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Anyone get chased by law enforcement on an ebike?

My little friend was riding a yz80 at the beach road an old oil road. The man started chasing him. He got above on a 10ft high cliff road. Right in front of use he jumped the cliff, with the cop above we look down and there he was in a fenced oil caged like in jail. The just looked over the cliff. We saw the hole thing. Not his first time. As it was your second run in.
Two years ago there was a thead of ebikes being outlawed in N.Y. I do remember reading that here at E.S. ? Guess it's not true today ?
My point is one bad guy can change the law for all.
This reminds me of when you are just walking and drinking, drunk and a beat cop on foot says to you "Where do I know you from?"

He is trying to pry info out of you!

Or a perfect stranger says the same thing, to break the ice and get you more comfortable for whatever reason the stranger has.
Most of the time its money. Like the bum in the parking lot with a gas can and a sob story, or hippie needing money to get home.
markz said:
This reminds me of when you are just walking and drinking, drunk and a beat cop on foot says to you "Where do I know you from?"

He is trying to pry info out of you!

No, actually he's just trying to intimidate you. You MUST be a criminal if he talked to you before, so you watch your step. It gives him self esteem.

So I knew the to truck driver who's about to right the flipped car, I spoke to him while he was waiting for the police to clear people away. Basically he's saying 'Watch THIS.' I walked over to the crowd telling a few people there he's acting lie it will be spectacular. So the one jackass is getting a sense of me owning the place or whatever and he starts, quite nasty, "When did I tal to you before?" Absolute accusation mode on having said something to me before. (Which wasn't true.)

So I said what you should all say in that situation: "The crime is in BEING you, not in talking to you." He shut up and walked away, but wound up getting another cop in the car and almost running me over as he's doing a 'Followup.' That got his passenger yelling at him, probably about how he was going to get them both in trouble. The passenger didn't know the half of it. . . .
Regarding the right to travel in the U.S., I saw a recent video of no license or registration stop where the guy was let go citing Supreme Court rulings and it reminded me of another video I had seen a few years back of something similar. I found this to be an interesting read, and it makes several Youtube videos make more sense in hindsight: http://www.lawfulpath.com/ref/right2travel.shtml
Excellent article/document. I personally would like to see what the whole forum thinks about this.

You are likely aware also etrike, that the supreme court has consistently ruled that federal income tax is 'voluntary' in most non corporate cases? http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/america-freedom-to-fascism/
I'm not so sure if I am going to post the story about my more serious police chase. I will maybe have to wait for some more time to pass or I move.

Before my serious police chase I had actually spent time planning on how I was going to get away in a serious chase. But when this chase went down a lot of things went wrong. I missed two different turning points in the chase which slowed me down and I drove into a big hole/ditch and almost fell off the bike. I already had these turns mapped and pre-planned out and I totally missed them. One of the missed turns I wasn't 100% sure if that was the correct turn so out of safety I didn't turn, didn't want to get stuck down a path that had no exit, doing that almost caused me to crash by taking an alternative route. With the almost crashing after hitting the ditch, I did drive in that path before but really slow, hitting the ditch at top speed was enough to bottom out my suspension and send me sliding almost into a tree.

When a police car is right behind you with the sirens blasting in crowded streets you don't think so clearly. Especially after you see them do surprising things like cutting through places you have, where you wouldn't expect them to also. The police really try and molest you with their vehicle and this really makes the Adrenalin pump.

With the serious chase I was in I had a bad feeling the whole time. Part of me was running for my life, I would have done anything to get away. Another part of me was telling me I was going to get caught and I wasn't making any progress in getting away. I had a really bad feeling. Not what you would expect from a chase, it wasn't excitement and a thrill, it was more of a I'm ruining my life right now and I'm going to get caught feeling. Very hard to explain to be honest. I believe the problem is with an ebike you don't have the speed to get away so a lot of driving is having the police get closer and closer and that is an awful feeling.

Here are my tips on running after my experiences. I also study and enjoy watching police chases on youtube and watch every video I can find trying to learn from them.

#1) Don't speed up and try to out run police like you would on a motorcycle. You don't have the speed on an ebike and you will put yourself at higher risk and make the police take the chase more serious which may make them do stupid things.

#2) Police will not ram you on your bike from the rear in almost all cases unless you are wanted for murder or something serious. This is actually illegal for them to do so. Best way to run is just act like you don't hear or see them, DON'T LOOK BACK at them. Drive normally to your cut off point, and then slowly drive away. They will think you are deaf or something and then you slowly drive through a park or other area they can't bring the police car.

The important thing is that you will never out-run a car on an ebike with top speed so why drive at fast unstable speeds? Take it nice and slow and put everybody at less risk.

#3) If you are planning to run, you must have already planned out cut off points to get away. You can't try and figure this out during the chase unless you are in a very congested city where police cars can't move in the traffic.

#4) Try and remain calm even after your cut off point. With my serious police chase, I had a barrier between me and the police where they could not get me anymore but I was still in their sight. But I still drove full speed and hit a huge dirt hole / ditch at top speed where I almost fell off my bike and almost slid into a tree.

#5) Use your ebike advantages over a car to the maximum.

The best way to quickly lose police is make a 180 degree quick turn on a tight street. For some reason I have seen this stop the police chase almost all of the time. For some reason when the police are forced to turn the police vehicle completely around it really slows them up. In most cases the police car just quits the chase right there. I don't honestly know why this stops most of them. It may have to do with the fact that it totally sucks turning a car around 180 degrees in a tight street and the time it takes them to do that they have lost sight of the bike.
So if you are in a chase, make that 180 degree turn in a tight street and you are home free. In the video the German guy makes a quick 180 degree turn, police are just lost what to do next.

Use the sidewalks instead of the street. Too risky staying on the street and allowing the police to ram you. Get on the sidewalk as much as you can. In the chase video I linked, look at how much that cop drives ahead of him after the scooter driver slams on his breaks to turn 180 degree. If he was on the street in front of the cop, the cop could have rear ended the bike! Also watch how the cop tries to knock him and scare him off the scooter twice by driving right up to the side of him. Get on the sidewalk and be safe! Police won't and can't take to the sidewalks.

Use your off-road advantages of the bike. You can drive over grass, through parks, up very steep hills, into wood trails. Get off-road as soon as you can. In the video the bike rider could have easily cut over the grassy park to his left.

Use the silent and small bike to hide. If you quickly lose sight of the cops, either by making that 180 degree turn, just drive the bike to the front or side of a parked car (out of sight, best behind tinted windowed car) and duck, the cop will never see you and drive right by. If he does see you, then you drive away in the opposite direction and force him to turn 180 degrees again.

Please remember, I'm not recommending you run. I had no choice because I didn't want my bike confiscated and expensive fines. In those cases that would have happened I believe so I ran. I'm not exactly driving around a small bicycle looking ebike either.

Check this video out, I just found it recently but it has a lot of good stuff in it. He was on a scooter which isn't fast and more like an ebike. He could easily have cut across that grassy area on his left for most of the chase but I guess being on a scooter you don't want to take it off-road.

What to notice is that he took to the sidewalks,
he did a 180 degree turn which basically stopped the chase for the most part,
he had a cut off point he knew would lose the police car
He missed his first cut off point, this happened to me twice
The cops were being dicks (like he says) trying to cut him off so expect this when you're riding a slow ebike

Why do you think turning 180 degrees really slows down the police? The police seem to catch up to him but it took so long, Most police chases I see the police stop chasing at that point.

It wasn't an ebike, but I lost a cop tailing me in my car. I used a hill to cut off the cop's visual and then quickly pulled into my own driveway and turned off my lights. I saw the cop stop at the stop sign and look furtively to figure out where I'd gone. He was visibly angry and drove angrily while taking his best guess as to where I could have gone. He knew he should have been able to see me, and I was actually in his field of view as he drove by.

It was priceless because he shouldn't have been following me in the first place, as I had broken no laws. He was just fishing and I'll bet he was going to pull me over for something imaginary, hoping to find something that would stick. Evading police is legitimate when they are out filling ticket quotas using innocent victims. Ear buds and no mirrors would help establish plausible ignorance of their pursuit.
Yes in USA the poo-poo like to run plates, eat donuts and pull people over for nothing. Especially if you are the minority.
They need to fill their daily quota, and they know a small percentage ever fight their tickets.
Got random dude pursuing me today on the road shouting that my bike is illegal and that I should not be on the road....

What could I risk? I am in the uk
cwah said:
Got random dude pursuing me today on the road shouting that my bike is illegal and that I should not be on the road....

What could I risk? I am in the uk

In those cases the first thing you should do is pull off the road immediately and diffuse the situation. Some people are really stupid and when they get angry and are in the car you don't want to be near them on a bike.
Its illegal to ride a bike on the sidewalk. These tough guy road ragers have no clue what the law states.
Funny how theres a ton of steering wheel lawyers out there.
cwah said:
Got random dude pursuing me today on the road shouting that my bike is illegal and that I should not be on the road....

What could I risk? I am in the uk

This is even more annoying when your bike IS legal. Like my velo now under the new 1kw law.
These people are usually so shure about themselves that there is no point trying to correct them, they just get more agitated.
Then when you ignore them, they are absolutely shure you do that because you feel quilty. It"s catch-22.
Law enforcement here does not care of us, which is good. If somebody is suspicious it"s always a mamil driving a car.
Middle-aged guy driving a car, comes up and says hello, then you realize he"s e-bike hater mamilist thinking he"s got moral high ground no matter he"s driving a car.
He sits in his Volvo and thinks you are a cheater and sees no paradox whatsoever.
Never trust anybody driving a car.
Careful, there are cops who will chase you down and shoot you cold-blooded after you cross the street incorrectly on your bicycle:
It started when Stephens was riding his bicycle in West Palm Beach and Lin reportedly saw Stephens ride through a street at a non-crosswalk, an illegal maneuver that almost caused an accident, Lin claimed.

That was when Lin followed Stephens to a nearby residence and initiated a traffic stop.

Stephens, who was 19 at the time, had a broken phone in his hand as he jumped off of his bicycle, but apparently Lin thought the phone was a gun, and within seconds Lin fired multiple shots at Stephens with his service weapon.

Lin shot Stephens twice in his right arm, once in his chest and once in the back. Stephens was shot in the back in the process of trying to run away. The shot to the back hit Stephens in the spine, which severed it; paralyzing the young man for life.
video :roll:
Much like what we know about cottontails escaping, if they know the turf, a dog can not catch 'em. But the police officer may know his beat quite well.

The 180 does sound like a somewhat useful tactic.
Only once could it have been possibly construed that I "ran" from a cop on a bike.

There are unfortunately many people including some who where uniforms that believe bikes do not have a right to use the road and will attack and harass bikers who do use the road and do so with confidence and take lane position just like a car or motorcycle would. Pedal only, or e-bike, or IC motorized bicycle, sometimes even scooter/moped riders as well. I unfortunately have had to deal with what I believe is more then my fair share of such "automobile supremacist" bigots (similar attitude as 1950's white supremacists as in e-biker on road is the same as colored person in white people only area) ESPECIALLY the ones wearing law enforcement uniforms. It's gotten a little better in recent years but from the early 1990's until a little less then a decade ago basically about 15+ years of my life I averaged at least a half dozen altercations with law enforcement a year at least one or two of which would end up in court and me having to read their own laws to them in their own black and white and convince them that yes the law actually meant what it said and yes I did have a right to use the road (not so much e-bikes in the earlier part of that but most definitely towards the later end of that period).

Anyway, about 2000-ish I had an altercation where one of the same pieces of you know what that somehow managed to get himself a uniform for the upteenth time pulled me over (an officer who had already lost more then one court case against me) and once again started to tell me to stay off the road and no I wasn't allowed to take the lane on a narrow two lane bridge with a total width of 17' 4-5/8" at its narrowest point and 17' 6-1/4" wide at its widest point making both lanes of the bridge always narrower then 9' wide and barely more then 8' wide (yes, I had actually measured the width of that bridge as the result of an earlier altercation as well as the officers cruiser which measured 7' 9-1/2" wide including its mirrors) and he once again started to tell me how I had to stay over in the very right edge of the lane (because he said so and even though the law said the exact opposite I was required to follow his orders) so some jerk like him could pass me at the same time another vehicle was coming the other direction so I could get squashed up against the side rails when two cars and one bike couldn't all fit on the bridge at the same time ( two cars @ 7' 9-1/2" + one bike @ 29-1/8" wide = 18' 1/8" which is about 6" of NEGATIVE CLEARANCE on that bridge, AKA at least 6" of squashed cyclist who is not smart enough to take the lane to keep jerks from passing when there is oncoming traffic when there isn't room enough to do so).

Long story short, I told him that he had two choices either arrest me or let me leave in peace because I refused to follow his unlawful order and I was only required to follow a lawful order and had no obligation to follow an unlawful order and was flatly refusing to do so. He refused to let me go and he refused to formally arrest me. I then told him that I was going to continue on my way in peace and the only reason I would stop pedaling (and motoring it was a PAS e-bike) away was if I heard him call out that I was under arrest which if he did so I would stop and submit to that arrest because Montana law specifically states that the fact that an arrest may be unlawful is not a defense for fleeing or resisting arrest and that would be the only reason I would stop out of respect for that law which I did not agree with but I did respect unlike him (yes I told him that straight up) or of course he did have the option of shooting me in the back if he so chose while I rode away (and yes I was mad enough to tell him that too).

And then I turned my back on him, got on my bike, kicked the kickstand up and started pedaling away straight down the center of the right lane the rest of the way across the bridge and kept me head pointed straight forward and forced myself to keep pedaling at a steady non-running but not stopping either pace and tried my best not to mess my pants and keep myself from shaking in fright. I kept pedaling all the way to where I was going which was about 4 miles or so further up the road without ever looking behind me and just looking straight ahead partially out of fear and partially out of raw stubborness not to give him the satisfaction of seeing me look back and check my 6 if he was following me. Only when I finally pulled in and parked my bike and started to lock it up did I get a look to see if he had followed me. He didn't, or at least he wasn't still behind me by then. Never, got pulled over by that specific violator of the uniform again but still had problems with some of the others.

Not a stunt I'd recommend to anyone else by any means, but at that point in my life I had been pushed that far where I was willing to do that and risk getting shot in the back rather then put up with it. I was that tired of it.
eTrike said:
. . . I found this to be an interesting read, and it makes several Youtube videos make more sense in hindsight: http://www.lawfulpath.com/ref/right2travel.shtml

What people don't understand is that there are other court cases that very clearly established the line where the "right to travel" ends and "the privilege of operating a motor vehicle on the public right of way" begins. I know because I've used the very early 1900's pre-gGreat-Depression ruling in this regard in my own states common law precedent.

Long story short there is a very clear and well established common law precedent for legitimate government authority to restrict the "right to travel" that the very men who wrote the original founding documents of the United States of America very clearly recognized themselves. Namely the authority to enforce a quarantine and prevent infected individuals from traveling and spreading the disease to innocent other people threatening them with death or great potential for death or serious bodily injury.

This long established legitimate reason to restrict the "right to travel" can, was, and is used as precedent that if the means of travel of your choice likewise represents a clear and present risk to the very lives of innocent people then to travel by such means thus becomes a privilege not a right while still sustaining the right to travel by means which do not represents such a clear and present risk to the very lives of others.

Long story short, a 2-ton metal box that can go 100-mph and mow down innocent people in a split second at the operators slightest mistake does represent such a clear and present danger and thus can be legitimately constrained as a licensed privilege. However, a bike that has a weight and speed capability that represents no more potential risk then a person riding a horse a long established method of legitimate "right to travel" status is not subject to being such a clear and present risk to the very lives of innocent people and thus remains a right.

If you want to travel under the "right to travel" then travel as a pedestrian, an equestrian, animal drawn carriage, pedal bicycle, or some other vehicle which it can be clearly demonstrated represents no more of a clear and present danger to others then such means of transport (and of course don't travel while infected with a deadly pathogen spreading it ito un-infected areas).

"Motor vehicles" on the other hand, in almost all cases with the intermittent historical exception of low weight and speed vehicles such as scooters and mopeds (see above) have been demonstrated to clearly represent a clear and present risk to innocent people not unlike that represented by an individual infected with a dangerous pathogen and thus to operate such a means of travel with such a clear and present risk to innocent people is legitimately a privilege and not a right.

In fact, a very convincing case can be made that our government as a whole has acted with near criminal neglect in terms of failure to take seriously the responsibility of successfully restraining the selfish privileges of those who represent such a clear and present risk to the very rights and lives of innocents in this specific issue.
I had another police chase and this one was my longest yet.

I was riding back from my city center and wasn't even doing anything crazy. I was using my bike more as a motorcycle, but I don't think I was running lights or being aggressive. The last thing I would have thought was that the police would pull me over.

I was very close to my home when all of a sudden a car pulls on my left, I actually pulled a bit to my right and slowed to let him pass as I thought he was in a rush or something to pass me. The car was an unmarked police car "typical unmarked car they use in my area" and a guy in the passenger seat told me in a nice way to pull the bike over. That is how they get you they ask nicely and most people comply, LOL.

At the second I realized it was the police, they were plain cloth officers and on the young side, to me young equals stupidity and recklessness on the police side. For a moment I thought about pulling over and then it quickly flashed through my mind all the trouble I would face and I would also have my bike confiscated. The feelings of being under their mercy while they start telling me I'm not allowed to have this bike and all that shit, NO THANK YOU, CHASE ON. They are somewhat cracking down on offroad bikes and ebikes in my city and I've read too many news articles of confiscations.

The first problem was nothing goes as planed. I never planned on a cop pulling to my left like this I always thought they would put their lights on and go behind me to pull me over and I would just run. But I knew if I accelerated there was a chance he would try and block me or pin me into the cars. I was on a one way street at the time and he was directly on my left.

Quick thinking on my part I decided I would do a 180 to my right, I would slowly act like I was riding towards the sidewalk to pull over and do a quick 180. This is what I did, I slowly started to do a 180 degree turn and as I was almost completed and towards the rear of the police car, the police car slowly started to reverse while I was doing this and I heard one of the police say "HE IS RUNNNING" as I was at their rear. I then fully accelerate and he didn't try and run me over in reverse at the point I was directly behind his car for a second, thank god. I believe they were not sure what I was doing and thought maybe I was just pulling the bike over or to their rear for safety.

At this point I didn't look back, but I go full throttle and started to my destination to the closest park. The park was a good distance away, at least 2 kilometers. There was a closer cut off point of another park which I should have gone but I wasn't 100% sure of the streets to take. Like I said before when you are in a chase you only make moves you are 100% sure about because one screw up you are in big trouble and may face jail time.

I quickly make my first right up a long one way street going the wrong way, I figured the police car wouldn't chase me up this one way the wrong way and there was no streets that were closer for him to take. I never looked back and I heard no sirens, and thank god because I was chased with sirens on before and sirens make the chase much more nerve wracking. There was even a truck going down this one way and I squeezed around him, no way the police car could squeeze past this truck easily going the wrong way.

A note about the sirens, by law I believe the police should have their sirens on in a chase. But the issue is they have to call the chase in and they are really not allowed to chase because of safety issues in my large city. What i have heard is they don't call the chase in and then don't put the sirens on. They call this just following not chasing, LOL, bullshit. But that is what they do to cover their asses even though they put everyone else at risk.

After this one way street I cut in front of cars at the intersection to make a left and they were honking at me, this is how I wasn't playing around or taking chances here, I was in full chase mode until I got to the park, nothing would stop me I was running for my life as I do in all my police chases, I would get away.

I then at full speed blow through a few more lights, cutting around and passing cars, and still not sure if the police were behind me but wasn't taking chances.

I finally had my last right hand turn to make and the park would be straight ahead. At this point I looked back and didn't see anything and figured the police most likely gave up as there was no way they could follow me through these city streets and blown through all the lights, and also went up the wrong way of a long 1 way street, without the sirens on. no way it was possible, I was hitting speeds over 80 KPH, way over the speed limit.

I slowed down somewhat as I was worried about overheating and made the right. Well, I couldn't believe what happened next. While the park was straight ahead of my about 30 seconds more drive I heard the revving engine of a car behind me, The car I heard must of been at full throttle and was very loud, he still had to make the right but was not too far behind me, . I panicked once again as I looked back and could see the same police car just around the corner who was going to make the right, I couldn't believe they followed me all this time and the revving of the engines scared the shit out of me because it showed how aggressive they were driving to get me.

I only had a short distance but had to cross a somewhat busy street to get into the park, I went full throttle again to get to the park, chase was still on, I had the police car still behind me this time, revving at high speed, as he had made his right and I was still going straight to get into the park. I then had to cross a somewhat busy street and go through a stop sign, then I would enter the park, I saw a car coming and under normal circumstances would have stopped to let the car pass by, but I didn't have that option and I figured I would be able to get into the park before he could hit me and I didn't have a choice as if I stopped it would be uncertain what the police car would do. The police are unpredictable and they may just ram you with the car if they could to stop you and justify it with some bull shit.

So I just drove right through the stop sign and crossed the street, cutting in front of the car, Of course the stupid car started honking, but there was plenty of room for him.

Freedom ensued as I entered the park, I hopped the curb at a fast speed which worried me about a tire blowout and was in the park. There was no way he would enter the park onto the grass but if he did he would have to face the full advantages of my off-road built bike where I could still do 80 KPH over grass. I also knew this park very well as I ride in it all the time.

By no means was the chase still over in my mind at this point, while the park is large he could intercept me when I exited, and if I stayed in the park maybe he would call backup or a helicopter. None of this is out of the question when dealing with police and running.

I knew I had to leave the park and exit out the other side, where I could then leave and go to other parks and cut off areas. I wanted to put as much distance from me and this chase as I could.

While I was riding through the park I was riding at a slow speed as bicycles are not even allowed in this large park, but nobody follows the rules and ride in it anyway, and it isn't really enforced at all. What was funny was as I was riding through I had some 10 year old girl, who was walking beside her mother, what looked like quickly tried to take a picture of me with a cell phone and she said something like not suppose to ride bikes through the park. I was well into the park and no way they knew I was getting chased but this was the first time this ever happened and I was like WTF, I wasn't worried it would go anywhere but I was thinking, "jeez you are complaining about me riding a bicycle through the park at slow speeds when they didn't even know it was an electric bike and I just had a high speed chase with the police a minute ago, LOL, and I'm still runnning from the police". Anyway I couldn't believe a mother would let her 10 year old daughter take pics of random bike riders like that, and tell them they are not allowed to ride in the park.

I finally got to the street at the other side of the park and started to ride away hoping that they were not waiting to intercept me there, but there are multiple streets and I couldn't be that unlucky. I then drove to my other cut off points and finally made it into the woods where they would never find me, and I waited in the woods for a couple of hours as the chase took place right near my home, and didn't want to chance riding anywhere near that area.

I would be surprised if they still tried to chase me after I pulled into the park and rode as aggressively as I have done to get away. You would have to think that they would realize I wasn't going down easy and I'm going to ride into parks to get away. Police are held accountable for their actions and if I hurt someone in a chase or they hurt someone, and the police were chasing me without sirens on and calling it in, they would get sued so badly and the police would get in big trouble. This is what scared me when I saw these young police officers as they looked young and stupid, they may not consider all these things. Is it really worth it for them to chase me like that without sirens and lights?

I believe they probably thought it would be nice to catch an off-road bike with the crack down as it may help them get promoted to detective or something. That is the only reason I can think they wanted me so badly. The officers usually pose in pictures with the bikes taken.

I actually listened to the police radio archives after this chase and nothing was ever called in during the chase.

What a chase. Since this chase I've been taking things a little more safer. I usually stay closer to the woods and parks when joy riding and not venturing into the city center. They are really cracking down in my city, while they usually never bother you, they just might. With this chase I wasn't even expected to be bothered at the time because I was not even riding aggressively or doing tricks or shit like that.

Since then I have been practicing my evasive maneuvers if another chase happens. like mentioned before and what I used in this chase is the quick 180 degree turns a bike can make. You have to use the full advantages of an ebike to out maneuver a car. The best way is frequent quick turns instead of trying to out run a car at top speed. The car will always beat you at top speeds and shit will start to become dangerous. Use the great agility of the Ebike to quickly out maneuver a car using quick 180 degree turns. Force the police to keep turning as turning quickly in a car is a pain in the ass. Let them know an Ebike is not something they can easily catch and they are dealing with what could be the most sophisticated motor vehicle to out run them in a city. Nothing can turn and maneuver like an electric bike and then go from 0 to 80 KPH in only a few seconds, while being completely silent.

But the main advantage of an ebike is it is like a submarine, you always need to dive into woods or a park to get away. That is always the safe point and stops the chase 100% of the time. This is the reason I always have gotten away is I ride right into a park and they can't follow anymore.

If you plan on running you should be out practicing these maneuvers and knowing exactly where you are going to run to. Learn how to quickly 180 from street to sidewalk and back to street again. But to be honest the best way to run under most normal circumstances is when they pull behind you and put the sirens on is to just slowly ride to the nearest cut off point and act like you didn't hear them. It is doubtful they will ram you with the car if they think you are deaf, not worth the trouble and lawsuits. They will just follow you and you pull into a park and chase over. In this chase they pulled to my side and threw everything off on how I expected them to pursue me.

I really want to put little police cars on the side of my bike for every time I had a successful police chase. LOL.

I really hope this is my last chase as I really don't like these chases and get a bad feeling during and afterwards. At the same time I'm not going to give up riding and I'm also not going to give up my expensive bike the next time a cop wants to take it from me. So I will always be prepared to run, until I move into a city with better ebike laws.

I pass that unmarked car that chased me often as I drive by the local police station.
Yep. Same for me. The only police officers that wanted to chat, were beside me on a red light or parked at the café. They were just curious, asked about handling, range and top speed like any other. I have a ready made answer: Oh! Of course I would like it faster, but it has very good acceleration and it is riding real good. 8)
They know it is not legal but they don't care. What they care for is road behaviour: Stops and lights, and speed limits although they are rather tolerant about speed when you are not riding like an idiot. Lately, I have been warned about the helmet, because the city changed the regulation and the helmet is now mandatory on ebikes.

I would never run from the police. It is the worse thing to do. I'd say it is pretty much as stupid as running away from a dog or a bear: Even if they were not mad after you, you are making them, and they will remember.
Not on a bike but on a honda 90 in Sihanoukville Cambodia.The law there is that you do not need a licence or insurance to ride a bike under 125cc,but the police would always try and stop you to get"tea money"they were always on foot in groups of maybe 3 to 5 and as soon as they saw my white face they would attempt to stop me :evil: ,I would open throttle and just swerve around them. :lol: The police must have tried to stop me at least 20 times over a 1 year period,they are truley the Keystone Cops.Towards the end of my stay they gave up trying to pull me over :D :D :D
It was pretty much the same when I lived in Indonesia. I fell for it once, pulled over, didn't have my "Tourist Driving Permit" and paid the man 50,000 Rupiah (about $10). When I got back to my office I told my boss about what happened and she instructed me to "not make eye contact, look straight ahead and accelerate" in the future. I admit it took some courage on my part, but 3 days later, in exactly the same spot, they tried to flag me over again. So I looked straight ahead, dropped a gear and pinned my little 110cc 2 stroke girlie bike. Checked my mirror as I flew by and the two cops were laughing their asses off. It's just a game they like to play. The Tourist Drivers Permit was just a tax, there's no actual requirements other than going to the police station every month (no thanks) to pay 500,000 Rupiah (that's 10 police bribes!) and get a piece of paper signed by the Chief. And even if you have that, you're probably still gonna have to bribe them for something.

A few months later I got snagged in the middle of town going the wrong way down a one way, sneaky cop was hiding behind a van. Turned out he recognized me/my bike from the many flybys I'd done through their "trap" outside of town (I couldn't avoid it, it was the only practical route between my home and my office), we had a couple laughs about that. Then he pulls out a little book containing the Indonesian traffic code, and starts listing off my offenses. One way violation, no helmet, one of my license plates was missing, plus of course the absence of a driving permit, fines totaled something like 300,000 Rupiah. He was going all official on me now. He wrote out all the tickets.

"You can pay me now, or you can come to the police station and pay the judge later"

Turned out I only had about 2/3 of the money on me. Turned out that was ok, 200,000 Rupiah is fine.

Official my ass.

So I hand over my money, and ask for a receipt.

He looks at me and smiles that dirty cop smile again. Fills out a receipt and hands me the top copy.

Takes the carbon copy, crumples it up and throws it on the ground.

Touche dirty cop. Touche.