period is reached the status messages change to :
0x05014004 AA BB CC DD EE FF GG HH when the rectifier is in normal (Constant voltage) mode
0x05014008 AA BB CC DD EE FF GG HH when the rectifier is in Constant Current mode (current-limiting)
0x0501400C AA BB CC DD EE FF GG HH when the input voltage is low (mains plug pulled)

however, during this stage every 10th message is different. The rectifier sends out a message :
0x0500NNPP 1B JJ KK LL MM NN PP 00
NN and PP are the last 2 bytes of the serial number. This has stumped me during diagnostics. I had my code perfect for 1 rectifier and the other was different. Unit i had the messages from 3 rectifiers and i saw the common link :)
The 1B as the first byte of the message is sometimes a 1C (don't know why).
I believe this is a request from the rectifier to keep being "logged in"

So in short
when the identifier starts with 0x0500 you have to reply with serial number which is containd in the message (do keep in mind that with a 0x05004400 the serial number is the first 6 bytes of the message and with 0x0500NNPP the serial number is the second till the seventh byte (shifted 1 byte)

when the identifier starts with 0x0501 it's a status message (and even the identifier shows different statuses)

All the above is just to keep being logged in and receive status messages.
There are (as explained earlier in the thread also ways to control the rectifier)

If it has send a message 0x05004400 or 0x0500NNPP (NNPP last 2 bytes of serial number) you can respond with a message to alter the voltage and even the maximum current setting.
First you have to send a response 0x05004804 with the serial number as message (just to keep it logged in)
Second you send the message
0x05FF4004 AA BB CC DD EE FF GG HH where
AA is the max current Low Byte
BB is the max current High Byte
CC is the voltage measured Low Byte (set it the same as the desired voltage Low byte)
DD is the voltage measured High Byte (set it the same as the desired voltage High byte)
EE is the desired voltage Low byte
FF is the desired voltage High byte
GG is the over voltage protection Low byte
HH is the over voltage protection High byte

If i send 0x05FF4004 0x64 0x00 0x44 0x16 0x44 0x16 0x3E 0x17
it sets the max current to 10.0 amps (0064 in HEX is 100 is 10.0 Amps)
it sets the voltage output to 57.0 Volts (1644 in Hex is 5700 is 57.00 Volts)
it sets the over voltage protection limit to 59.5 Volt (173E in Hex is 5950 is 59.50 Volts)

I Think the rectifier remembers this setting as long as it's logged in, so in theory you would only have to send this command once (but keep sending the log in command periodically (0x05004804 with the serial number)

The 0x05FF4004 is for a 5 second walk in period (after 5 seconds the output voltage reaches it's goal
if you substitute this with 0x05FF4005 (last 4 change to a 5) the walk in period will be 60 seconds. This is stored in non volatile memory and is active from that moment on every time you switch on the rectifier.

I send the command for the max current and output voltage every time I see a log in request (identifier starts with 0x0500) As said this probably is not necessary but I do switch the canbus to another rectifier sometimes so I have to send it more often.

Also keep in mind that if the rectifier loses contact with the controller (i.e. you don't send any answers) the rectifier will revert to it's original settings (default voltage and maximum current)

For those interested I have changed the code on my arduino as follows. It has automatic serial number detection and status message decoding. I've optimised it as far as possible with my average programming skills but is does the job I want it to do. It has an LCD for showing the message (2x16 characters), it shows any unknown identifier and message (which i have not seen yet), and has a pushbutton to control the maximum current. It sets it initially to 10.0 amps and with every push of the button it adds another 10 Amps. After it has reached 40 Amps and you push the button again it reverts back to 10.0 Amps. The display shows the chosen current output.

Happy Tinkering All :)

// from rectifier : (requests for logins)
// 05014400 + ser nr + 00 00 from rectifier  : HELLOOW where are you ! rectifier sends 05014400 and 6 bytes serial number and followed by 00 00 (login request)
// 0500xxyy + 1B + ser nr + 00 is send during normal voltage every second. xxyy is the last 2 bytes from the serial number
// after either of these send 05004804 every 5 seconds ! to keep logged in. rectifier does not send login requests so after 10 second the numbers stop until 05014400 is sent
// from rectifier : (status messages)
// 0501400C + status data : walkin and below 43 volts (error) and during walk-out (input voltage low)
// 05014010 + status data : walkin busy
// 05014004 + status data : normal voltage reached
// 05014008 + status data : current-limiting active

// send TO rectifier (act as controller)
// 05004804 + ser nr + 00 00 from controller : send 05004804 and 6 bytes ser number followed by 00 00
// 05FF4004 controller sends current and voltage limits (last 4 is 5 sec walk-in, for 60 second walk-in use 05FF4005)
// 05FF4005 controller sends current and voltage limits (last 5 is 60 sec walk-in, for 5 second walk-in use 05FF4004)

#include <mcp_can.h>
#include <mcp_can_dfs.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

const int SPI_CS_PIN = 10;
word maxcurrent = 0x64;                                                              // set initial maxcurrent to 10A output
unsigned char len = 0;
unsigned char serialnr[8];
int msgreceived;
MCP_CAN CAN(SPI_CS_PIN);                                                             // Set CS pin for CANBUS shield
LiquidCrystal lcd(1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);                                              // LiquidCrystal(rs, rw, enable, d4, d5, d6, d7)  or LiquidCrystal(rs, enable, d4, d5, d6, d7)

void setup()                                                                         // Initialisation routine
 pinMode(A0, INPUT);                                                                 // Set pin A0 to input (pushbutton)
 digitalWrite(A0, HIGH);                                                             // activate pull-up on A0
 pinMode(9, OUTPUT);                                                                 // Set pin 9 to output (backlight of the LCD)
 digitalWrite(9, HIGH);                                                              // Backlight enable
  lcd.begin(16, 2);                                                                  // splash screen on LCD
  lcd.print("Flatpack Charger");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("Made by RHO");

    if(CAN_OK == CAN.begin(CAN_125KBPS))                                              // init can bus : baudrate = 125k !!
        lcd.print("CAN BUS init OK!");
        lcd.print("CAN BUS init Fail");
        lcd.print("Init CAN BUS again");
        goto START_INIT;

void loop()                                                                           // main program (LOOP)
  unsigned char buf[8] ;
  if(CAN_MSGAVAIL == CAN.checkReceive())                                              // check if data coming
        CAN.readMsgBuf(&len, buf);                                                    // read data,  len: data length, buf: data buf
        INT32U canId = CAN.getCanId();                                                // read the CAN Id

    if(canId==0x05014400)                                                             //this is the request from the Flatpack rectifier during walk-in (start-up) or normal operation when no log-in response has been received for a while
         for(int i = 0; i<8; i++)                                                
         serialnr[i]=buf[i];                                                          // transfer the message buffer to the serial number variable
         CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x05004804, 1, 8, serialnr);                                  //send message to log in (DO NOT ASSIGN AN ID use 00)
         msgreceived++;                                                               // increase the variable "msgreceived"
         unsigned char stmp7[8] = {lowByte(maxcurrent), highByte(maxcurrent), 0x44, 0x16, 0x44, 0x16, 0x3E, 0x17};    // set rectifier to maxcurrent 57,0V (16 44) and OVP to 59.5V (17 3E) qnd long walk-in 4005 or short walk in 4004
         CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x05FF4005, 1, 8, stmp7);                                                                     //(last 4 in header is for 5 sec walkin, 5 is for 60 second walkin)

    else if(canId==(0x05000000+256*buf[5]+buf[6]))                                    //if CANID = 0500xxyy where xxyy the last 2 digits of the serial nr
        for(int i = 0; i<6; i++)                                                
            serialnr[i]=buf[i+1];                                                     // transfer the buffer to the serial number variable (neccesary when switching the CAN-bus to another rectifier while on)
        unsigned char serialnr[8] = {buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4], buf[5], buf[6], 0x00, 0x00};                     //this is the serial number of the unit which is covered in the request (unit announces its serial number)
        CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x05004804, 1, 8, serialnr);                                                                   //send message to log in (DO NOT ASSIGN AN ID) use 00
        unsigned char stmp7[8] = {lowByte(maxcurrent), highByte(maxcurrent), 0x44, 0x16, 0x44, 0x16, 0x3E, 0x17};     // set rectifier to maxcurrent 57,0V (16 44) and OVP to 59.5V (17 3E) qnd long walk-in 4005 or short walk in 4004
        CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x05FF4005, 1, 8, stmp7);                                                                      //(last 4 in header is for 5 sec walkin, 5 is for 60 second walkin)

    else if((canId==0x05014004)or(canId==0x05014008)or(canId==0x05014010)or(canId=0x0501400C))                        // these are the status messages (05014004 is not current-limiting, 05014008 is current limiting 05014010 = busy with walkin, 0501400C in input voltage low)
           msgreceived++;                                                                                             // record number of messages received
             CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x05004804, 1, 8, serialnr);                                                              //send message to log in every 40 messages (DO NOT USE ID NR, USE 00) this because during walk-in the 0500xxyy is not send and the rectifier "logs out" because of no received log-in messages from controller
           lcd.setCursor(0, 0);                                                        //show data on the LCD screen 0x050140yy 0xAA 0xBB 0xCC 0xDD 0xEE 0xFF 0xGG 0xHH
           lcd.print(buf[0]);                                                          // 0xAA = Temperature in
           lcd.print(buf[7]);                                                          // 0xHH = Temperature out
           lcd.print("   ");
           lcd.print(buf[2]*256*0.1+buf[1]*0.1);                                       // 0xBB = Current Low Byte, 0xCC = Current High byte. Current in deciAmps (*0.1 Amps)
           lcd.print("  ");
           lcd.print(buf[4]*256*0.01+buf[3]*0.01);                                     // 0xDD = Voltage out Low Byte, oxEE = Voltage out High Byte. Voltgae in centivolts (*0.01 Volt)
           lcd.print("  ");
           lcd.print(256*buf[6]+buf[5]);                                               // 0xFF = Voltage in Low byte, 0xGG = Voltage in High byte. Voltage in Volts (because voltage is below 255 Volts, high byte is always 0)
           lcd.print("  ");
           if((digitalRead(A0)==0))                                                    //read digital pin Analog0 and if it is high (pushbutton is pressed)
             maxcurrent = maxcurrent + 100;                                            // raise maxcurrent with 10 A
             if(maxcurrent > 400)                                                      // to be able to lower the current with one button, if the maxcurrent > 40 the current is reset to 10
               maxcurrent =100;
             digitalWrite(9,HIGH);                                                                                        // switch on the backlight
             CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x05004804, 1, 8, serialnr);                                                                  // send message to log in (DO NOT ASSIGN AN ID) use 00
             unsigned char stmp7[8] = {lowByte(maxcurrent), highByte(maxcurrent), 0x44, 0x16, 0x44, 0x16, 0x3E, 0x17};    // set rectifier to maxcurrent 57,0V (16 44) and OVP to 59.5V (17 3E) qnd long walk-in 4005 or short walk in 4004
             CAN.sendMsgBuf(0x05FF4005, 1, 8, stmp7);                                                                     // (last 4 in header is for 5 sec walkin, 5 is for 60 second walkin)
             lcd.setCursor(0, 0);                                                                                         // announce chosen current on LCD
             lcd.print("Current set to  ");
             lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
             lcd.print(" Amp        ");
        lcd.setCursor(0,0);                                                            // if the canId is unknown
        lcd.print(canId,HEX);                                                          // show the can Id and the message on the LCD
        for(int i = 0; i<len; i++)                                                   
          if( buf[i] < 0x10){ lcd.print("0");} lcd.print(buf[i],HEX);                  // send a leading zero if only one digit
        delay(1000);                                                                   // show the message for 1 second and then continue


For those of us who are new to coding, could you or someone else help me with this code. I'm getting some compile errors (CanID was not declared in this scope) I'm sure that there have been changes in libraries since this was posted...Any help you or anyone else can provide would be appreciated. My goal it to use the flatpack2 to power a ham radio amplifier. Easy enough, however, I'd like to set up a TFT interface for both the power supply and the amplifier...

Kind Regards,

Georgia, USA
Question for all of you with Flatpack2 HEs (Especially the 48/3000HE). What does your fan do on powerup? I would expect them to go to full speed then drop down however the one I am controlling by CAN stays at full speed regardless if I'm logged in or not. It has no errors, no warning, good output, and I can control it, but it's obnoxiously loud.

For my work we have several of the shelfs deployed in the field, and the fans on those are much lower speed/quieter, so I'm to the point of:
a) There's a hidden CAN command to control FAN speed (but the datasheet seems to say it's temp/current controlled and not CAN controlled)
b) The one I have has a defective fan controller
c) something I haven't though of.

So I'm curious how everyone else's behave with relation to fan speed.

I have many 48/3000 HE supplies, part number 241119.105MC Revision:1 SW:1.01/2.02 on the label.
They all power-on with the fan speed at what I would consider full speed. I just started working on them a few days ago.
have you found any additional information?
Bob H
I have an FP2 that I would like to modify and I failed in the two attempts I made. I don't know programming at all so I asked a friend to do this for me. The first attempt was using an Arduino uno + MCP 2515 CAN-BUS module and the second attempt I used the same CAN-BUS module and an Arduino Nano.
Because I didn't succeed, I suspect that the CAN-BUS module is defective (I ordered another one) or the connections between the CAN module and FP2 are wrong.
I would like you to tell me how you connected the CAN module to FP2 and what is the order of the contacts on the FP2 connector.
Thank you.
Because I didn't succeed, I suspect that the CAN-BUS module is defective (I ordered another one) or the connections between the CAN module and FP2 are wrong.
I would like you to tell me how you connected the CAN module to FP2 and what is the order of the contacts on the FP2 connector.
Thank you.
you can check crystal off MCP-2515, witch 8mhz or 16mhz
you can check crystal off MCP-2515, witch 8mhz or 16mhz
The crystal is 8Mhz. What is the importance? I am interested in the connections between the CAN-BUS module and Flat Pack 2, especially the GND connection.
on rev 6 one everything works normaly
on rev 9 I can change the voltage but not permanently
ON top of all , I seem to have broken my Can usb analyzer , can not connect anymore to Can bus and the red transmit led is flashing continously
Hi bro.
I am facing the same issue. No CAN connection and red led blinking.
Did you solve it?
Does this github code make a permanent voltage change. If it does only online-voltage change the rectifier will fall back to default voltage (53v) when the can connection is interrupted.

If you go lower than the default voltage then you should send a new offline voltage to the rectifier.
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I want output 84V from two eltek PSU. Since minimum output voltage is 43V, can i use high power diode to reduce the output voltage, lets say from 86V to 84V? it is safe?
Thank You.