

1 kW
Apr 26, 2011
Seoul, Korea

i say give it a month and one of our guys here can hook this up to lipo and get it hovering pretty easily...
Or in other words, that's what 100lbs of thrust might feel like.

I'd hover that.
I would hover her over me for hours. :)

That contraption with a 9C and a handful of nano-tech packs would likely fly you to work silently.
Only problem would be landing the thing... that contraption is massive. Those blades looked to only be doing about 40-50rpm, i bet you could wire up 4 RC motors and reductions and get that thing in the air on a few AH of Lipo :)
That's only a question of power density. A brushless motor and some lipos has much higher power density than a human, even a small girl like in the video.

I built something similar (but a lot smaller) a couple of months ago:

If you could get something that small to take of, the one in the first video should be easy.

I have had a thought that such a thing with eight arms and Turnigy 80-100 motors should be able to lift around 250 kg of aluminum frame, pilot and batteries. Doable, but i would never strap myself to such a thing!!! Propellers are dangerous stuff, the small ones on the one in my youtube video managed to chop my hand up pretty bad when I wasn't careful. I was lucky that the tendons lifting two of my fingers wasn't cut off. At least i know how they looked like by now.


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LHelge said:
I have had a thought that such a thing with eight arms and Turnigy 80-100 motors should be able to lift around 250 kg of aluminum frame, pilot and batteries. Doable, but i would never strap myself to such a thing!!!
But if you want to get rid of your idiotic boss...
Dilbert07132011-800.jpg Props to Scott Adams.
What were they using for power transmission? Looked like string..

I've cut tendons in my hand, that one cost me a pretty penny to fix.
gives new meaning to the term "sit and spin", pretty useless, but i will say that a little bit of lycra, on the right body, can be a good thing.

if you wanna see real human powered flight, check out the gossamer albatross and it's decendants, the daedalus and the condor.
gotta love ground effect. if they cant hover 4 inches of the ground for more than a few seconds they have no prayers chance of getting 10 feet off the ground.
I just built this tricopter two weeks ago, super stable and fun to fly.
Aussie Jester did a quick vid with a spy cam, excuse the quality.


This is where I got the design and the flight controller from.
1000w said:
I just built this tricopter two weeks ago, super stable and fun to fly.
Aussie Jester did a quick vid with a spy cam, excuse the quality.


This is where I got the design and the flight controller from.

^^ Matts chopper roxz its sooooo stable the perfect filming platform, we need
to get some Arial shots of e-bikes in acttion Matt, and i remebered the PERFECT spot
too, theres an access road along the side of the local footy oval funnily enough yeeeears
ago it used to have a REALLY higth tower on it that the firemen would use for training (Matts a fireman
for the noobies that arent already aware LoL) next ride day perhaps! I'm up to
speed on the sim now, wouldn't mind a small fly out middle of the oval haha...
