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Love the Baserunner, suggested improvements

Alex W

10 W
Feb 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
I installed a Grin Baserunner on my commuter bike this weekend to replace a blown up Infineon 15A controller. The difference is amazing. The rest of the system: MG311 hub, 2x LiGo batteries, Thun BB, CAv3.

Setup took me a little longer than I thought. Autotune didn't work for me initially, I had to change the startup parameters to avoid faults. I wish the manual went into a bit more detail on why I'd select hall vs sensorless running. It also doesn't list the MG311 pole count, I had to look that up elsewhere.

I didn't realize how big of a difference the silence would make. The system was already pretty quiet, but the Baserunner makes it completely silent. It really brings back one of the joys of riding a regular bicycle, which is hearing the world around you.

It feels like torque is up a bit, but this could just be the joy of the silence.

Build quality is great (like all Grin products).

Being able to overdrive the motor speed is fun. I got about 25% extra speed out of it easily. I'll probably turn this off in practice because I tend to do most of my riding in the 30-33kph range, which was the top end of my hub previously. Only using e-assist while accelerating and climbing was one of the things that allowed me to get great battery life. Having assist up to 40+kph will cause me to use a lot more battery capacity.

Suggestions: It would be great if a version was sold for use with the LiGo. These two products are really a good match. It would be simple, just sell it with Anderson connectors instead of the battery box connector, and maybe put a power switch into the case as well. I think this is just a packaging change, the core controller would be identical.

My dream Grin product is a Baserunner with the CAv3 smarts integrated so that my torque sensing BB, battery and hub all plug into one device. The handlebar mounted display could then be a lot smaller and just have 4 buttons -- the two existing CAv3 ones, and 2 buttons for AUX adjustment. This would really clean up installation and bike wiring.
I have two bikes with the Base Runner now, and one uses a Hailong battery case. It works great and cleaned up the installation.

A standalone version would be nice too.
I know for the Phaserunner (up to 90V + 45Acont) you can install it onto an aluminum heat sink to help cool it.
Perhaps you can do the same with the Baserunner (60V + 35Acont).
Looking at it on their website, https://www.ebikes.ca/shop/electric-bicycle-parts/controllers/baserunner.html, it looks like a really great product for 2 canuck bills aka Robert Borden's.

Not much for search results

Love the Baserunner, suggested improvements
Yes, you can pull the Baserunner out of it's carrier and mount it differently. It mounts with 4 M3 screws and so you can make a different aluminum heatsink for a custom mounting. I plan on doing this soon with my regular bike.

A downside is that the Baserunner has very short power cables (they need to be to fit into the battery sled) and only comes with low friction battery connectors. It would be nice to order it at least with Andersons or XT90 connectors for standalone installations. The short power cables and potted design mean there is some risk in changing the stock connector.
I just bought a Baserunner. I wish I hadn't.

Because of the issue where the Hall info does not pass through the Baserunner to the Cycle Analyst, (which I was assured would work when I bought the two together), or the ill conceived lack of a connection for the thermistor, requiring inelegant bodgery to get a temp forward to the CA?

That's part of it. Mostly though, because it was a complete waste of my time and money. It was the wrong unit.

I didn't know the right one existed. Grin did though. From their website yesterday.

Grin Baserunner_L10, - Flat Field-Oriented Waterproof Motor Controller for Battery Enclosures with L1019 Motor Plug and New 8Pin CA-WP Plug. 80A Peak Phase Currents (~45-50A Continuous).

As opposed to the Shtrunner, they sold me, with 55A Peak Phase Currents (~30-35A Continuous), and wiring that is fkd up like a home made radio. No spiffy New 8Pin CA-WP Plug for me.

The status of the new unit is " Availability: Out of stock - Backorder Available". So, maybe I'm not Grin's largest customer. I had only spent about $1000 there over the last 3 years before this purchase.

There was nothing on the blog, No "coming soon" nope, just Out of stock - Backorder Available. Meaning, there was stock, and I never even had an opportunity to pay full price for a new proper one, those got sold to the "valuable customers" apparently. I'll have to remain in limbo for that privilege.

No wonder it's called Grin. Get your lowly non-corporate customers to pay for the privilege of being your Beta Testers. The Bill Gates model for success. Grin goes one better, they then market the now usable product to the deep pocket buyers. I get to pay nearly double by the time I get proper one. I might be able to recover a small amount by selling the "old" Shtrunner. I'd feel guilty asking much more than $75 for it.

I suppose Grin must feel I received extra value, because now, I get the joy of completely tearing down, and re-wiring my bike/motor yet again. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!! :evil: :x

And now they are seeking investors, sorry, Grinvestors (honest).


See, its an actual thing.

"Here is our one caveat; if you don't already know and trust us with our word or would need additional legal documentation then this isn't for you."

Now, that IS worth a Grin! :lol:

Maybe they'll be a firmware release opening up the Shtrunner.

Where the hell are the Chinese cloners when you need them?

Perhaps the funniest part, is that as a Canadian, I already have been paying for these products.

Our government recently handed over nearly a million.


If you didn't know, Accelerated Systems is the actual creator of the Phase/Base/ShtRunner. It gets better and better.
They must have really told you off when you asked them to swap out for the unit you really needed, to make you feel like that. :/

OneBadWolf said:
I just bought a Baserunner. I wish I hadn't.

Because of the issue where the Hall info does not pass through the Baserunner to the Cycle Analyst, (which I was assured would work when I bought the two together), or the ill conceived lack of a connection for the thermistor, requiring inelegant bodgery to get a temp forward to the CA?

That's part of it. Mostly though, because it was a complete waste of my time and money. It was the wrong unit.

I didn't know the right one existed. Grin did though. From their website yesterday.

Grin Baserunner_L10, - Flat Field-Oriented Waterproof Motor Controller for Battery Enclosures with L1019 Motor Plug and New 8Pin CA-WP Plug. 80A Peak Phase Currents (~45-50A Continuous).

As opposed to the Shtrunner, they sold me, with 55A Peak Phase Currents (~30-35A Continuous), and wiring that is fkd up like a home made radio. No spiffy New 8Pin CA-WP Plug for me.

The status of the new unit is " Availability: Out of stock - Backorder Available". So, maybe I'm not Grin's largest customer. I had only spent about $1000 there over the last 3 years before this purchase.

There was nothing on the blog, No "coming soon" nope, just Out of stock - Backorder Available. Meaning, there was stock, and I never even had an opportunity to pay full price for a new proper one, those got sold to the "valuable customers" apparently. I'll have to remain in limbo for that privilege.

No wonder it's called Grin. Get your lowly non-corporate customers to pay for the privilege of being your Beta Testers. The Bill Gates model for success. Grin goes one better, they then market the now usable product to the deep pocket buyers. I get to pay nearly double by the time I get proper one. I might be able to recover a small amount by selling the "old" Shtrunner. I'd feel guilty asking much more than $75 for it.

I suppose Grin must feel I received extra value, because now, I get the joy of completely tearing down, and re-wiring my bike/motor yet again. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!! :evil: :x

And now they are seeking investors, sorry, Grinvestors (honest).


See, its an actual thing.

"Here is our one caveat; if you don't already know and trust us with our word or would need additional legal documentation then this isn't for you."

Now, that IS worth a Grin! :lol:

Maybe they'll be a firmware release opening up the Shtrunner.

Where the hell are the Chinese cloners when you need them?
amberwolf said:
They must have really told you off when you asked them to swap out for the unit you really needed, to make you feel like that. :/

You cannot ask them anything.

Store Closed for Renovation, Sep 10th - Nov 30th
September 9, 2019 6:03:03 AM PDT

When I did ask over the phone, just before purchasing and about a week before their renovations, there was no mention made of the new unit, it just appeared on the website a few days ago. after the closing.

I'm sure there are people that have no need for the increased capabilities of the new unit, and the older units could be sold to them, after announcing the new, more capable units, which are $70 more money. I had been struggling with the decision between the Baserunner, which was at the minimum end of what I needed, but could not justify the size and extra expense of the Phaserunner. I would have happily paid more for the more capable version of the Baserunner, which is $70 more. $70 being considerably less than the $390 for the Phaserunner, or the $295 it is going to cost me now for the up-rated Baserunner. I also wouldn't have had to rebuild my bike twice.

I don't believe that a new version of this controller was created (and sold out) in the 2 to 3 weeks since I bought mine. With other products, they announce the coming arrival of the new product, and then sell the remaining stock of the original item at a discount until supplies are gone.

If I'd bought the product a year ago, and a new version became available, it would be a bummer, but understandable. The Baserunner has not even been out for a full year yet, it being announced:


New Things for a New Year
January 1, 2019 5:23:00 AM PST

We are currently producing them in a limited volume for pilot sales to early adopters to purchase either alone or with a G31X kit, and expect to have them in full production in 2-3 months.

By my math, 3 months is April. And it was announced as a "limited volume" pilot for early adopters.

When I purchased mine in late September it was not, and is not now described as a beta or pre-production unit, which I now believe from the above, and subsequent release of the latest one, it apparently was.

I've been a early adopter/beta tester for quite a variety of products. If we wish to discuss "pilot programs" I have flown prototype experimental aircraft, and conducted evaluations and flight tests of various repairs, aviation related systems, modifications and components. I was also a Transport Canada trained Aviation Safety Officer. Or as some of my friends refer to me, a real ASO. :wink:

My age will show now, when I tell you I' ve beta tested software spanning the pre-release of ICQ and Pow-Wow (two of the first internet messaging/social media platforms) to Bitcoin.

The following is conjecture on my part, but I think it likely that Grin wanted to conduct evaluations of the Baserunner, which is ethical, if not obligatory. After all, this product is intended to be a component in a system that is supposed to transport a human being at velocitys which could conceivably result in serious injury or worse. Not just to the operator, but the intended use encompasses operation on public streets, with motorists, and pedestrians. A random bit of code that results in a stuck wide open throttle, won't necessarily just result in an unfortunate "unscheduled rapid disassembly event".

I honestly don't know if there are any regulations or standards concerning EV components. I chose a controller from a Canadian company, with the belief that it must have gone through rigorous tests, :wink: at least compared to a Ali Express silver box which is a fraction of the price. I would however, like to know if I'm the guinea pig, and not be financially punished for being on the sharp end.

I find it difficult to believe that my controller wasn't a pre-production unit. I suppose if after initial stocks are depleted, if it should turn out that the lower spec unit I was sold is reordered, and remains in inventory, then perhaps I'm wrong. I think that would be a poor business decision though. The new unit is more capable, and even if it's capacity is not required, it may be later, and it would have greater value if sold used, and appeal to a wider group of buyers.

Even if the lower specd unit is still listed, it only stands to reason, that it will actually be the same hardware as the new controller, just hobbled in the firmware. Why go for the extra expense of producing two different units, when a couple digits of code will do the job? I wouldn't be surprised if that is not already the case. I certainly intend on exploring that possibility before purchasing a replacement. :p The limitations might be buried in epoxy, but perhaps not. Maybe a little disassembly, not the hardware sort, will prove worthwhile. My router runs DDT-WRT, a different much more capable firmware than Linksys ever devised, and a 200% increase in TX power (Had to add fans) and I was involved with Rockbox, which replaced the Apple OS on Ipods/nanos etc. Even after Apple got all poo faced, and locked uh. attempted to lock their bootloader, we were watching video on the first Nano's, and no I tunes needed at all. it took Apple years to catch up. I run Linux on my Android, I never have any annoying ads, or unwanted/needed OTA updates popping up. There are no guarantees, only possibilities.

I wasn't looking for a new project though when I bought the Baserunner, I just wanted to improve my bike.
I have no ambitions toward being some rabid eco-mental-ist EV messiah, nothing against those who do, and good for them being able to earn a living at it. So long as it's done fairly, and ethically. I already subsidize that economic sector, whether I want to or not with my taxes. Greed sucks. I find my plate full, just trying to avoid being smooshed by cars. Much less my karma.

Thus endeth the rant.
OneBadWolf said:
You cannot ask them anything.

Drop-In Store Closed for Renovation, Sep 10th - Nov 30th
September 9, 2019 6:03:03 AM PDT

"Well it's been another huge and busy summer, and now that it's mostly wrapping up we're planning to spend the next several months on some deep reorganization and renovation of our shop space. During this time we will operate in business-as-usual for all our online orders and email tech support. However, the storefront will be closed to casual walk-in visits except by appointment only, and our phone may unresponsive for long stretches of times too."

Grin's email support is fantastic and punctual, and I've been in regular contact with them after the closing of their drop-in store. Is it their fault that you didn't even try to contact them via the recommended avenue?

I do agree that it's frustrating when they release a new product unannounced, but they do that all the time. The Baserunner_L10 isn't special in that regard. When Grin has a new product ready for market, they put it out there. Until it's ready, they seem to consistently say nothing unless they want 'open beta' type feedback. It's not the best, but there's no point being salty that they're constantly improving their products. That's a counter-productive attitude, in my opinion.

Regarding the difference in phase amp settings between the other currently available Baserunners and the L10: The other versions use a HiGo Z910 motor cable, which has serious phase amp limitations, but is nonetheless a popular choice for smaller motors like the Bafang G310. Now, I don't know if that 55A limitation is strictly enforced in software/hardware on the current units, and I can't speak to the original Baserunner (Wayback Machine didn't grab that page), but running 80 phase amps through a Z910 cable would be a pretty bad idea.
OneBadWolf said:
amberwolf said:
They must have really told you off when you asked them to swap out for the unit you really needed, to make you feel like that. :/

You cannot ask them anything.
Mmm...there's other ways to ask them questions (email, etc) even if you can't walk in or get them on the phone easily, so I wonder why you haven't tried to ask them to swap out the original version that doesnt' do what you want, for the newer version that does do what you want (assuming it does)?

I know there are people that only like to talk directly to others (whcih I don't always like to do), and other people (like me) that prefer text types of cotnact (email, snail mail) (in my case because the entire conversation is preserved for reference, and I cna include as much detail as I need to when asking questions, and the answerer can simply look thru the whole "document" for anything they need to know about my needs, rather than us having to go bakc and forth and bakc and forth for potentially hours on the phone or whatever); dunno if that has anything to do with this issue?

I can't speak for Grin (or any other company) for why they didn't tell you about a new product coming out when you bought the old one; I myself was a bit miffed almost 7 years ago when I ordered a new controller and stuff for CrazyBike2 that they didnt' tell me I could wait just a little bit and get one that had some better features for what was probably the same price (don't remember). When I saw the announcement about the new stuff I think while i was actually waiting for what I ordered to arrive, or maybe shortly after it got here, I kinda felt let down, but I've had that happen with numerous companies and people over the decades (including companies I beta tested for back in the 90s). Guess I'm just used to it.

Doesnt' mean that the way you feel is wrong, just that you do have the option of contacting them about an "upgrade" (no idea whether they'd do it, but cant' see why not).
Life is a series of missed opportunities.

If you had contacted Eric, he likely would have paid you the needed amount for writing the post that you did.

Or maybe you already know this.
OneBadWolf said:
. . . I think it likely that Grin wanted to conduct evaluations of the Baserunner, which is ethical, if not obligatory. After all, this product is intended to be a component in a system that is supposed to transport a human being at velocitys which could conceivably result in serious injury or worse. Not just to the operator, but the intended use encompasses operation on public streets, with motorists, and pedestrians.
Dude, it's a bicycle.
amberwolf said:
I myself was a bit miffed almost 7 years ago when I ordered a new controller and stuff for CrazyBike2 that they didnt' tell me I could wait just a little bit and get one that had some better features for what was probably the same price.
isn't that the american way?
sell you the same thing over & over with nothing but a reskin such as cars for one example.
were you equally miffed with all the minor incremental speed enhancements to cd/dvd burners?
OneBadWolf said:
If you didn't know, Accelerated Systems is the actual creator of the Phase/Base/ShtRunner. It gets better and better.
anyone capable of reading 'ASI' in the title to this thread would already know that.
it can't get any better or clearer than that???
OneBadWolf said:
I honestly don't know if there are any regulations or standards concerning EV components
i honestly don't know how true this is but numerous times have been told that in canada at least a manufacturer is under no legal obligation to even provide a warranty.
it sux getting stuck with an older version but the logical consequence of what you're saying is the manufacturer never develop anything new to keep you happy.
the china cloners don't spend on improvements & will only ever equal.
it's not greed when a business sells you something that works as advertised.
billvon wrote:

Dude, it's a bicycle.

An astute observation. Another legalization success story. Good for you. Is it the number of wheels that cinched that one for you?

While we are on the subject of numbers, if you feel up to it Humperdoo, which of these are larger?

3.4849 X 10 to the 3rd



Let me make it easier...

3.4849 X 10 to the 3rd = 3484.90000000000009094947 which may also be expressed as 3485



So, what is the relevance? Well, 3485, Dude! it's a bicycle! More accurately a representation of the energy in foot pounds of a 300 pound bike and rider combination at 30 kph.

1227? Well, that is the amount of foot pounds of energy at the muzzle of a 4.875" barrelled .44 magnum revolver.

I know, I know, flawed comparison. Can't put a thing past you! You are correct, there IS only one wheel on a revolver... :lol:
Ok, run along now, your care-er will be worried. Nice kid.


The erudite Toorbough ULL-Zeveigh wrote:

i honestly don't know how true this is but numerous times have been told that in canada at least a manufacturer is under no legal obligation to even provide a warranty.

Absolutely true. As most "Murricans" know, we are far too busy gorging on back bacon, and wrestling the polar bears that stray in to our shopping malls and schools to be bothered with such trivial and mundane matters.
(sarcasm self-tests completed. Check!)

My learned friend, the enlightened Toorbough ULL-Zeveigh wrote:

"the logical consequence of what you're saying is the manufacturer never develop anything new to keep you happy."

I was going to point out the disingenuousness inherent in what you wrote, obviously, ignoring what I previously explained about how this issue was prevented in the past, when I realized that I am trying to have an intelligent discourse, with somebody incapable of basic grammar, or even capitalization. Mea culpa. That would be like pistol whipping a blind man. I won't do it. I'm not that sort of person.

Good luck to you Sir. Perhaps you can find somebody to read from Neurological journals about plasticity of neural networks in the brain, while you sleep. I understand it has been beneficial in some cases.

Wear helmets kids.
grin is closed for renovations but you can buy by appointment. I did, I ordered online then went to the store to pay and pick it up. I bought a phaserunner but before buying the phaserunner I was emailing back and forth about the phaserunner or baserunner. everyone was really good and im a nobody. every time ive emailed them for help they help. I just posted on ES a question, I was going to just email grin and they would respond but I actually feel guilty like im harassing them so I didn't.
Cant help but think Big Bad Wolf? just burned a bridge to a valuable resource that used to be a bike ride away.

also didn't Justin do something to save? endless-sphere?
Just to clarify one bad wolf, are your complaints about the baserunner mainly the dodgy wiring harness, not enough current output, lack of temp monitoring, and a hall sensor issue (is the phaserunner affected by this hall issue)?

I like the look of the female plugs built into the phase runner, instead of wires coming out.

Is there a way to run a phase runner PAS without the big ugly expensive CA3?

But there's nothing commercially available to do it.

You have to design and build something (arduino?) to convert the PAS pulses into a throttle voltage, in a ratio that works for your application. That would be fairly simple. More complex if you need a torque sensor control.

As far as the size/look of the CA3, you can put the CA itself inside a seatbag, battery bag / case, etc., if you have one on the bike. Doesn't fix the price, though. ;)
goatman said:
Cant help but think Big Bad Wolf? just burned a bridge to a valuable resource that used to be a bike ride away.

also didn't Justin do something to save? endless-sphere?

Neither I, or my minions, or the Hastings St. junkies they may or may not have hired have burned anything. I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. They can't prove a thing. The Lion's Gate stands.

A bike ride away? I suppose so. 1,159.5 km is no problem, after all, I have an electric bike. I've been meaning to convert an alternator powered by a combustion engine to recharge the batterys on the fly. I have not found a suitably annoying 2 stroke engine to power it yet. I've found some with acceptably high noise levels, but I've been holding out for something that will produce continuous blue smoke, without fouling the plugs.Perhaps I've been too picky.

Adding the tech from the link above would be an improvement :D Sensorless from Standstill with full torque, no more hall sensors !
How warm does your Baserunner get?

I am thinking about buying one for my ebike, and I'd really like to be able to push as many amps as it can put out. Gonna build my own Hailong case battery with a good quality 2-wire BMS, and 13S5P of MJ1s.