Connections for battery broke, please help with replacements

mark5 said:
tmb41 said:
So I had been attaching the wires to charge the battery after the wire broke off and successfully charged it twice. I either broke the charger or battery because now the charger thinks the battery is charged when it isn't (Properly connect wires, charger shows Green Light [fully charged] and doesn't charge the battery].

So in your first picture above you show the battery side's female jack with the wire broken clean off. And you wrote there was a red battery wire that connected to the jack. But there was also a black wire that connected to the jack's shell too that you didn't mention, right?

And you're saying you had reattached the red wire (and black wire too, right?) to the jack and successfully charged twice after the jack broke off. How did you reattach the wires to the jack? Just wrap the wire's bare ends around what metal was there? You weren't just attaching only a red wire to the jack, right?

If you were reattaching the wire to the jack by wrapping the bare end around what metal was there you can get an inexpensive butane soldering iron from Harbor Freight or Home Depot to make a more solid connection.

Everything you said was dead on. The black wire was attached to a ring which went around the jack. The jack was slid through a hole drilled through my plastic case. So it should've been grounded on the plastic case. What would happen if this wasn't grounded properly/strongly enough?

What you said was exactly what I was doing (did it two or three times) until I got it fixed properly (I emailed the guy I purchased the battery off of to ask if I could buy a new RCA jack). But the fourth time I went to charge it, the light on the wall charger continued to stay green, indicating it thinks the battery is fully charged. Typically it would light up red.

Thank you
If you were to try recharging the battery now you would reattach the red wire to the jack's center socket. And the black wire to the ring that goes around the jack too, wouldn't you? Because you need both wires attached to the jack for the charger to work.
mark5 said:
If you were to try recharging the battery now you would reattach the red wire to the jack's center socket. And the black wire to the ring that goes around the jack too, wouldn't you? Because you need both wires attached to the jack for the charger to work.

Yes exactly and that's what I did. I'm just saying, what would happen if I didn't put the black ring around the jack? What would happen then? It's possible the ring wasn't affixed properly.
Both wires have to be connected to the jack. And the black wire needs metal to metal contact to the jack's shell. Black wire to metal ring to jack shell is ok if contact between those three is good, like if you use a metal nut over the threaded jack shell turned down against the ring. But not through plastic which won't conduct. Else the charger won't charge. And I think the green light would be on, just like you have now. You wrote that it's possible you didn't have the ring affixed properly. You should measure your battery and charger voltage and post it here.