4S 16ah MultiStar (2) for 8S 16000mah Lipo

May 27, 2013
San Francisco, CA
Found these and just had to buy them.

Will wire them in series for 8S 16,000mah. Should be very nice capacity.

Multistar High Capacity 4S 16000mAh Multi-Rotor Lipo Pack
Wow, those seem ideal. Instead of 4 4s packs you can have 2 of these on center of the deck and likely still have enough clearance and then the enclosure can be long and narrow instead of spreading into the concave area of the board. Oh damn, maybe I can make the genesis work now... Aw crap, I just noticed they are 4S...whoops

Lol you should read other parts of the forum. These were the rage in the battery technology section a couple months ago.

thepronghorn said:
Lol you should read other parts of the forum. These were the rage in the battery technology section a couple months ago.


Haha yeah I seen them a few months back but didn't see the 16000mah packs lol. I was like what no way! lol

Hopefully they are good. I've read some so far so good. I'll take a look at that link you sent.

I was thinking too these bricks are both good for ebikes and eboards. I can interchange interswap my packs between both. Don't have an ebike yet though :(