e-crazyman controller question


10 W
May 29, 2008
Hi guys just have a quick question.
I have a 36 volt e-crazyman controller like so.

The problem I have is that as soon as i hook up the battery to it, the bike takes off. How do I get it to just power up but let me control when it goes?
I don't have a switch as of yet to turn it on or off I just have it connected directly.

Any input would help thanks.
How did you wire the throttle... the blue line (of the image you posted) is supposed to return between 0-4.7v to the controller for throttle variable input. Sounds to me like you hardwired the throttle somehow or have a broken throttle, your throttle should put out 0v when not spun open.

The wiring should be as follows:

Red = Controller +5v to the throttle Hall Sensor VCC
Black = Controller GND (5v ground) to the throttle Hall Sensor GND
Blue = From Throttle to Controller, 0v at no throttle, 4.7v at Wide Open Throttle.

If this doesn't match your controller or situation, take a pic of your controller -> Throttle harness + controller and I will see if I can assist you in resolving this.

I will have a look at it again when I get home. I had forgetten about the throttle.
Thanks. =)
ok I have been at this for a while. Seems to be a problem with the throttle. As soon as I connect it, it just goes. Would it make a difference if I am using the original controller from an Izip 24v? Then running it with 36 volt battery? I tested to the voltage coming out to the throttle and its at 5.4 volts.




does the voltage on the throttle return line change as you open the throttle or does it just stay above 5v?

If it stays above 5v or just ON/OFF with voltmeter (send +5v up red, GND on black and test the return line off the eBike) then your throttle is TOAST and just needs to be replaced. On your setup it looks like blue is your return line so... find a 5v power supply (or make one with an LM7805 and a 9v battery - 2.99 @ radio shack) and off the eBike power the red and black. Then tie your VM to the ground (black) and the red tester to the blue line... now twist the throttle, you should see 0v at start position (closed) and up to +5v on WOT (wide open throttle) but...

After seeing your half throttle + battery level indicator I can tell you that in my experience those type of throttles just don't hold up to use. I had one on my ESR 750 EX and that puppy shorted out and went bad within 4 months... I just removed the battery indicator portion of the circuit and filled with silicone... prob. soved.

If your desperate... you could make a throttle with a 5-10K potentiometer if you search around the net you will find dozens of throttle schematics (very simple mostly) which use anything from a hall sensor (as yours should) to a pot. I have done this method before, it's ugly but works well enough for simple testing / riding.

The iZip controller may work but... I would not recommend it (that doesn't mean don't try, just that I don't know).

That controller you have must be ancient based on the design (pics).

You could just order one of the Infineon 36-48v controllers from dozens of people (methods, e-bikekit.com, e-bikes.ca and such) or even just order a new throttle but... considering all the advances we have made with the Infineon controllers (6-18fet) I would suggest a new Controller + Throttle would be your best bet (just alter wiring harnesses to fit and it should be plug and play).

Hope it helps!
Thanks mwkeefer. I am leaning more to it being the throttle. As soon as I plug it in it just goes, I switched all the wires around trying to see if that was the problem but it didn't make a difference. Going to go get a throttle tomorrow and will try again.

Try this... cut the connections from the throttle... RED, BLACK and BLUE.... THen feed the RED line back into the blue with either a push button momentary switch or a 10K Pot with a center wiper tap. That will hepl you to rule out the throttle as the issue (or confirm it)... by sending blue and RED together, your signaling that the throttle should be wide open, using a pot (with optional no, push button - for testing) you can configure the pot for the right range of motion or power and simply push a tactile switch to engage the power...

Again not pretty but it will resolve the throttle issue...

PS where did that throttle come from? I like the inner grip / half throttle for my specialized (hopefulyl without the LEDs for battery charge specs.

Bought a new throttle is having the same issue. I think there is something wrong inside the controller. I am just gonna take it to a shop and get them to fix it.
I am not very good with electronics and this is becoming more frustrating.
Thanks for the help guys.
One last idea.. have you tried to power up with the throttle disconnected? Just not wired in?

If so does the wheel still spin?

If youve tried this and the bike doesn't start right off then it's not the controller (most likely) it's the throttle type / range... I know the infineon wants to see 4.7v maximum (you had measured 5.2 I recall)... Are you overvolting terribly (more than 10v) that could explain the slight rise in the 5v line but... well u get the idea, just unplug the throttle and see what happens.


PS: Don't give up and honestly unless its the dealer or a friend fixing the controller (if it's broken) then ... I woudl just order one of the newer infineon controllers... they use a chinese knock off microcontroller (the 116 or somthing) but their configuration software is leaps and bounds beyond Parameter Designer.
Yeah I tried unsuccessfully. When the throttle is unplugged it doesnt go. The second I plug it in thats when it goes full tilt. I took it in to the bike shop that did the repairs on my bike from last years accident. They are pretty good. Besides gives me an excuse to ride the Zero S bike that they just got in.