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Crime in you're neighborhood ?

Aug 30, 2019
None, I'm a Connecticut Yankee Winchester Boy !
My Drive is dark, we get no trouble 'round here and you know why.
Sorry Y'all
2 weeks ago had a shooting a block down the road
lost a sub and amp out of the Jeep 2 months ago
pretty sure a guy was smoking crack out front of the house yesterday
got a yellow schoolbus that parks at the park across the road every couple weeks til the cops chase him away

had a crazy cat lady that kept coming in the backyard looking for her cat, i think she thought i stole it.

i love my neighborhood :D
awful lot of sirens lately though
A Chicago teenager who pleaded guilty to murdering a 15-year-old boy in a bad drug deal was given a wrist-slap sentence of three-years probation this week.

The 17-year-old defendant, who hasn’t been publicly named, was sentenced on Monday in the fatal stabbing of Elias Valdez in the suburb of Glenview in August 2020.

He was given probation, 100 hours of community service and ordered to undergo counseling in exchange for pleading guilty to second-degree murder, the Daily Herald reported.
i find it comforting, like coming home
its a unique spot i live in,
its an old biker shack, its the only place i could rent because of our 3lb chihuahua but the backyard is like a wildlife farm
we got a huge cheery tree that the raccoons loot at night, crows in the day
a little fish pond that raccoons drink from and eat some of the fish, had a blue heron damn near clean it right out of fish about a month ago, pretty much all the birds come and hang out here.
woodpeckers, robins, crows, the hummingbirds didnt leave this winter, they stayed and chick-a-dees
got a couple skunks that come by at night and eat the cat food if i leave it out
had 2 stray cats move into the backyard last year
the neighbour sold his house for about $850,000 and when the new people moved in, one cat disappeared
my room mate think they ate it...
but just go 100 yards through the park from my front door and its pawnshops and skidrow
on the way to work through the park theres been some homeless people with their tents and a campfire going in the morning
on the way home each day through the park, youll have the same bunch of people sitting and drinking their booze
had a smash up derby outside the house as some people in a car had stole a bunch of tools from some tradesman and they blocked the car with 2 of their trucks
heard the boom then some yelling and screaming
didnt pay much attention til i heard more booms and tires screeching so i had to go and look and see
wound up with around 10 cop cars on scene
its drugs, all of it is because of drugs
i dont know what drug it is but we have people walking around bent in half staring at the ground, you have to be careful not to get close to them on the EUC because if they turn to look backward they swing to the left or right like a baseball bat :shock:
A shooting a block down about 1 week ago in my hood where someone died. Lots of pigs sharkin' around in their Chargers too. Nothing out of the ordinary, but this wasn't the nicest place in the world decades ago. I hear gunshots at night somewhere about one-quarter of the nights I go for a ride in either rig. A lot of people like to fire off guns for no reason, too.

That said, street crime probably isn't the worst problem my neighborhood has to offer. Lots of EPA superfund sites in the general area, along with a general culture of hostility, are some of my key complaints. Those superfund sites are probably the biggest crimes given the harm they are causing to all of the residents, and the perpetrators aren't ever going to be held to account. The police do more harm than good here, as is the case in most neighborhoods around the U.S. But we're also generally not actively prevented from owning guns either, depending upon how one is obtained. This place has been trending toward civil unrest for decades, some of which came spilling out in 2014, but which is eventually going to boil over in much more major way, IMO.

None of this makes this place all that unusual or exceptional though, either. Some places are better, some are worse.
Just heard more gunshots down the block while working on the velo, perhaps an hour ago. About 10 minutes later, I saw the pigs flying down the street in their Chargers, sirens loudly blaring. Just another day.
A shooting a block down about 1 week ago in my hood where someone died. Lots of pigs sharkin' around in their Chargers too. Nothing out of the ordinary, but this wasn't the nicest place in the world decades ago. I hear gunshots at night somewhere about one-quarter of the nights I go for a ride in either rig. A lot of people like to fire off guns for no reason, too.

That said, street crime probably isn't the worst problem my neighborhood has to offer. Lots of EPA superfund sites in the general area, along with a general culture of hostility, are some of my key complaints. Those superfund sites are probably the biggest crimes given the harm they are causing to all of the residents, and the perpetrators aren't ever going to be held to account. The police do more harm than good here, as is the case in most neighborhoods around the U.S. But we're also generally not actively prevented from owning guns either, depending upon how one is obtained. This place has been trending toward civil unrest for decades, some of which came spilling out in 2014, but which is eventually going to boil over in much more major way, IMO.

None of this makes this place all that unusual or exceptional though, either. Some places are better, some are worse.
A friend of mine was trying to get his ebike out of his home to go for a ride, and a group of, I'll refer to them as "urban youths", pulled a gun on him and tried to jack his bike. His neighbor came out with an assault rifle and scared them off.

Just another day in the neighborhood.

A friend of mine was trying to get his ebike out of his home to go for a ride, and a group of, I'll refer to them as "urban youths", pulled a gun on him and tried to jack his bike. His neighbor came out with an assault rifle and scared them off.

Just another day in the neighborhood.

Omg.. that sounds like the wild west.. I just had my 600km 'new' Eleglide M1 which I bought for my kid. They left it outside the entire weekend, I didn't have keys couldn't do shit but checked if the bike was still there constantly and since friday and saturday are the most dangerous ( with it being near a train station, and lots of drunk 'youth' wanting to go home and looking for easy pickings ). Checked sunday evening at 22:00 all was fine. Around 4 in the morning I woke up with this urge to go check... but I told myself it was fine.

This morning I went to check, looked like they moved the bike inside so I was relieved.. until coming closer and seeing one of my bike locks cut in half laying on the ground. So I checked, and they didn't move it inside... spend the entire day riding around the neighborhoods, filed a police report, got the building manager to contact the police since there is a camera aimed straight at the bike parking. But, bike wasn't chipped and doesn't have a frame number etched into it. I have specifics to the bike, but they could switch those and you couldn't tell.

I'm so ffin mad I don't know what to do really, keep not having any success looking ( which is to be expected ) but the moment I get home I feel like I need to be out there looking it's ffin frustrating. Riding around with some hefty bike tools in my backpack I think it might be a good thing I'm not finding some punk riding around on it since my instruct might be to bash his head in and then ask questions.

I mean, cops were even like: we're not going to check hours of tape, can you be more specific... I'm like: use fast forward. They are like: still takes time, we're understaffed this and that. Bike's are pretty low priority I get it, but still. So if they won't do shit maybe they shouldn't complain if someone does it themselves
I just had my 600km 'new' Eleglide M1 which I bought for my kid. They left it outside the entire weekend, I didn't have keys couldn't do shit but checked if the bike was still there constantly and since friday and saturday are the most dangerous ( with it being near a train station, and lots of drunk 'youth' wanting to go home and looking for easy pickings ). Checked sunday evening at 22:00 all was fine. Around 4 in the morning I woke up with this urge to go check... but I told myself it was fine.

This morning I went to check, looked like they moved the bike inside so I was relieved.. until coming closer and seeing one of my bike locks cut in half laying on the ground. So I checked, and they didn't move it inside... spend the entire day riding around the neighborhoods, filed a police report, got the building manager to contact the police since there is a camera aimed straight at the bike parking. But, bike wasn't chipped and doesn't have a frame number etched into it. I have specifics to the bike, but they could switch those and you couldn't tell.

I'm so ffin mad I don't know what to do really, keep not having any success looking ( which is to be expected ) but the moment I get home I feel like I need to be out there looking it's ffin frustrating. Riding around with some hefty bike tools in my backpack I think it might be a good thing I'm not finding some punk riding around on it since my instruct might be to bash his head in and then ask questions.

I mean, cops were even like: we're not going to check hours of tape, can you be more specific... I'm like: use fast forward. They are like: still takes time, we're understaffed this and that. Bike's are pretty low priority I get it, but still. So if they won't do shit maybe they shouldn't complain if someone does it themselves

I despise thieves. I hope you can recover your bike, but the odds are not in your favor.

I lost a Schwinn Traveler to them, twice. It was recovered two nights after it was stolen, and the thief had ruined its stock red paintjob, stripped it down, and haphazardly/carelessly sprayed it black. It got stolen again about 6 months later. That was a good, quality-built bike.

Police are useless to help, and are mostly only there to extort you in the best of circumstances, and also serve to protect the very people who victimized you from any action you might take. This is why I stay armed. I'm a middle aged man, but I look like a teenaged kid, am about 140 lbs, and I'm the wrong skin color for the neighborhood, so any would-be robbers probably think "lunch meat" when they see me. Here's Mr. Spikeball, in case anyone wants some:



Omg.. that sounds like the wild west..

Here's some pics of the general area:

Some pics of a ride around my neighborhood
I'm 140 on a good day... 130 when I'm not really eating. Mr. Spikeball would get me arrested.

Schermafbeelding 2023-08-14 180442.pngSchermafbeelding 2023-08-14 180829.png
It's less scary looking as mr. SpikeBall and the chain whip is more likely to rip some flesh off ten bash someone's head in. But my other cassete holder is pretty hefty, wouldn't want to get hit in the head with it.

Even being out on the street with this isn't really something they like, if you can't claim you got it for it's intended use they can threat it like a weapon ( like all those people I knew growing up who kept a screwdriver hidden in their headset of their Citta's ).

*I'm riding around with an action cam on loop record, so don't worry the chances I'll actually bash someone's head in are quite small. But I will confront him and have him wait till the cops get there, and if he tries to run it's my right to remove his ability to run..

edit: btw, I kind of know the risk I'm taking, there is always a chance the guy/kid has a machete. We don't have a gun culture here, but we're slowly going after the UK with our youth liking to stabby stabby each other and random victims ( had multiple attacks over the past weeks in the cities around here, not here though ). Some cities now have a no knife policy ( so even those which would be legally acceptable ) and the coppers have the right to frisk you on sight.

Thing is those kids don't even know how to use one and I watched a lot of kung fu movies so I should be fine...

But Mr SpikeBall vs a gun, now that's not something I'd even be remotely willing to try my chances with.
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But Mr SpikeBall vs a gun, now that's not something I'd even be remotely willing to try my chances with.
Mr. Spikeball probably wouldn't beat a gun. But I am in a "constitutional carry" state at least. A lot of people around here have guns that are modified to be fully automatic, which isn't exactly legal. But a lot of these laws are stupid/shortsighted/authoritarian nonsense anyway. I'm fortunate I've very rarely needed to ever use a weapon, mostly on packs of stray dogs that roam about looking for a target. A weapon doesn't come out unless there's an intent and necessity to use it.

Also, flamethrowers are legal here. :)
Also, flamethrowers are legal here. :)

How many people walk around with one?

But a lot of these laws are stupid/shortsighted/authoritarian nonsense anyway.

Well, even if we had some bad weeks and quite a lot of stabbings, there were only 3 or 4 shootings in the past weeks. Guess it's not stupid if you're not already flooded with guns. That's the only point I have to concede to those who claim 'owning a gun is my right since I need it to defend against a tyrannical government' which I find pretty funny tbh. You're not stopping any kind of government with your guns, that worked when milititia's had almost equal firepower as a military unit. Good luck with that now. So that whole argument is just moot imho.

Though it's hard to argue a ban on sales, or much much better vetting, would fix the issue now since the illegal gun market is bigger as the legal one afaik.

I still thinking preventing ownership among unstable people is the way to go, and since it's literally impossible to really know who might snap at any one time, let's threat everyone as potentially unstable.

It's true that it's the unstable 'people' who do the shootings, and not the guns on their own. But it's also true those same people do a lot less harm when trying to stabby stabby multiple people then shooting multiple people since the stabby stabby isn't as easy as people think and the shooty shooty is not harder as people think.

edit: food done, no bike on online marketplaces ( yet ) so back out riding around just 'looking'.. not like I can do anything else without my mind going redrum redrum redrum redrum
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About a mile away from here: