What can ES do to support open source ebike software?

amberwolf said:
stan.distortion said:
but I hope there are magic documentation pixies too!
I've been one of those, on occasion. As long as I understand the material and have something basic to work from, from whoever created whatever is being documented, I can do a fair job that can then be reviewed by the creator and given basic notes on fixes I can revamp sections as needed.

My biggest problem is time; I have a lot of things to do that are "fun" that don't earn me anything, so I have had to learn to balance reward with which activity(ies) I focus on.
Have you any idea how valuable that is!? It's probably worth just about any useful bit of software you'd like to see written, many (most?) devs love good documentation but detest having to write it.
Did I offer to write something for an Arduino a while back, throttle re-mapping iirc? The offer is still open ofc but if you get a raspberry-pi I can probably go one better and go through a tool that makes it easy to do that kind of thing (plus a crapload of other useful tools, especially displays).

A pi is overkill for mapping but they're cheap, light and don't use much power. The tool is Node-RED, an IBM developed open source block logic diagram programming interface that comes included with the raspberry-pi OS. A lot of PLCs are programmed with the same kind of interface and if it works for you it's a dream come true, drag-and-drop programming :)
