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Wierd happenings


Staff member
Aug 17, 2009
Phoenix, AZ, USA, Earth, Sol, Local Bubble, Orion
There is a man collapsed out in my front yard; I don't know him or what's wrong with him (if anything); he's breathing, but apparently asleep or unconcious. Given my past history of being mugged, I have no intention of going out there to find out the hard way if he's an innocent drunk stumbled into my yard, or someone on the run that needs a hostage or some money.

I already called 911, and after being on hold a minute or two, an operator took my call, address, and phone number, and said as soon as someone was available, they'd send them by. That was half an hour ago or so.

First, the dogs started barking, which woke me, but they bark at a lot fo things, and it's windy, so at first I figured it was
just the tree moved and spooked Fred, who sits on the back of a chair at the front room window. But when I looked out my own window, I saw what she was barking at--a man laying next to my porch, just inboard of the pine tree that shades the house. It was very creepy, because I did not wake and hear him walk past the window, myself, yet he obviously had done so to get where he was. (I didn't have my usual box fan/white noise running, as I had not meant to sleep yet, just dozed from tiredness as is all too common).


As I was typing the above paragraph, the police and an emergency truck came, and they eventually woke him (drugged? drunk? very hard to wake, and very out of it when he did start talking to them, did not even know where he was and thought for sure he was at "Armando's" house). While one tried to wake him, the other knocked on my door to ask a few questions, such as did I know the guy, or did he live here, etc., which was no to both (don't think I've ever even seen him before), and I then repeated what I said above, in short form.

As they were trying to wake him, he rolled over and I could see what looked like tattoos on his right arm, but I coudln't see what htey were. Looked like three or four large letters or symbols.

After another nearly 20 minutes or so, they eventually got him to decide which of the three options for leaving the premises he had, which from what I could hear over the wind were jail, hospital, or something I think he called lark, probably LARK or LARC (I don't know what it is, but apparently it is like a recovery place to "sleep it off" while staying out of trouble.

Being the curious type, I tried to video what I could from inside the house, but it didnt come out very well. I am posting the two with the last six minutes or so (the only ones in which you can see or hear anything at all) to YT anyway, for the curiosity of it, and some pictures (taken from inside the house thru the window, without flash) of him laying there before they arrived, which are not very good. I took them mostly in case he left before they arrived, so I could show them in case he was someone they were looking for (doubtful).

From his attitude toward them, especially at the end just before he left with whichever choice he'd made, I am glad I did not go out there and try to help. It probably would not have gone well. :(

Now I am unable to even doze off, but I am REALLY tired. :(


I waited to post until the pics and vid were uploaded, which took a LONG time.








Very wierd allright. Cool he wasn't dead or anything, that would really complicate your life with talks with the cops, etc. You handled the situation exactly right. Though it turned out he was just blasted, he could have needed medical attention real bad.
I would have let the dogs go wake him up. Our newest family addition, an Akita/Husky mix that definitely picked up his mother Akita's size at about 70lbs already and only 7 months olde :shock: , would have loved to wake him up. We should have named him Beast. I gave him a coconut the other day, husk and all, and he ate the whole thing. Still just a puppy and the locals are terrified of him. :mrgreen:
Certainly is weird things happening the last while. :shock:
Anybody know if the planets are lined up so we gotta go and do live sacrifices or something???

John in CR.........
How are you keeping that puppy cool in Costa Rica?
You got a walk in freezer with a doggy door or something?
Absolutely one of THE most beautiful breeds of dog.
Even in Canada they don't like summer and pant alot and are suseptable to heat stress.
Made my balls contract when you said he ate a whole coconut!!! :lol:
By the way, you know Akitas/Huskeys are the closest dogline to a wolf? :wink:
He'll grow a lot less coat in a warmer climate. But he may need some help if expected to run hard, like run him wet.
I have a good friend who got really drunk at our local Oktoberfest and he went into the wrong house about 2 blocks early. My friend says he woke up in some strange ladies house who was of course, calling the police. He didn't face any charges, but needless to say he had a lot of splaining to do! I am glad everything worked out for you alright. Do you have a gun AW? It might be a good idea to at least have one available somewhere. I mean when it takes the cops 30 minutes + to get to your house that could be about 25 minutes less than you need to stay alive. Just a suggestion.
out here in canada, if you pull out a gun you better be killing someone..

If you as much as point an un-loaded gun to someone for any reason, it's a big deal....

Baseball bats cause less paperwork. :wink: .. you just need to get a little more up close and personal to use one..

paintball guns can hurt pretty good also.. not quite as lethal.. :!:
very smart not going outside. drunks are very unpredictable.

had a very similar situation where I was in a camper parked in a driveway when a drunk literally walked into the side of the camper.

I opened the door and told him to get the hell out of my yard and he went across the street and tried to go into the neighbors house :shock: thank god it didnt take more than a couple minutes for the cops cause he was pounding on their front door like a crazy person after he couldn't get in.

don't even get me started on stories from when I worked nights at 7-11 :roll: almost every night something crazy happened. drinking is good, but drunks are bad :D
The last thing anyone here needs is to turn over an unconscious vagrant to help them, and the guy then wakes up before the mushrooms have worn off, he sees 6-foot tall lizard about to eat him, and then he stabs the lizard (you) in the eye with a rusty screwdriver. Later, he's "really, really...like, sorry...dude"

Am I the only one who's curious now about the tattoos?
ok, I looked more closely at those pictures and I think I've identified the guy. is this him?

A baseball bat might be a lot more fun too if the need arose. OTOH, the look on a bad guy's face at the sound of a pump shotgun shucking a shell into the chamber would be priceless.

Regarding our dog Buran, the highs here are likely lower than summer temps for you guys. We're in the mountains where the year round temps are 70's in the day and 60's at night. Luke came down during an oddly hot spell, and it was low 80's and I hated it, since I'm very temperature spoiled after 15 years here...no A/C and no heat and don't need them. Direct sun is brutal though, and Buran stays in the shade. The coming dry season pattern is a thin layer of cloud cover rolling in just after lunch cooling things off before it gets too hot. Maybe we should have named him Duck, because he loves the rain, and really springs to life when the rain starts.

Buran was born down near sea level where it's much warmer, so he's really lucky we got him, and we are too. He's very different from any dog I've ever had, and thanks to the Dog Whisperer I get the whole dog psychology thing. It's really amazing how well and how quickly Cesar's approach works. While it all works tremendously well for me as pack leader, my wife and kids, even my 25yo, are just his siblings to him so he walks all over them like he's in charge.

I knew both his halves were 2 of the ancient dog breeds, but the similarities in pack behavior with what I've seen on shows about wolves is nothing short of amazing in how intinctive it is. The only problem is that while the kids can play with him, I simply can't, because he goes directly to the juvenile submissive antics exhibited toward pack leader within a pack of wolves.
David Hasselhoff! He had a great career in Germany. Knight Rider was cool, but it wore off pretty darn fast. If you do have to use a gun here in NM just make sure he's dead when the police come. AW is in Arizona so guns should be no problem at all. I don't really even trust the police to protect me or my family anymore anyways. I wouldn't just pull a gun on an intruder, but if they were knocking on my door I'd sure let them know I had one first and then if they insisted on coming in, Blam.
8) 8)